Only Valentine’s Day Love

Only Valentine’s Day Love

Author: , ©2012

If you are in the month of February, there comes a day celebrated for loveand that day is Valentine’s Day. If you are waiting for this day to come around so that you can show your love, you are missing a part of life that should be valued for more than once yearly.

Expressing Love Not Just For Valentine’s Day
The expression of love to another is not reserved for a single day or for a special event or occasion like an anniversary for a birthday. The celebration of love is more about how you live each day with the one you love and care for.

“The ‘look of love’ not only communicates our feeling of love for someone but also reflects our instinct to do whatever it takes to make that person happy.” Willard F. Harley, Jr.

Love and the Little Things
In the course of a lifetime, it is the accumulation of all the little things that express that love whether that is verbally or with actions. The celebration of love does not have to wait for the end of day, or until you arrive home from work. Sometimes, it may just be a spontaneous telephone call, or a valentine poem in a little note slipped under their pillow as you quietly leave for work before the other arises.

Many Components
Love has many components and every component contributes to the whole. It is not that love should be subdivided into tiny morsels but is more that love goes well beyond simply being around someone else. It involves respect, consideration, going out of your way to do something that is not normally called for or expected, it is those times when you take the other’s hand as you walk to the grocery store, or that little hug as you greet new friends.

It also involves the willingness to compromise, to give in when you really know that it doesn’t really matter in the long run, or that you arrange for a special dinner or that you provide the warmth and understanding that is needed at times of frustration, sorrow or pain.

Sharing and Caring
It is the sharing of all things that indicate that love is about a partnership where no one is better than the other, or more respected than the other. It means that you demonstrate caring not just for the eyes of others when they look but that caring is the way you are just because you care all the time. This expression of love does not wait for love to be offered in like kind nor does it need a particular incident or circumstance to come bursting forth.

Be Careful
Love is a continuance of the inner self. The danger to some, however, is that love for another can be damaged along the path towards that one day of recognition we all call Valentine’s Day. This danger can see itself rear up in moments where the tongue, those words spoken, can potentially cause love to fail. How is this possible?

Look at it this way. If you abuse, take for granted, promote self-interest, cast disparaging remarks throughout the year and expect that one day of indicated love will make up for past transgressions, you are dead wrong. Or, think of it as analogous to the maintenance of your car. Throughout the year, day after day, you push your car beyond its limits; you do not pay attention to the squealing brake pads, or the engine warning light, or the suspension that has been subject to constant ruts, bumps and potholes. Why would you do this?

Some would suggest that their car should be able to take their neglect waiting instead for that one day of the year that it is scheduled for routine maintenance, In other words, why bother paying any attention to the car when one day a year should be good enough for care and attention. Well, guess what; your car cannot run forever when subjected to a constant lack of care and necessary pampering. The ultimate demise of a car neglected is a car that finally quits for good no longer being able to be saved by one day a year care and maintenance.

And, similar to on-going care of your vehicle so it continues to operate smoothly, so it is also just like a relationship that cannot survive without care and maintenance. Is this so hard to understand that love demands its’ share of devotion, of attention? Ask yourself this question if you think I’m wrong; would you like to be loved the way you love another? Would you like to be ignored, taken for granted, cast into a vacuum of inattention and care with the expectation that only one day a year you would be resurrected for devotion and love? I think not.

Inspirational Quotes for Reflection:
“Even though there may be times it seems I’m far away never wonder where I am cause I am always by your side.” Celine Dion

“Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own.” Robert A. Heinlein

“There are many ways to say ‘I love you’ and many ways to say ‘I’d like to be your friend.’ But a Valentine is the best way to do it in the end. Sally Huss

“Write someone you love a note saying so.” Cindy Francis

“The more kindly we treat people – the more we let God love others through us – the more real His Presence becomes to us.” Dave Roberson, The Walk of the Spirit

“In February when my garden is barren of flowers, you are the only flower blooming in my heart. I cherish you and adore you with all of my heart because you are my Valentine.” Debasish Mridha

Beyond Your Personal Relationships
Now, here’s something else that you may wish to consider. I know you won’t think that what I am about to tell you necessarily applies to you, but you may wish to give it your attention. For those of you that go to work on a daily basis, there is an extension of the love that flows from Valentine’s Day. It is that love, compassion, helpfulness, kindness, inspiration and good will towards your colleagues and to your customers. Each person needs to be respected and valued and that is demonstrated every day throughout the year not just at employee appreciation days. This is an on-going flow of thoughtfulness that goes beyond a simple smile or a good morning wish. It is the constant conduct shown through your words and deeds.

However, just because you have different views than someone else does not mean that they do not deserve love and kindness.

And, for a moment let’s talk about how that care and love goes well beyond your work environment. This same care, respect and thoughtfulness extends as you walk throughout your day. It is embodied by the respect shown for those who are less fortunate; to those who need your strength and support when faced with difficulties confronted in a life by the loss of a loved one; it is an expression of acceptance of others even when you don’t agree with how they live their life; it is an outflowing of compassion to serve as a volunteer in situations that call for removing yourself from the confines of having abundance to share with others.

Each day we all can demonstrate what the true meaning of love is. It doesn’t matter whether you are rich or poor, educated or not, where you live whether in a mansion or a tin roofed hut. The capacity to show love sees no bounds; sees no obstacles; and sees no selfishness. It is a love that is expressed even when you don’t feel you are capable.

A Commitment This Valentine’s Day
So, remember your relationships will have more meaning if you celebrate Valentines Day each and every day by showing your love every day!

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