Appreciation Quotes Page 5
“We ought not to have to wait for sorrow before we can appreciate the sweetness of joy.” J. R. Miller
Joy |
Good habits must be appreciated and success should be celebrated. Edward Kelly, Getting Things Done the David Allen Way
Success |
It is never wrong to send a thank you note, in addition to your verbal appreciation. Sharon Paskoff, Easy Eloquence: Sample Thank You Notes and Sympathy Cards For Every Occasion
Thanksgiving |
What Steve Jobs urged in his speech is that we all come to terms with our own mortality now so that we can really appreciate and make the most of our lives. Mark Patterson, Steve Jobs: 7 Top Life and Business Lessons of Steve Jobs for Unlimited Success
Death |
A little is as much as a lot, if it is enough.” Steve Brown
Positive Thinking |
“I don’t know a more dignified and effective workforce than one operating from a position of worth, integrity, and confidence, as well as one that excels in language of appreciation.” Tan Sri Francis Yeoh
Confidence |
“To empower an organization, you have to empower its people. To empower people, leaders have to demonstrate appreciation in ways that maximize the impact for each individual.” George W. Hester
Leadership |
“Life is the best thing ever happened to you and you need therefore to appreciate it since life even in all its seasons is still worthy of your appreciation.” Nicole Gopher Mampuya, The Appreciation: How and why life needs to be appreciated in all its seasons?
Quotes about Life
“But the number one factor in job satisfaction is not the amount of pay but whether or not the individual feels appreciated and valued for the work they do.” Gary D. Chapman; Paul E. White, The 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace: Empowering Organizations by Encouraging People
Work |
“It’s been my experience that people really appreciate it when you take the time to send them a card or a personal note.” Dave Polstra
Experience |
“The difference between appreciation and flattery? That is simple. One is sincere and the other insincere. One comes from the heart out; the other from the teeth out. One is unselfish; the other selfish. One is universally admired; the other universally condemned.” Dale Carnegie, How to Win Friends and Influence People
Famous |
“I consider my ability to arouse enthusiasm among my people, the greatest asset I possess, and the way to develop the best that is in a person is by appreciation and encouragement.” Charles Schwab
Words of Encouragement |
“Our life becomes happier when we learn to appreciate all that we have rather than letting our focus be on what we do not have.” Catherine Pulsifer
Happy |
“Hug a friend with a thinking-of-you card. Send a thinking-of-you email or a thank-you note to someone who did something nice for you days, weeks, even years ago.” David DeNotaris
Friend |
“Treat everyone on the organization with respect and dignity whether it be the janitor or the president.” Richard A. Moran, Never Confuse a Memo with Reality
The Paradox Of Life |
“If the conscious mind is always occupied with getting more, it’s impossible for the subconscious mind to truly savor what you’ve already attained.” Greg Henry Quinn
Achievement |
“We must treasure the simplicities in life such as the breath we are able to draw, the touch of our child’s hand, the warmth of affection from thoseclose to us.” Shadonna Richards, RN, Think and Be Happy
Simplicity |
“Be thankful for every day. Learn from mistakes. Don’t dwell on regrets. Forgive with love. Gain strength from every struggle.” Nicky Gumbel
“Show your love for your partner by making them feel appreciated and show that you love them fully and don’t find them any less attractive than when you first met.” Lesley Harriot, How To Have Successful Relationships
Love |
“Too many times we get so caught up in moving forward we forget to appreciate where we are and what we have.” Shaddona Richards
Time |
We tend to forget that happiness doesn’t come as a result of getting something we don’t have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have. Friedrich Koenig
Happiness |
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