Jesus Poems
Be inspired by these Jesus poems. Much has been written about Jesus, may these verses encourage you.
A Babe, A Man, The Creator
Poet: Greta Zwaan, ©2007
You feel quite safe with Jesus as long as He stays in His place:
He’s a cute little boy in the manger with that peaceful look on His face.
He’s sweet in the arms of His mother, He’s really a good little boy;
Notice the young, happy parents, it’s obvious He’ll bring them much joy.
See the reaction of Joseph – he’s nervous, the baby’s so small!
How do I hold this wee fellow? I’m afraid I might let Him fall!
I’ve never held anything so tiny, He fits in the palm of my hand!
He’s soft, and sweet and so cuddly; He’s smiling. Oh! Isn’t He grand?
Mary is feeling quite happy, the two “men” she loves more than life;
She prays she’ll be a good mother; she prays she’ll be a good wife.
Joseph, he’ll be a great daddy, he’s gentle and has a big heart;
See how he loves this wee baby – Jesus will have a good start.
I’ll try not to think of His future, nor the plan that God has revealed;
I’ll live for the joy of the moment, though I know His fate has been sealed.
Right now He’s our darling, wee baby; our hearts are filled to the brim,
We’ll love and treasure each moment, delighted to spend it with Him.
All too soon, like all other children, He’s teething, He’s toddling, He grows;
While Mary keeps knitting and sewing, He keeps growing out of His clothes.
He loves to spend time with His daddy, learning the carpenter’s trade,
Feeling the strength in the lumber, watching how new things are made.
Soon He’s a strapping young fellow, how quickly the time has flown by;
Such pleasure He brought to His parents; but His ministry time has drawn nigh.
He’s ready to start His great mission, He knows He must follow God’s plan,
The years were spent in preparing, now He must make His own stand.
He picks out twelve men to assist Him, to tell folks of God’s love and grace,
To heal the sick of the nations, to reach the whole human race.
But many did not want to listen, many were grieved and dismayed,
They didn’t see Jesus as Saviour or the spirit of love He conveyed.
In fact, they were angry and jealous, tradition was being destroyed;
The laws they diligently followed seemed now declared null and void.
But Jesus did not make that statement, the Law through Him was fulfilled,
He came to bring full redemption but the Pharisees could not be stilled.
Their way of life was disrupted, for they ruled with a strong, iron fist;
Their methods were cruel and disturbing, and very few dared to resist.
They planned to get rid of Jesus, as if through His death He might die;
If they had only read Scripture, they might have sensed truth by and by.
Christ is much more than mere human – eternal, Creator, supreme;
Christ can fulfill all your longings, He is the One who’ll redeem.
No power on earth can destroy Him, no human controls those demands,
The fact of that cruel crucifixion still rested in God’s mighty hands.
Man might have thought he was victor when Jesus took His last breath,
But then He arose three days later and proved He had power over death.
A Babe – a Man – the Creator! The One who upholds and sustains,
Is worthy of all love and honour, He alone eternally reigns!
The Strength of Christ
Poet: Greta Zwaan, ©2010
Christ had better be stronger than me, else what is the meaning of salvation?
If He were merely but a man, where would be new creation?
Why would I strive to live a good life, only to find we are equals?
If Christ has no power stronger than mine, then all ends; there’s no sequel.
No hereafter to give one’s hope strength, no prospect of something much greater,
No incentive to reach for high goals, and service left till much later.
Why should one try to better mankind, giving them hope for tomorrow?
If uncertainty looms on the edge, perhaps forebodings of sorrow.
Life should bring hope to a weary soul, but often it’s full of rejection,
It’s futile to try to better oneself or strive for a goal of perfection.
We all need a dream, a reachable goal, we need an incentive before us,
A reason that moves us forward in strength, a call that seems to implore us.
A reason to grasp the things we can’t see, a vision that we might obtain them,
A grandiose scheme in the depths of our mind that we have the power to maintain them.
We need to be sure that there’s someone who cares, who’s fully concerned for our welfare,
A power much greater than what we possess, who�ll assist with our trials and our despair.
That�s when the joy of the Lord comes to light, when we acknowledge our weakness,
When we are willing to humble ourselves, when we come forth in our meekness.
Jesus can work in a heart that�s resigned to seeing that help is essential;
That�s not a sign of weakness to Him, He stresses the joy of potential.
Once we admit there’s a need in our life and we have no means to fulfill it,
We can be molded to fit in His plan, He has the strength to instill it.
Then we’ll accomplish real things in His love, if we allow Him to guide us,
He’ll not demand that we follow His rules, His joy is to walk close beside us.
We have the option to do as we please, God is not one to constrain us;
Remember the fact that He alone knows, He is the One who’ll sustain us.
Yes, Christ is stronger, much stronger than us, He beckons that we should accept Him;
Never demanding, it’s of our free will, to respond or totally reject Him.
“Whatever you are going through today,
make God your friend and Jesus your savior;
He will take care of it.”
Marjorie Menardy Magloire
Quotes about God
Moving Home
Poet: Greta Zwaan, ©2005
I’m getting ready to move on, I’ve been here quite a spell;
It’s not that I’m unhappy, that things aren’t going well.
My life is rich in blessings, I couldn’t ask for more;
My God has always been there, the God Whom I adore.
But greater things are promised, beyond my wildest dreams,
A future wrapped in blessings, where light eternal beams.
Where no more tears or heartaches can plague the human mind,
Where all our grief and sorrow are forever left behind.
Where money has no value and fame holds no account,
Prestige is not considered, possessions cannot mount.
Where faith alone has virtue, where love rules over all,
Where harmony is constant and sin has no recall.
With Jesus’ glorious presence, with God’s eternal care;
With saints from all the ages, with joy beyond compare.
Where darkness cannot enter, and tears are wiped away,
And burdens are all lifted, and sin has no more sway.
I long to be promoted, to reach my journey’s end;
To walk the streets of glory with Jesus, my best friend.
Give praise! Give thanks! Rejoice always.
Greta Zwaan, Dust and Gold
Christian Poems
A Date With Jesus
Poet: Greta Zwaan, ©2010
I have a date with Jesus, to meet at any time,
An open invitation, precious gift, sublime.
With whom I’ll share my feelings, I’ll open up my heart,
I’ll tell Him how I love Him and have right from the start.
When we first got acquainted my life was turned around,
Being in His presence, I tread on holy ground.
I marvel at His patience, His constant care for me,
He understands my weakness, my vulnerability.
He bears me no resentment when I neglect His voice,
For He is not demanding, He lets me make my choice.
I want so much to please Him, yet fail so frequently,
I know I’m not consistent like Jesus is for me.
Yet I’m always welcome, whether by day or by night,
There’s no one else so faithful, my Lord, my guiding Light.
I’m glad that I can trust Him no matter what may be,
My Friend, my Sovereign Jesus, now has a date with me.
The Helpless Baby
Poet: Greta Zwaan, ©2002
They must have talked it over, the Father and the Son.
How would they solve this problem? Such damage had been done.
God’s wonderful creation where love and joy should reign,
Now lay ‘neath sin’s destruction, where Satan held his gain.
God said, “We need a Saviour to bring back fallen man,
But who on earth is worthy this evil to with stand?
They’re all contaminated – there’s not one soul that’s pure.
We need someone who’s holy, who’s faithful, strong and sure.”
It could not be an angel, no cherubim would do,
There is but one solution – Jesus, is it You?
Yes, Jesus knew His mission, the road that He must take,
The 33-year journey because of man’s mistake.
Oh, how He must have anguished to leave His Father’s side,
To leave the joys of heaven, all privileges denied.
He came from total glory where angels sang His praise,
Where harmony and honour their constant voices raise.
He came, a tiny baby, not honoured as a king,
Just as a helpless infant, our God of everything.
His bed, a smelly stable, a stall where cattle sleep;
This Holy King of heaven, no love was e’er so deep.
‘Twas shepherds that approached him, when angels brought them word
That Christ, the great Messiah, the cry of man had heard.
No king to bring Him honour, no royal robe of blue;
But swaddling clothes to dress Him, this tiny, dark-haired Jew.
He nursed, like any baby, amazing! Christ the King!
Our God! The great Creator! Could not do anything.
Yet, all this had a purpose; yes, all this was God’s plan.
To set aside all glory, to rescue fallen man.
No price was e’er so heavy, no man could pay the cost;
‘Twas God’s true, holy glory that could redeem the lost.
No! Not a helpless baby, the King of kings is He:
Majestic in His glory, He lives eternally!
I bring you the most joyful news ever announced, and it is for everyone! The Savior – yes the Messiah, the Lord – has been born tonight in Bethlehem!
Luke 2:10 -11
Let Us Be True
Poet: Greta Zwaan, ©2002
If Christ were walking on earth today, would He be received by man?
We are so tolerant of other faiths, it seems we’ve forgotten God’s plan.
Would we be willing to deny the blood that released us from death and hell;
And belittle the fact of Jesus’ cross; don’t offend, be nice, all is well?
I assure you my friend that the Taliban would never deny what he’s been taught,
To respect his beliefs, we trample God’s name by denying the truth Christ has bought
If we saw Jesus walking our streets, talking with beggars in need,
We would judge Him for the friends He has, not for planting faith’s seed.
We have betrayed the truth – ’tis God’s Word that teaches us Christ is the Way;
Our tolerant society would nail Him again; for truth? We have nothing to say.
Our faith is so weak, our witness so poor, that a trial would condemn Christ again.
He’d be no better off in today’s selfish world, He’d still have to suffer the pain.
O, Christ, forgive us! Open our eyes! Keep our hearts focused on You;
Give us a love for God and for man, but most of all let us be true.
“Lord, I pray that our faith might shine “
Greta Zwaan
Service For Thee
Poet: Greta Zwaan, ©2001
Lord, I pray that our faith might shine;
That we’d be vibrant, verbal and true.
That others would see the joy of Your love,
That they’d be attracted to You.
That the image of Christ, portrayed through our lives,
Would entice a world lost in sin
To repent and rejoice in Your wonderful love,
And through that be gently drawn in.
May all of our thoughts and all our desires
Be geared to pursue lost mankind;
To show what great joy it is to be Yours,
That eternal life they might find.
Let us not be so wrapped up in life,
Completely enticed with our own,
Neglecting the needs of all fellowman,
Forgetting that seeds should be sown.
Let the example of Jesus’ concern
Model what we ought to be,
Give us a heart of compassion, dear Lord,
Mercy to set others free.
For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others
and to give his life as a ransom for many.
Jesus, Mark 10:45
Jesus Quotes
Jesus’ Request
Poet: Greta Zwaan, ©2008
Hardships, hurts and heartaches give faith a chance to grow,
The mountains of discouragements, the fight against the foe.
The struggle for survival, the toil from day to day,
The unknown things before me, the trials along the way.
The darkness, the deep valleys, the weariness of my heart,
When trouble overwhelms me, I feel so torn apart.
There is no one to turn to, no one to hold my hand
No earthly soul to guide me within this foreign land.
It’s then I turn to Jesus and shed torrents of tears,
Pour out my woes and anguish, my heartaches and my fears.
I question, “Must I suffer while others live in ease?
I walk the path You’ve chosen then slump down on my knees.
Where have I failed or gone amiss? Where have I gone astray?
Why is this thickening darkness encroaching more each day?”
And then I hear this whisper, “Be still my child, I speak;
When I want your attention, response comes when you’re weak.
The valley of despair and pain which overwhelm your soul,
Gives way within your weakened state to let Me have control.
I have no joy when you are down, it’s then that I grieve too;
But in your darkest hour you let Me close to you.
For faith and trust to be complete, I need to have full reign;
If that means slowing down your life, allowing hurt and pain;
It doesn’t mean I’ve left your side, that you’re no longer Mine;
It’s just an indication of how these trials do refine.
I want to make you pure as gold, a Master’s work of art;
A living legend of My love, an understanding heart.
I ask that you would trust me now, I will not let you down,
Then, when your trials are over, you’ll earn your golden crown.”
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