No Social Media
Author: Byron Pulsifer, ©2017
Freedom is to have no social media. Say what? That’s right; no social media releases you from slavery. Find out more about no social media and cast a new life, a new freedom, and a new sense of self.
Why No Social Media?
Not only are we constantly bombarded in today’s world by information coming at us in an instance, we also are personally bombarded by our own use of modern technology. This information comes at us at an alarmingly fast pace through iphones, blackberry’s, instagrams, twitter, facebook and email. No matter where we go, we cannot seem to avoid it. So, if social media is so much part of our life, why get rid of it?
The Social Media Trap
So, are there ways to minimize or at least control all of these intrusions? Now, on the other hand, some of this information is necessary for us to get the job done. But what is the limit? And, who sets the limit?
Have you ever had any of these feelings?
– I feel anxious and like a failure when I have to compare myself to everyone else on my social media network.
– There is so much negative information, problems, and weird things happening that I feel inundated by negativity in my life?
– I constantly feel that I am compared to many other people where no one seems to accept me for who I am.
– My work follows me home every night, every weekend and throughout every holiday.
Benefits Of No Social Media
I have a much more positive mindset.
I don’t need to prove anything to people.
I have recaptured my non-work time for me, my family and for time to recharge away from the hectic confines of always being on the job.
A Few Ideas To Tune Out
Here are a couple of suggestions to consider seriously:
– Tune out and turn off. You already have enough tasks to do and you already have a set of priorities to accomplish. It is time to stop responding to every new message or other demands on your time and those who want your immediate attention. This technique applies to work, at home, time already set aside to exercise or whatever. Your need is to approach a higher level of simplicity, not a more complicated routine.
– Remember this: you do not have to answer every message that comes your way. Unfortunately, many messages are uninvited, and others simply are unimportant. The only messages to answer are the urgent, necessary and the important. Let the rest of them go off your list.
– The more drastic action is to remove all those social media apps that do not provide benefits to your life, to your well-being or to your freedom of mind. This means that you remove, delete in fact, any social media application that does not meet your definition of being free from those who simply love to gossip, those who ask inappropriate questions, those who live each day focusing on social media rather than what I call real meaningful person to person exchanges, and from those who seem to spend their time devoted to the negativity around them rather than contributing to the positive aspects of life.
– And, add to social media, although not strictly within the confines of the definition of social media, is the telephone. If you do not know who is calling you, one of the best investments for just a few dollars is to sign up for caller I.D. When you do this, you can avoid time consuming calls from telemarketers, or from people who simply want to spread the latest gossip or have nothing better to do. This little investment allows you to get the important messages and calls, and gives you the time to do what you must.
My Time My Relaxation
One of the most important things to do that many do not do is to find a place that you can be alone. It’s a place that allows your mind to go to what I call ‘zero time’. This can be the silence of your car when you stop at a park, or overlooking a distant vista, or in your own room with the door closed away from everything else. The important aspect here is to let your mind have some relaxing time; keep it away from intrusions. If soft and relaxing music helps quiet your mind, then do it; if it is that slow meandering walk through a beautiful, quiet park or woodland setting than do it; or, if it is that long, relaxing soak in the tub than do it.
Paperless Society?
There is another interesting yet annoying fact today that was not envisioned at the start of the technology age. And, that annoying aspect is partly the expectation that we would move into a paperless society. Well, for anyone working in a company or corporation, I am sure that you have found that this just isn’t true.
Not only do we have more information coming at us in a never-ending stream through our electronic devices but also we have more paper coming to us. Some of this paper is a copy of what we received electronically because of the need to preserve a hard copy for record purposes, and some of it is from our own past habits. But, no matter what the cause, we have both electronic and paper constantly filling our minds and our in trays.
You Can Control
Some things you can control through setting specific times to do certain things like check your email or review paper that crosses your desk. However, in relation to what was said earlier, this is work time and these intrusions should be expected understanding that it is not your free time; the two need to be kept completely separate or you allow yourself to be a slave to the intrusions of media in all of its forms.
One thing is for certain, if you do not know how to organize your workflow, or mange your available time, you will end up spending more time reading emails and responding to messages than you will actually accomplish what is necessary to to be done.
Workflow And Social Media
There is no doubt that modern work environments especially in organizations of any kind that need to be connected to several forms of media are places that all seem to demand that you become more than one person. The interesting note here is that everyone who is in the same mindset of the technology cycle, that is the constant feed and feeding of information, feels compelled to contribute their response or to initiate a query so as to eliminate any gap in their informational web. To be “in the know”, as it were, is to be up to date on every morsel of organizational intelligence.
The pervasive problem, however, is that to be in the know is to have very little work time available to actually accomplish the priorities waiting for attention. The task at hand , than, is to weigh the need to be constantly enmeshed in this technological spiral of information, or to clearly set time boundaries for accepting or responding to information that intrudes into your day. The goal here is to accomplish priority tasks first and not to be forced to take work home.
Control Social Media Where And When You Can
Life is complex, hectic, demanding and full of others who want some part of you and your time. It is your own interpretation of wisdom, of freedom, that allows you to be in control and not allow social media to monopolize you or to dictate what, where and when you will respond, or even if you will respond.
Inspirational Quotes for Reflection:
“Take rest; a field that has rested gives a bountiful crop.” Ovid
“Time and words can’t be recalled, even if it was only yesterday.” Yiddish Proverb
“In the hope of reaching the moon men fail to see the flowers that blossom at their feet.” Albert Schweitzer
“This art of resting the mind and the power of dismissing from it all care and worry is probably one of the secrets of energy in our great men.” Captain J. A. Hadfield
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