Music Quotes Page 2

Music Quotes Page 2

Music is one good way to know the character of a people. Michael Shaw, Ireland’s Beautiful Places

The title of the song, “Forever Young”, and the messages in the song reflect the thoughts of a parent, no matter how old a child is, to a parent the child will always be forever young. Catherine Pulsifer, Forever Young

Let us not get so busy or live so fast that we can’t listen to the music of the meadow or the symphony that glorifies the forest. Some things in the world are far more important than wealth; one of them is the ability to enjoy simple things. Dale Carnegie

If music isn’t a creature comfort, I don’t know what is. Music has been a major part of my salvation at every downturn. There is music to cheer you up, music to help you cry it out of your system, and music to make you think of specific happier things. Cynthia MacGregor, The Comfort Zone
Comfort Zone

Music is by far the most wonderful methods we have to remind us each day of the power of personal accomplishment. Chris S. Salazar, Living A More Positive Life

But he then his passion for music took over. While he had his ups and downs, worked with different bands, he had a desire to create his own music. But it was a music that was unlike others.Yanni in Words

Worship in the form of music has a beautiful sound to God. The Bible states this many times. So open not only your heart to God but sing songs of praise to Him.Catherine Pulsifer

If music be the food of love, play on. Shakespeare

Listening to your favourite music or listening to something calming and relaxing can help you to unwind after a difficult day, or after a particularly bad marketing meeting.Rebecca Turner, The Stress Cure

Music is a language that soothes the heart, and is certainly a good method of taking your focus away from your frustrations.Melinda Bauer, Managing Emotions

Listen to uplifting tracks, and songs about success – and you can’t help but want to work harder!AJ Winters, The Motivation Switch

Music could be considered food for the soul; it can relax, motivate and put you in a positive frame of mind.Catherine Pulsifer
Positive Attitude

I believe the music we hear at Christmas can be a powerful tool used to soften our hearts toward God, preparing us for what He might choose to reveal during our time spent with Him.Christine Trevino, Experience Christmas

In today’s world of constant technological changes and innovations, shifting income streams, global concentration of the record and music publishing businesses, the importance of social networking sites, and the changing distribution of music models, it is more important than ever that the songwriter, composer, music publisher, recording artist, and record company have the practical, business, and legal knowledge necessary to succeed and exist in the music business. Jeffrey Brabec; Todd Brabec, Music Money and Success

No kid could have had more encouragement than I received from my teacher and uncle with my mother cheering me on… he was amazed how quickly I learned, that I devoured music and could play pieces all the way through the first time I saw them. Artie Kane; Marian Blue; JoAnn Kane, Music to My Years
Encouraging Poems

A New generation is teaching us a great deal about friendship. If one listens carefully to rap and hip-hop music, it is, like music from the beginning of time, all about love, its power and its problems. Alan Loy Mcginnis, Friendship Factor

I can tell you from experience that there is nothing more satisfying than hearing what you can’t quite put into words brought to life by a choice offered up by a skilled music supervisor. I have seen movies completely transformed by finding the perfect piece of music to accompany a sequence. That is because music and sound provide a backdrop and context. They elicit an emotional response that affects the viewing experience dramatically. Ramsay Adams; David Hnatiuk; David Weiss, Music Supervision

But why should we read these poems aloud? Like a musical score, written but meant to be played by an instrument, poems are meant to be spoken – especially these, which were written in eras where literacy rates were much lower and e-readers hadn’t been invented. Rebecca Hunter; 14 Classic Love Poems to Read Aloud
Valentine Quotes

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