How And Why To Build
Author: Catherine Pulsifer, ©2012
There is an interesting phenomenon about life that serves to make us a bigger and better person. This is not about building a house, or shed, or a garage but about building others. There are many people I have met over the years who have told me that they like to help others but are unsure how to begin and what to do.
Help Others With The Skills You Have
Most people have more skills than they give themselves credit for and it is really more of a matter of leading them, and sometimes showing them how to help others who need a little encouragement. I am not suggesting, however, that you should take on helping a person who has psychological problems but more a person who just is feeling like they have no one to be there for them when they need a trusting person to talk to. Why do I say this?
It has been my experience that more people than not have the ability to move forward in life and that they do not have deep psychological problems. For those who are wondering what happens to people with psychological problems, it is best for them that they seek professional help from a qualified and trained counselor, psychologist or psychiatrist.
Many People Need Encouragement
But, let’s return to talking about helping others. You do not have to look far and wide to find a lot of people who could use a little but of encouragement in their lives. Take for example, the local school or local boys and girls clubs. There are a host of children who can use the mature guidance of an adult who really cares about their mental and physical development. In many cases, these children may not have suitable role models and simply by showing, or behaving in appropriate ways over time, they will learn what it means to act the same way.
As for adults, there are many people you will meet at work, or in a sports league, or friends who could use your encouragement. This encouragement could simply be in the form of providing words of encouragement to keep pursuing their goals whether that is taking courses or learning a new way of doing a task in your own work environment. It could be a friend who needs you to give them your true thoughts about starting out on a new job or career. It could be an acquaintance that asks for advice about purchasing a new car. It does not have to be an earth shattering issue.
Grow and Gain
The really important aspect to helping others build a better or more rewarding life is that you genuinely care about the welfare of others. It has been my experience over many years that the more you are willing and able to help, advise, encourage or assist in whatever fashion, the more you grow and gain as a person.
Inspirational Quotes for Reflection:
“Encourage individuals to compete against themselves to achieve more.” Meir Liraz
“What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us; what we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal.” Albert Pike
“The next time you find yourself talking to a stranger, think carefully about the words you say. You could be affecting someone’s life without even realizing it.” Alex Uwajeh
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