How Long Does A Storm Last
By Catherine Pulsifer © 2009
I sat on our swing watching the clouds move in. I was thinking about some of the challenges in our life right now. The dark clouds looked like some of the issues facing us at this time. Then a patch of blue sky appeared in the clouds, the sun was trying to come out. I smiled as I saw the patches of blue sky; it focused my thoughts on all the good things that were in our life right now. When you see those patches of blue sky you feel better, your attitude changes, you realize that while there are challenges there is also a lot of positive in your life. The weather is a good analogy to our lives.
We all have experienced the sunny days, the stormy days, and the overcast days.
In our lives, the sunny days represent good times. The storms are the challenges we all face, and the overcast days are days when things are just mediocre.
The Benefit of Storms
We need the storms, the overcast days to help us appreciate the sunny days. If it was sunny every day then we would start taking it for granted. In our lives, we need the challenging times to make us appreciate the good times, and they help us grow and learn.
Some Rain Must Fall
One of the stormy days that are sure to come along no matter which you are is that containing failure. Failure will rain down upon your world to the point where you may feel that there is no hope. This is the kind of stormy day that will need a lot of your strength to overcome. It is through learning how to deal with failure and how to turn it to your advantage that ultimately will improve your view of life. Armed with the mechanisms of recovery, you will be able to face and overcome any challenge thrown your way.
Focus Different
And, on the overcast days we can see the sun trying to peek through the clouds and we can focus on the hope that the storm is breaking up, or we can chose to focus on only the clouds.
Well, our lives all have storms, but the most important thing is that we have hope for sunnier days. Our attitude will determine what we see, and more importantly, what we focus on.
Moving Forward Despite Clouds
If our focus is only on the storm we will not get beyond it. But, if we focus and hope for a sunnier day then our attitude can become one of moving forward, getting beyond where we are now.
There is a solution to every problem. Inspirational sayings like, “this to shall pass”, or, “every problem has a gift for you in its hand”, are words of wisdom we need to remember for the stormy days in our lives.
How long the storm lasts in our lives depends on our own attitude and focus; the more positive our attitude, the shorter the storm.
Stuck or Moving Forward
To find a solution to a problem means that you are the type of person who sees possibilities and not the type of person who only thinks about the problem as if it is the end with nothing to be done except accept the situation as it is currently. If you sit and moan and complain, you are stuck and the problem now owns you. On the other hand, if you take that problem and say to yourself that there is a solution then you already have taken the first step to finding a solution. Once you have set your thoughts to finding a solution, you are looking toward the future and not dwelling on the past. If more people would just get this basic principle of life, there would be less stress and depressed people everywhere.
While we can’t control the weather, we can control our attitude and focus.
Inspirational Quotes for Reflection:
“It takes a lot of courage to have an ‘attitude of gratitude’ during the ‘dark’ times. But once you have it, it empowers you.” Joshua Tongol
“Focus on what you have rather than what you don’t have and always have a good attitude remembering always to focus on the positive.” Andy C. E. Brown
“The best way to share your beliefs with others is to live according to your faith when you are under pressure, when challenges arise, and even when life seems to be piling one hardship upon another on you.” Nick Vujicic, Be the Hands and Feet
“What I know for sure is that there is no strength without challenge, adversity, resistance, and often pain. The problems that make you want to throw up your hands and holler ‘Mercy!’ will build your tenacity, courage, discipline, and determination.”Oprah Winfrey
“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” Martin Luther King Jr.
“When it comes right down to it, I know of only one factor that separates those who consistently shine from those who don’t: The difference between average people and achieving people is their perception of and response to failure.” John Maxwell , Failing Forward: Turning Mistakes into Stepping Stones for Success
“You have the mental ability right now to set any goal and achieve everything you could ever want or hope for in life. By using your brain – your ability to think, plan, and create – with greater precision and accuracy, you can solve any problem, overcome every obstacle, and achieve any goal you can set for yourself.”Brian Tracy, Get Smart!: How to Think and Act Like the Most Successful and Highest-Paid People in EveryField
“Let’s face it, we face many challenges in our lives that sometimes we never even asked for and more often than not we never have solutions to these problems that people hand to us on a gold platter. The way that you have to look at it is that everything in this world comes in a pair. You have good and bad, sun and rain and lastly success and failure.”Vanessa Pagan, Increase Your Energy: The Secrets To Have An Unlimited Supply Of Positive Energy, Stamina And Enthusiasm to Fuel Your Day Even At The Most Challenging Moments
“Nothing can be accomplished without the hope of accomplishment.”Jennifer Arnold
“Rewire my mind to not only press forward, but to stop reminiscing on the past. Give me discernment with my current relationships and wisdom on those that are an unhealthy and a toxic attachment. Give me strength and keep me focused.”Aspen Jade, Minute By Minute: 60 Seconds of Encouragement for 40 Days
“Most people spend more time and energy going around problems than in trying to solve them.” Henry Ford
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