Kindness And More
Author: Byron Pulsifer, © 2012
Recently, there was a local fire that left an entire family of six homeless. Their home was in the country with very few neighbors around and they did not know many people having only recently moved into their home. And, to make matters even worse, it was in the dead of winter and they had run out of their home with only the clothes on their back.
We all read stories and poems about kindness I’m sure, but there is more to kindness especially when it hits close to home.
This Situation
The family was approached by a neighbor they didn’t even know and they were offered room and accommodation in their own home at no cost to them as long as was necessary. Sure, later on within the next few days, the family was in touch with the Salvation Army who supplied them with all the clothes they needed and personal items for the whole family. But, what stood out in my mind was the unselfish act of kindness shown by strangers.
We read and hear constantly about how many murders there are, bank robberies, and other acts of cruelty to the point where all of us may wonder what happened to all the decent people in the country. But, there are many, many people who are not just kind but that genuinely care about their fellow human beings.
I am grateful that there are still a lot of us that step up to the plight of others no matter if we know them or not. The case of the family who lost everything is just one example of that special kindness.
Focus On Good News
I also believe that our news agencies put far too much emphasis on devastation, cruelty or criminal acts and, instead, should also focus their attention on what many call good news items.
It is my firm belief that ‘good news items’ should play a more prominent role in our media for it is the media that has tremendous impact of the fabric of society in what they say and broadcast.
Acts of kindness should be celebrated and acknowledged as a demonstration of how a rural area, a town, a city and a country should act and the more acknowledgement of these kindnesses there are, the more there will be. At least, that is my hope.
We can all easily dwell on the negatives of the world around us but the good of our world is there to see, to embrace and to celebrate.
Look for The Good
If we choose to live only in a world where evil prevails then that is what we will see and convey. But, when we look for good, this good transcends our thinking and actions.
We have a duty as human beings to pass on what is good and grand to our children and it these attitudes and thoughts that guide us daily in how we speak and act.
The good of life starts at home and that is where we strive to create an atmosphere that rewards good and minimizes the plus, if any, of doing wrong.
Inspirational Quotes for Reflection:
“Remember there’s no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end.” Scott Adams
“When you are kind to others, it not only changes you, it changes the world.” Harold Kushner
“Sometimes we just need a hug, an ‘I understand.’ A little mercy and a little loving kindness in this situation could do more than anything else.” Carolyn Molica
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