New Year Wishes Page 2
- May your new year be filled with joy and humor and that you find a smile for each day of the year. Reflect on your blessings, appreciate the beauty and always be willing to help others. If you do these things your new year will be a good one!
New Year Greeting - May this New Year bring you great happiness, one in which you will find health and hope.
Happiness - So may the New Year be a happy one to you, happy to many more whose happiness depends on you! Charles Dickens, The Chimes
Famous - Embrace this New Year with the enthusiasm of a child, with the optimism filled with hope, and motivation to achieve all that you wish for.
Motivational - The old year leaves with a song
And the New Year arrives with a big gong
Farewell, so long to a year gone by
And hello to the new, let it come in on a high
New Year Poems - Goodbye to last year we see it has passed, and a wish of hope and faith for the coming year. God bless!
Goodbye - In the New Year, may your right hand always be stretched out in friendship, never in need.
Friendship - Forget about all the negativities, think of new possibilities.Here to conquering a new frontier, that’s all I wish in the upcoming new year.Shon Mehta, The Timingila
Possibilities - When I met you years of New Year’s wishes came true. Happy New Year with love from your sweetheart.
Love - May this year bring laughter and lots of happiness surrounded by family and friends. Look forward to seeing you in the coming year.
Laughter - Here’s wishing you more happiness than all my words can tell, not just for New Year’s Eve, but for all the year as well.
New Year - I cannot tell you how much joy you have given me, and my new year’s wish for you is: joy and happiness in return.
Joy - Even with the New Year arriving we don’t know what the future will bring. But the one thing for certain is that God’s plan is perfect and we need to trust in Him. So Happy New Year and blessings to you and yours.
Trust God - Throughout the coming new year, may all your needs be met and may all your wants disappear and thanksgiving for all you have be the focus of your life.
Thanksgiving - Happy New Year to a wonderful Mom and Dad
Your love for me has always made me glad.
I can’t imagine what would I do
How would I cope, without you two.
You both deserve much happiness
I pray to God, that He does you bless.
I just wanted to say
You are both appreciated each and every day!
Mother - This New Year has 52,600 minutes in it. May the minutes be filled with happiness, good health, andmay you find contentment in all you do.
Time - This past year has been a tough one
But now it is over and done.
My wish for the next one
May it be filled with lots of fun.
Life and Struggles - New Year is a spring time! Open up like a flower! Let the world see your energy! And when the world see your energy and enthusiasm, the previously locked doors will be opened to you!� Mehmet Murat ildan
Positive Energy - May your hopes and dreams
Fill your life with gleams
Of all that you wish to see
And all that you wish to be
A new year to set your goals
And write your own scroll!
Dream - A new year which has 365 days
May they be filled with lots of play.
And 12 months to do
The things that mean so much to you
Happy, Happy New Year to you
Use your time that is the clue.
Good Day - Here’s to a bright New Year, and a fond farewell to the old; here’s to the things that are yet to come, and to the memories that we hold.
Memory - You cannot changelast year but it sure is possible to change the coming New Year. May it be all that you dream of.
Change - We close another year, wishing happiness to friends far and near. May this next chapter of your lifebring you no strife.
Life - As this year ends, I count my blessings
And the positive happenings.
My wish for you is to have even more
May this New Year have lots in store
Blessed - On this New Year my prayer is for peace, prosperity and the blessings of God for all people and all nations.
Prayer - My wish for you this New Year’s Eve
Is in the coming year success you will achieve
Good wishes and success you may find
Work hard, but have fun of that I don’t need to remind.
Wishes - I hope each day of the New Year is better than the one before.
And I l hope you find that successful door.
May blessings be upon you and all that you do
And that you will no time to be feeling blue.
May sunshine surround you each new day
And may smiles and love never be far away.
Smile - No matter what challenges you face
Let optimism be your embrace
You choose what the New Year can bring
Your attitude can be like that of a king.
Your choices define you
To your character they give a clue
Be happy, be glad, look forward with glee
May the year for you be as happy as can be.
Optimistic - We say farewell to the old it eaves when it is cold
We say welcome to the new, we look forward like fresh fallen dew.
Quote of The Day - Our friendship continues year after year
I wanted to tell you how you are such a dear
My wish for you this New Year day
Is happiness and success I just want to say.
Friendship - The challenges of last year are behind us now dear
We look forward and pray for a successful new year.
But no matter what happen I am grateful for
You in my life because you I adore!
Love and Life - I am thankful and grateful for all that you are
You my granddaughter are my superstar.
I wish you success and happiness too
So on this New Year’s day, I send my love to you boo boo!
Children - May the months of the coming Year:
January may you feel Jubilant as the New Year begins!
February may be the time to Focus on your goals set.
March may your Motivation keep you moving forward
April may be the time to show Appreciation to those you love
May may you Make a difference in the lives of the unfortunate
June may you feel Jolly as the summer begins
July may Joy be with you as the year is progressing
August may see your Accomplishments fulfilling
September may bring Success as a result of your work
November may you remember that you Never quit
December may all your Dreams come true.
Monthly Calendar - On New Year’s Eve as we see the old year through
we pray that God’s love will surround you.
Not just for the day
But for the whole year too!
Gods Love - May this year bring you success
I wish happiness for you I must confess.
May your attitude be a positive one
And all your goals will get done.
Attitude - May your trouble be less
And the year be free of stress
Persist and persevere
May you be of good cheer.
Persistence - May your every decision be made with wisdom
May all your goals come to full blossom
We wish you a year of goodwill
Starting with this year’s arrival.
Decision - Enter this new year with a gratitude for this new chance to create your dreams. Avina Celeste
Gratitude - The year will reveal its destiny
May we all live in harmony.
One year finished, another starts
Actions taken will determine our course on a chart.
Destiny - May the new year encourage you:
Never give up,
E nthusaism galore,
W isdom with you
Y earend upon you
E agerly before you
A nticipation within you
R eflection within
Words of Encouragement
Opportunity- All that you hope for,
All that you dream of,
All that you aspire to be,
That is my wish for you in the new year and always.
Inspirational - Christmas is over, see the New Year in with a smile
Have the enthusiasm of that of a child.
Let the countdown begin
May the new year bring you good fortune and lots of grins!
Funny - Wishing you a year full of . . .
new beginnings filled hope
Lots of encouragement to help you cope.
A year of simple pleasures to enjoy
And no things that will annoy.
Simple pleasures to enjoy
With time for fun fit in your schedule.
Many beautiful moments of memories
Filled with happy anniversaries.
New Beginning - On New Year’s Eve the whole world celebrates the fact that a date changes. Let us celebrate the dates on which we change the world.Akilnathan Logeswaran
Change The World - Happy New Year to you my friend.
On you I can always depend.
My wish for you this year is this
That the year will be full of bliss.
Friend - May this new year be a very new one indeed to you; may you put off the old, and put on the new man! Earl of Chesterfield, Letters To His Son
Letting Go - ABC wishes for a Happy New Year:
a for abundance
b for blessings
c for compassion
d for determination
e for enthusiasm
f for friends
g for God’s grace
h for happiness
i for imagination
j for joy
k for kindness
l for laughter
m for motivation
n for new beginnings
o for optimism
p for perseverance
q for never quitting
r for relaxation
s for stress-free days
t for thanksgiving
u for understanding
v for vision
w for wisdom
x for “x” marks the spot for the goal you want to reach
y for Your success
z for zealousness
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