Good Quotes Page 5

Good Quotes Page 5

  1. Cultivate an attitude of gratitude instead of a mindset of scarcity. Observe the abundance and good that is already in your life. Candy Paull, The Heart of Abundance
  2. By saying thank you for the things we have been blessed with, we create within ourselves the belief that because good things have happened to us in the past, they will happen to us in the future. Zeeshan Raza, U Turn Your Life
  3. Creativity is important in building self-confidence as well as good mental health.Richard Carroll, Creativity
  4. Every day that we are alive, we should be asking ourselves whether we, are we giving our best to each day…Julie Hebert, Giving Our BestPoems about Life
  5. Even if your goal is to be a good conversationalist, you also need to train your listening skills.Josh David, People Skills Guide
  6. My Hope For You . . . success, by solving your problems, focusing on your goals, and always having hope, good fortune will find you Catherine Pulsifer, Happy New Year
    New Year Wishes
  7. Good depends not on things but on the use we make of things. Author Unknown
    Good depends not on things but on the use we make of things. Author Unknown
  8. And may you experience the blessing that life has to offer when you find the good in every situation. Catherine Pulsifer, Count Those Blessings
  9. The other pot is full at all times with good thoughts, positive attitude, a helping hand, and able to negotiate through any challenges. It is the pot of good will that attracts friends and those who need a little helping hand. Byron Pulsifer, The Two Pots We Have
  10. The way to develop the best that is in a man is by appreciation and encouragement. Charles Schwab
  11. To have hope means that we anticipate that things will work out for the best. Catherine Pulsifer
  12. Your smile lights my way through life, and keeps me warm inside. It reminds me that people are good, especially when their snide. Julie Hebert, Your Smile
    Words of Encouragement
  13. A good word extinguishes more than a pail full of water. Spanish Proverb
  14. The task of the excellent teacher is to stimulate ‘apparently ordinary’ people to unusual effort. The tough problem is not in identifying winners: it is in making winners out of ordinary people. K. Patricia Cross
    Quote of The Day
  15. Cut out any negative people, they will never smooth your path towards a great life. Edmund Ronen, Unlock Your Inner Achiever
    Negative People
  16. God has a way of bringing out the good in every situation. Sometimes we don’t see it until we have come through it and are on the side of victory.Irene Bryant, Finding Hope in the Midst of Adversity

    Good teachers know how to bring out the best in students. Charles Kuralt

  17. Humor is an excellent social lubricant…. There is nothing more affirming than realizing that you and the person you are speaking to have the same sense of humor. You “get” each other. Patrick King, Laugh Tactics
  18. Serial and extreme complainers probably give a bad name to people who complain effectively and regularly with good reason. Helen Dewdney, How to Complain
  19. Good customer management comes from good customer measurement.Jeff Sauro, Customer Analytics For Dummies
    Customer Service
  20. Excellent leaders question the status quo because they recognize that improvement can only be achieved with change. John Morgan, 100% Active
  21. The other piece of good news is that there’s a simple formula that works to effectively teach someone just about anything and this is it: short, repeated, direct lessons, followed by modeling and the chance to try, make mistakes, and try again, all bookended with check-ins and gentle reminders.Galit Breen, Kindness Wins
  22. So often we have a good idea but we don’t take action. Or, we are discouraged at the challenges that face us. We give up far too easily, we don’t persevere. Catherine Pulsifer, from How I Made My Millions
  23. When an employee is PREPARED, EQUIPPED, and ARMED with the RIGHT HABITS to address almost any situation, delivering exceptional customer service becomes easy. Robert Stevenson, Raise Your Line
  24. That by desiring what is perfectly good, even when we don’t quite know what it is and cannot do what we would, we are part of the divine power against evil — widening the skirts of light and making the struggle with darkness narrower. George Eliot
    Inspirational Messages
  25. There’s no single dollar amount, no particular activity or cause that is better than another, no income level or demographic that matters to generosity, no set variable that is best for giving one’s self to another in time of need. Kathy LeMay, The Generosity Plan
  26. Take a good look at your failure, and then say with gritty determination, “You’re not going to keep me down! I may be defeated, but I’m not giving up!” Carl Sommer, Teen Success in Career and Life Skills

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