Changing Lifestyles
Author: Catherine Pulsifer, © 2003
We stood in the kitchen talking. I was discussing my upcoming change in lifestyle. I was excited yet hesitant as I talked about it.
A Goal Set Years Ago
We set a goal many years ago to change our lifestyle from one of the hectic city life, working to pay the bills
.. to one of a slower country pace, working on our “wanna do’s”.
Yet as I talked to my friend about this, there was hesitation in my voice.
Leaving a company where I had worked for over 26 years, leaving friends who have become like family to me, leaving a province where I had lived, raised my children and worked for the last 16 years. I expressed my concerns of leaving a steady paycheck for a much, much lower income. As I talked, that little voice in my head was saying, “what are you doing, will you be able to make it?”
My friend left the room and came back carrying a bag. “This is for you,” she said smiling. I opened the bag and in it was a plaque with the following poem:
Believe In Yourself
And in your dream
though impossible things may seem,
Someday, somehow you’ll get through to the goal you have in view.
Mountains fall and seas divide before
the one who in his stride
Takes a hard road day by day
sweeping obstacles away.
Believe in yourself and in your plan.
Say not – I cannot but, I can.
The prizes of life we fail to win, Because we doubt the power within.
Hesitation Gone
As I read the poem, my hesitation disappeared, my confidence restored, I knew it would be all right. I did have a dream, and although, at times it appeared impossible, I set my goal and never lost sight of that end goal. Yes, many times as I worked towards that goal I had setbacks, and faced many challenges. When I faced those challenges I always remembered the quote:”persistence prevails when all else fails”. I never lost focus. I believed I could do it. And, as I reflected on the poem I knew, tomorrow will work out. I have come this far and faced many obstacles and challenges, but I overcame them with persistence and perseverance.
I am writing this story on Sunday, and tomorrow, on Monday, June 23rd, the moving truck will arrive. I am leaving Mississauga, ON and moving to the country in New Brunswick. My goal now a reality!
Do they seem impossible? Set your goal, don’t give up when you face challenges, and stay focused, as the power within is truly amazing!!
Inspirational Quotes for Reflection:
“One part at a time, one day at a time, we can accomplish any goal we set for ourselves.” Karen Casey
“Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do. You can go as far as your mind lets you. What you believe, remember, you can achieve.” Mary Kay Ash
“If you talk about it, it’s a dream, if you envision it, it’s possible, but if you schedule it, it’s real.” Tony Robbins
“No matter how meticulously you plan the path to your dream, life will get in the way. There will be delays, setbacks and detours aplenty. They are all part of the experience, learn from them.” Tony Clark
“… go boldly for your dreams and aspirations. Let nothing hold you back. Today is the day to get encouraged, get dreaming, and get conquering!” Aspen Jade, Minute By Minute
“Your dreams create higher foundations, all you have to do is establish your route and begin climbing.” Michelle C. Ustaszeski
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