Poems About Life Page 4
Why Not You
Poet: Julie Hebert, © 2012
Growing up we are told many things,
One being, you can do anything.
But somewhere between child and adult,
Things change and we no longer sing.
Life takes on a whole different meaning,
From what we may have first believed.
We all get so caught up in what life expects,
And forget what we all could achieve.
Whoever told you, you weren’t allow,
To follow all of your dreams?
Was it someone who took away your dream,
Or was it you who was afraid of your schemes.
Whatever the reason, I now must ask,
Why not you, don’t you think
It’s time for you to take control of your life,
So you’ll be happy to look back with no regret.
Seek Not To Climb…
Poet: John McLeod © 1989
Seek not to climb to mountain’s top
Nor sail the oceans wide
For Paradise’s happy glade
Is waiting deep inside…
Seek thus that calm serenity,
Wear joy upon your face,
And find your peace of mind within
Your heart’s sweet garden place!
Do Less
Poet: Julie Hebert, © 2012
Hectic lives never stop,
And we are sucked into the craze.
We go and we go never taking a break,
Life flies by in a haze.
One day we will look back and realize some things,
Like how much we’ve missed out on.
Holidays, parties, vacations and sports,
We will wonder where life has gone.
So before we find ourselves looking back,
Let’s evaluate our life as it is.
Although life is short and we shouldn’t over think,
Let’s not waste a day with a quiz.
But we can do more relaxing and do less,
To enjoy the pleasures of life.
Think of something you’ve always wanted to do,
And make the time to just do it.
Life Is Full Of Challenges But ….
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Life is full of challenges for us all
but don’t let them make you fall.
Life comes with adversity
but be thankful for diversity.
Life can have its troubles
but it should not be a full time struggle.
Life presents problems
but let your life be awesome.
Life has many possibilities
and for sure comes with liabilities.
But your attitude can overcome
all the issues that are undone.
Just the fact you awoke today
Is a blessing in every way.
No matter what you face
find the good and keep up the pace.
You see life is full of ups and downs
We have some smiles and some frowns.
The choices you make
will determine the opportunities you take.
Be happy and be glad
Focus on the good and not the bad.
Life is too short you see
To not be ready for opportunity.
The Finest Things
Poet: Dorothy Bradford
The finest things in life are those
We neither sell nor buy;
A bursting bud – a bird that sings,
A glowing western sky,
And friends to love – these are indeed
Well worth their weight in gold –
And may you know the gladness which
Such things forever hold.
On Getting Rich
Poet: Nixon Waterman
Get riches, my boy! Grow as rich as you can;
‘Tis the laudable aim of each diligent man
Of life’s many blessings his share to secure,
Nor go through this world ill-conditioned and poor.
Get riches, my boy! Ah, but hearken you, mind!
Get riches, but those of the genuine kind.
Get riches,–not dollars and acres unless
You thoughtfully use them to brighten and bless.
Get riches, not such as with money are bought,
But those that with love and high thinking are wrought;
Get rubies of righteousness, jewels of grace,
Whose brightness Time’s passing shall never efface.
Get riches! Do not, as the foolish will do,
In getting your money let money get you
To steal life’s high purpose from heart and from head
And prison the soul in a pocket instead.
Get riches! Get gold that is pure and refined;
Get light from above; get the love of mankind;
Get gladness through all of life’s journey; and then
Get heaven, forever and ever. Amen.
Long of Living
Poet: Dorothea Spears
Bow to the beat of it, swing to the surge of it;
Tap with the feet of it, answer the urge of it. . .
Life! It is life, brother; feel it and flow with it,
Riotous, beautiful – go with it, low with it!
Hesitate not on the brink, on the verge of it;
Drink it and think it and marvel and merge with it!
Life is a harmony; join the in the song of it.
Life is a unity, enter the throng with it.
Life is a river, a forest – the scope of it
Staggers the heart and the head with the hope of it.
Life is a fire, and the water that cools it:
Life is the earth and the air and who rules it.
Grieve or be gay with it, stay with it, play with it,
Brother, but gratefully go all the way with it.
He who partakes of it most will not boast of it:
He that is one with it, he makes the most of it.
Pain of it, joy of it; load of it, life of it –
Glory to God for the fabulous gift of it!
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