Inspirational Books Page 3

Inspirational Books Page 3

Reviewed by or Byron Pulsifer:

“Finishing a good book is like leaving a good friend.”
William Feather

100 Poems To Lift Your Spirits
Author – Edited By Leslie Pockwell with Celia Johnson
Over the years, some of us have found techniques that can help us through our down times; times where we feel less than positive, or filled with the anxieties of the day. For others, it is often a challenge to know where to turn to find solace, encouragement, or peace within. One prescription can be found within the pages of 100 Poems To Lift Your Spirits by Leslie Pockwell with Celia Johnson.

Feed The Good Dog Making the Choice to SUCCEED
Author – Paul McCabe
The choice to succeed isn’t just about one pearl of wisdom, or just one strategy. Instead, the choice to succeed is about combining all the necessary ingredients in the right way and at the right time. Feed The Good Dog by Paul McCabe gives everyone the right ingredients to make their own success a reality.

Author – Tony Clark
Tony Clark’s book, thinkUcan, is one where he shares his life experiences telling real life stories from an early childhood to present day.

Fat, Broke & Lonely No More
Author – Victoria Moran
At some point in our lives we have all faced one of these challenges, fat, broke or lonely. And, some of us have faced all three of these challenges. The author, Victoria Moran not only addresses the challenges of fat, broke and lonely also addresses other issues that affect our lives as a result of fat, broke and lonely.

Keep Climbing
Author – Sean Swarner with Rusty Fischer
Keep Climbing is an amazing story of the determination of one cancer survivor with a goal to climb the highest mountain. Sean Swarner’s story reinforces that you can do anything that you set your mind on!

If You Hear the Message Three Times, LISTEN
Author – Patricia Heller
This is a story of one woman’s challenges in life, specifically her illness, and how she overcame it. Patricia shares not only her story, but also more importantly her learning’s, her discoveries. She discusses real life examples that she faced and the steps she took to overcome them from health issues to marital issues to grief.

My Life as a Furry Red Monster What Being Elmo Has Taught Me About Life, Love, and Laughing Out Loud
Author – Kevin Clash with Gary Brozek
The man, the voice, and the personality behind Elmo, the furry red monster on Sesame Street are revealed in this inspiring book. Kevin Clash shares his personal success through his beliefs and values in his book.

A Life in Balance Nourishing the Four Roots of True Happiness
Author – Dr. Kathleen Hall
Dr. Hall’s book, “A Life in Balance”, captured my attention within the first pages of the introduction. On the first page of the introduction the author states: “Our gas tanks are full, our bank accounts are full, and our closets are full, but we are running empty.” I reflected on this statement, and with the exception of, “our bank accounts are full”, I thought how true this statement resembled parts of my life and the lives of so many people I know.

The Secret of Success
Author – Phillip Crone
I have literally read hundreds of books on success, and, throughout my life I have achieved some successes along the way by implementing the theories and strategies from these books. Looking back on my own successes, and reflecting on the one point that the author, Phillip Crone, consistently refers to in his book, “The Secret of Success, A Little Bit Over a Long Period of Time”, was certainly a main contributor to the successes I have realized.

The Godsend How To Create Heaven In Your Life
Author – Greg Tharpe
The book, The Godsend, intrigued me. Any book that states “How To Create Heaven In Your Life” is one that catches my attention! We are all looking for that little piece of heaven here on earth. The first part of the book was very motivational, and I found myself thinking about my life in relation to the author’s writings. The book covers many aspects of living a successful life. It discusses learning, success, failure, happiness, and choices to name only a few.

Alter Your Life
Author – Dr. Kathleen Hall
So many of us are overwhelmed by the day-to-day demands of our careers, our families, sometimes even our friends. We often feel there is not enough time in our lives to do the things we need to do, let alone to do the things we want to do. And, most importantly, there never seems to be time just for ourselves.
ReSTYLEing your LIFE
Author – Mary White
ReSTYLEing your LIFE is a book that you can read in an hour or less. But, if you use the book as a workbook you can spend considerable more time and you will receive considerably more benefit from this book.

The Greatness Guide
Author – Robin Sharma
I’ve read hundreds of motivational books over the years, and The Greatness Guide written by Robin Sharma is one of the better books. It is an easy read with short chapters that are directly to the point.

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