Appreciation Poems
Use the words in these appreciation poems to help express your thanks for people and things in your life.
A Day Will Come
Poet: Julie Hebert, © 2012
A day will come in every life,
When appreciation is rendered.
And this should be taken seriously,
And given with love and tender.
Anyone who deserves appreciation,
Must have done something great.
So share with them the way you feel,
And always treat them right.
But keep in mind that appreciation,
Should be given again and again.
If you truly appreciate,
You’ll remind them how great they’ve been.
Do something special to thank the ones,
Who’ve made a difference to you.
But don’t forget to thank them again,
For everything they do.
“Look around you and be thankful
for what you have, appreciate life.”
Catherine Pulsifer
Appreciation Quotes, Sayings, Messages
Your Smile
Poet: Julie Hebert, © 2012
Your smile lights my way through life,
And keeps me warm inside.
It reminds me that people are good,
Especially when their snide.
Your smile helps me though each day,
Knowing I’ll soon see if again.
It even makes me want to smile,
Even when I’m in pain.
Your smile can take my moods away,
And help me to see it another way.
It reminds me not too take things so hard,
And so seriously every day.
Your smile I am so very thankful,
And moreso, for you as well.
You always know just what to say,
And never let me dwell.
So thank you so much for all your smiles,
And for loving me each day.
Life can be very tough but thankfully,
I’ve got you to help shine my way.
How Lovely Are The Old
Poet: Wilhelmina Stitch
How lovely are the old whose years add grace;
Whose years are special gems for their adorning;
Who wear their age a beauty wears fine lace;
Who are as evening’s peace to youths’ bright morning.
How lovely are the old who are as strings
Of some rare, perfect instrument;
Who make sweet harmony the while life sings,
Playing the measure of a sweet content.
How lovely is the gratitude that flows
From hearts grown tender with the passing years
Tto those who serve with love until life’s close,
With love that heals sharp pain and dries hot tears.
How lovely are the old when they relate
The things they did and thought long, long ago.
From them we learn to laugh at hostile fate.
We draw fresh courage from their spirit’s glow.
How lovely are the old who string their days
On memory’s entrancing golden thread;
Whose words are like a daily song of praise
For what is past and what still lies ahead.
Keep Them Close
Poet Unkown
(thanks to Mary Jane for submitting)
One day a mother died.
And on that clear, cold morning,
in the warmth of her bedroom,
the daughter was struck with
the pain of learning that sometimes
there isn’t any more.
No more hugs, no more lucky moments to celebrate together,
no more phone calls just to chat, no more “just one minute.”
Sometimes, what we care about the most goes away,
never to return before we can say goodbye, say “I Love You.”
So while we have it – it’s best we love it .
And care for it and fix it when it’s broken
and take good care of it when it’s sick.
This is true for marriage – and friendships!
And children with bad report cards;
and dogs with bad hips;
and aging parents and grandparents.
We keep them because they are worth it,
because we cherish them!
Some things we keep –
like a best friend who moved away
or a classmate we grew up with.
There are just some things that
make us happy, no matter what.
Life is important, and so are the people we know.
And so, keep them close!
Excerpt from “Feeling Your Way Through Life”
David DeNotaris
Enjoy whats around you, and use all your senses.
Appreciate the white, puffy clouds in the sky;
some people can’t see them.
Appreciate the sounds of the birds singing;
some people can’t hear them.
Appreciate the sweet fragrance of a rain shower or a blooming flower;
some people can’t smell them.
Appreciate the food you eat;
some people don’t have it or cannot taste it.
I believe that gratitude can change our attitude.
Past It On
Poet: Julie Hebert, © 2018
To thank someone as kind as you,
Would take a lot of thought.
But thankfully I’ve come to find,
You’re not in need of a lot.
You don’t like presents or anything new,
You don’t even need a card.
You prefer your appreciations to be something of helpfulness,
For someone else’s regard.
Your belief is great that someone else should benefit,
From a deed well done.
With this I can see how great you have been,
To always be helping someone.
So here we are to give our thanks,
To someone we are grateful for.
May you receive everything you deserve,
We hope and pray you get much more.
Appreciation Poems Page 2
– The Happiness You Give
– I’m Glad To Have Met You
– You Saved My Life
Appreciation Poems Page 3
– A Day Of Thanksgiving
– Don’t Take It For Granted
Appreciation Poems Page 4
– The Breath of Spring. . .
– Shadows
– Count your blessings. . .
– When Sunlight Finds In Rain . . .
– Lines on Rain
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