Quote of the Day January 2022

Quote of the Day January 2022

Quote of the Day: Monday, January 31, 2022

Creativity is the key to fruitfulness. Peter Ajisafe, Decide Forward
Creativity is the key to fruitfulness.
Peter Ajisafe, Decide Forward
Creativity Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
The creative mind looks at the world with the eyes of a child, without prejudice or knowledge.
Aliyah Marr, Parallel Mind, the Art of Creativity

Continue to embrace your creative energy and watch it grow, forming rich green leaves. You will soon witness your bud beginning to bloom.
Eva Rose, The 30 Teachings of Mary Magdalene: How to Advance Your Soul

Quote of the Day: Sunday, January 30, 2022

Music is the sea on which all the argosies of our hopes go safely into port. It is paradise to the sensualist and the ascetic. All can find in it what they seek. Walter Blackburn Harte, Meditations in Motley
Music is the sea on which all the argosies of our hopes go safely into port. It is paradise to the sensualist and the ascetic. All can find in it what they seek.
Walter Blackburn Harte, Meditations in Motley
Music Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:

Music makes the mind to flutter like a butterfly. Time in music becomes pulchritude of beauty. Music is the soul of love, the passion of love.Anand Bose, Weeds of Mirth
Anand Bose, Weeds of Mirth

Music brings people together to share joy, provide comfort, and challenge the inequities in society.
Nancy H. Hensel, Exploring, Experiencing, and Envisioning Integration in US

Quote of the Day: Saturday, January 29, 2022

Every day, without knowing it, you are a survivor. Ph. D. Ann Mody Lewis, Kiss Your Life! 365 Reasons to Love Who You Are
Every day, without knowing it, you are a survivor.
Ph. D. Ann Mody Lewis, Kiss Your Life! 365 Reasons to Love Who You Are
Survivor Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:

You are a survivor, and you are stronger than you know. Your story and the pain you have been through have only made you wiser and more compassionate for others who are hurting.
Wendy Griffith, You Are a Prize to be Won!

Hope in Christ is the only thing that can steady and stabilize us, and enable us to survive life’s storms until we reach safe harbor.
Preston Parrish, ‎Glenda Parrish, Finding Hope in Times of Grief

Quote of the Day:Friday, January 28, 2022

When life knocks you down, get back up and be reforged all the stronger. Conner Cordova, Be a Bro: Likable
When life knocks you down, get back up and be reforged all the stronger.
Conner Cordova, Be a Bro: Likable
Get Back up Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
Whether you’ve failed, or you’ve prevailed, you get up the next morning and get to work.
Cara Cocchiarella, ‎Camille Adana, Winning Well: Maximizing Coach and Athlete Wellness

The climb back from a failure begins with one determined step. It takes determination to get back up again and again.
Ron Hunter, ‎Michael E. Waddell, Toy Box Leadership

Quote of the Day: Thursday, January 27, 2022

Pay attention to the little things and the big stuff takes care of itself. Janet Bowman Johnson, Sun Sign Selling - Page 28
Pay attention to the little things and the big stuff takes care of itself.
Janet Bowman Johnson, Sun Sign Selling
Attention Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
The first secret of life is to pay attention.
James J Mapes, Quantum Leap Thinking

If you love to listen you will gain knowledge, and if you pay attention you will become wise.
Joan Guntzelman, Turning to God in Tough Timesem

Quote of the Day: Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Taking the time to relax is really an acknowledgement that for you to be effective, you need to take care of yourself. Greg Keast, ‎Kevin Kaohelaulii, Pass The Smiles
Taking the time to relax is really an acknowledgement that for you to be effective, you need to take care of yourself.
Greg Keast, ‎Kevin Kaohelaulii, Pass The Smiles
Relax Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
If you don’t pick a day to relax, your body will pick it for you.
Saurabh Sinha, Do you Really Want It?

Learning to relax increases self-awareness and self-knowledge. Learning to relax will also make you strong and help you trust in yourself and your own capabilities.
Angela D. Coleman, How to Relax & Let Go

Quote of the Day: Tuesday, January 25, 2022

The best way to smash idols is with gentle words — many people will listen to your morals if they make sense as a way of living.  Andy Nash, Un-Leash the Dream
The best way to smash idols is with gentle words — many people will listen to your morals if they make sense as a way of living.
Andy Nash, Un-Leash the Dream
Morals Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
Challenge yourself and never give up or give in. Let your conscience guide you. Stand by your morals and values and demonstrate them.
Neil Katz, Life Is a Metaphor

If you truly believe in yourself and have high moral values, your moral compass is pointed in the right direction.
Jerry L. Patterson, ‎Paul Kelleher, Resilient School Leaders

Quote of the Day: Monday, January 24, 2022

Oftentimes obstacles are designed to improve our character. In life there are no straight paths. Brian Henderson, A New Beginning
Oftentimes obstacles are designed to improve our character. In life there are no straight paths.
Brian Henderson, A New Beginning
Obstacles Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
You gain mastery over everything by getting the better of obstacles and difficulties.
Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha, Overcoming the Challenges of Life

I encourage you to try to see the good that hides in every situation, as a pessimist sees obstacles in his opportunities, the optimist sees opportunities in his obstacles.
Spence Finlayson, Dare to Be Great

Quote of the Day: Sunday, January 23, 2022

Time is actually a precious gem and mainly used to expand our life, our love, and our happiness. Take time to live life to its fullest potential every minute of the everyday.
Time is actually a precious gem and mainly used to expand our life, our love, and our happiness. Take time to live life to its fullest potential every minute of the everyday.
Tony Bovi, Life, Ain’t It Great, and How to Enjoy It.
Live Life Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:

The time to live life to the full is today.
Lisa Washington, Living Within The Silver Lining

Live your life each day as you would climb a mountain. An occasional glance towards the summit keeps the goal in mind, but many beautiful scenes are to be observed from each vantage point.
Johnny Ong, Don’t Live Your Live in One Day

Quote of the Day: Saturday, January 22, 2022

Real freedom gives you love and real love gives you freedom. Satya Narayana Sarma Rupenaguntla
Real freedom gives you love and real love gives you freedom.
Satya Narayana Sarma Rupenaguntla
Freedom Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:

Freedom allows expression of your real self. To be free is to be true to your essential self, your very nature.
Elaine McGuinness, Unleash Your Authentic Self!

Freedom is a state of the mind that assures you that you need not worry if you will be judged or condemned by your action.
David Pedro, Know Yourself to Become Your Best

Quote of the Day: Friday, January 21, 2022

Minds are like hearts; they go where they are appreciated.
Marlene D. LeFever, Creative Teaching Methods
Minds are like hearts; they go where they are appreciated.
Marlene D. LeFever, Creative Teaching Methods
Appreciation Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
You are appreciated for who you are right this very minute… not the person you might become, but the person you are right NOW.
Children’s Advocacy Centers of Georgia, Words of Hope and Healing

We may not always tell you, but we do notice your loving commitment — and we are grateful. Thank you for making a difference that will last a lifetime.
Caron Loveless, Thank You Teacher

Quote of the Day: Thursday, January 20, 2022

When you are suffering, seek a place of beauty and solitude. Make this effort to remind yourself that life is beautiful. Richard Ferguson, A Real Life Christian Spiritual Journey
When you are suffering, seek a place of beauty and solitude. Make this effort to remind yourself that life is beautiful.
Richard Ferguson, A Real Life Christian Spiritual Journey
Life Is Beautiful Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
Remind yourself to look for the beauty, the gems that are tucked within the fabric of the everyday normal. Force yourself to wake up, to see, to remember, and to be thankful for the blessings that fill your life.
Power of Moms, Motherhood Realized

Life is beautiful… so choose to live beautifully.
Kate Waite, Beauty Unfolding

Quote of the Day: Wednesday, January 19, 2022

When you make a commitment to something, then your realization of every success, no matter how minor, becomes that much more gratifying. Thomas E. Briggs
When you make a commitment to something, then your realization of every success, no matter how minor, becomes that much more gratifying.
Thomas E. Briggs, Christian Success Principles
Commitment Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
You must be committed to taking action each and every day to bring you closer to your goals.
Jacqueline Day, Aspiring to Mastery the Foundation

You must be committed if you want to love fearlessly. Committed to staying true to yourself. Committed to accepting yourself as is.
Rhonda Britten, Fearless Loving

Quote of the Day: Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Be true to yourself today. Be genuine, and be so without guilt, fear, or hesitation. David Sharp, Power for Life: Inspirational Guidance for Daily Living
Be true to yourself today. Be genuine, and be so without guilt, fear, or hesitation.
David Sharp, Power for Life
Be True To Yourself Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
Look for one way to be true to yourself today; kindly say “no, thank you” to offers that do not stir passion in you and “yes” to those that fuel your inner flame.
Keri Nola, A Year on Your Path to Growth

Be true to yourself today and be willing to peel these layers off when your thoughts and beliefs no longer support and best express the authentic you.
Sherrie Dillard, Discover Your Authentic Self

Quote of the Day: Monday, January 17, 2022

I hope you celebrate your birthday every year no matter your age, for your life truly is a gift. Anthea Gillian Tripp, My Soul Sings for You
I hope you celebrate your birthday every year no matter your age, for your life truly is a gift.
Anthea Gillian Tripp, My Soul Sings for You
Birthday Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
If you think I sent you this card just because its your birthday, you’re wrong…… it’s also out of respect for the elderly.
Bill Bytheway, Ageism

No matter what age you choose to be this year, I won’t let on that I know “old age” is getting near even though on you it doesn’t show.
Jeannie Parrish, J.p.

Quote of the Day: Sunday, January 16, 2022

Your journey is your own. Your purpose is your own. Your path and your impact are your own. Do not let comparison steal that from you. Brian Bosché, ‎Gabrielle Bosché, The Purpose Factor
Your journey is your own. Your purpose is your own. Your path and your impact are your own. Do not let comparison steal that from you.
Brian Bosché, ‎Gabrielle Bosché, The Purpose Factor
Journey Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
Your journey is your life. Are you involved in the planning of your life or are you simply an observer?
Al Collins, My Sistah, Our Journey

Your life is a journey and your journey is full of illusions and obstacles . You must have trust that your life and its events happen for a reason .
Leonard M. Rubino, Success & Happiness One Day at a Time

Quote of the Day: Saturday, January 15, 2022

It is not selfish to put yourself first when you create your life. When you take time for yourself, you make everything around you better. Tom Anderson, Your Journey Of Being
It is not selfish to put yourself first when you create your life. When you take time for yourself, you make everything around you better.
Tom Anderson, Your Journey Of Being
Put Yourself First Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
It’s time to stop avoiding your ambition and put yourself first.
Maree McPherson, Worthy

It’s important to put yourself first from time to time. It’s not selfish—it’s actually going to put you in a better position to give to others.
Carley Centen, The Book of Hope

Quote of the Day: Friday, January 14, 2022

Life is what you make of it. No matter what happens to you, keep your head held up high. Laura Allen, ‎Bruce Allen ,Brain Storm: A Journey of Faith Through Brain Injury
Life is what you make of it. No matter what happens to you, keep your head held up high.
Laura Allen, ‎Bruce Allen, Brain Storm
Keep Your Head Up Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
Keep your head up high and strive to keep your faith intact.
Cinda Feagan, Tribulation to Triumph

Advice one, walk through a storm. Advice two, keep your head up high!
Linda Wright, 333 Journal Pages 4

Quote of the Day: Thursday, January 13, 2022

In reflecting on our present we must attend to the past so that we can intend the future. Jeff Astley, ‎Leslie J. Francis, Critical Perspectives on Christian Education
In reflecting on our present we must attend to the past so that we can intend the future.
Jeff Astley, ‎Leslie J. Francis, Critical Perspectives on Christian Education
Reflection Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
Your life is only a reflection of your thoughts.
Sylvester Onyemalechi, Understanding the Mind of Man

We must take time to reflect actively on what is going on in our lives — outer and inner.
Ashok Bedi, Path to the Soul

Quote of the Day: Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Always look forward to a better day. Look for the silver linings in every cloud. Dana Gordon, Success Tidbits: Success Principles Are Common Sense
Always look forward to a better day. Look for the silver linings in every cloud.
Dana Gordon, Success Tidbits
Wake Up Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
Looking back encourages one to place blame for things that didn’t go well , while looking forward encourages the projecting of the positive lessons of the past into the future .
Andrea Kihlstedt, Capital Campaigns

A backward looking faith is no faith at all; always look forward to what lies ahead. And never look back. What lies in the past—with all its mistakes and regrets—is to be left where it belongs, in the past.
Paul C. McGlasson, Church Doctrine, Volume 4

Quote of the Day: Tuesday, January 11, 2022

When you know your worth, you don't wait for people to start seeing it who haven't already seen it. Always keep in mind that we are as important as we make ourselves and not as important as other people make us. Eric Nichols , Building Your Own Unicorn - Page 42 - Google Books result
When you know your worth, you don’t wait for people to start seeing it who haven’t already seen it. Always keep in mind that we are as important as we make ourselves and not as important as other people make us.
Eric Nichols, Building Your Own Unicorn – Page 42 – Google Books result
Self Worth Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
Self worth is the most important recipe for success and a life filled with happiness and joy.
Aji R. Michael, The Purpose-Driven Career

When you truly know yourself, you know what you are worth; you begin to see yourself in a different light.
Temi Olaniyan, Just Give Me Your Last Name

Quote of the Day: Monday, January 10, 2022

I worry not of yesterday's past, but see tomorrow as an accomplishment. Byll Johnson , Mirror of a Mind
I worry not of yesterday’s past, but see tomorrow as an accomplishment.
Byll Johnson , Mirror of a Mind
Yesterday Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
I have to realize that yesterday is gone, and the only value in thinking about yesterday is what I learned that will help me live, or play, better today.
Tim Enochs, Every Day Is Game Day!

I believe that yesterday is history—no matter what happened—and today is an opportunity.
Jorge Cruise, Inches Off! Your Tummy: The Super-Simple 5-Minute Plan to

Quote of the Day: Sunday, January 09, 2022

Your only responsibility is to yourself. You need to enjoy your life.
Your only responsibility is to yourself. You need to enjoy your life.
Lexy Timms, Toxic Touch Box Set Books
Enjoy Life Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
Take time to enjoy your life and not just endure it.
Joyce Meyer, Be Your Best

Take Time to Enjoy Your Life It is so easy to become absorbed in one part of life and to become out of balance . We are meant to enjoy life .
Compliation, Speaking Out!

Quote of the Day: Saturday, January 08, 2022

Being brave is about facing physical or mental discomfort with courage. And courage is the ability to act despite having thoughts and feelings that scream at you to run, hide, or freeze.
Being brave is about facing physical or mental discomfort with courage. And courage is the ability to act despite having thoughts and feelings that scream at you to run, hide, or freeze.
Simon Marshall, PhD, ‎Lesley Paterson, The Brave Athlete
Brave Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
Many people think that being brave is synonymous with being fearless and untouchable. But for me, being brave has meant being vulnerable enough to admit my fears and weaknesses.
Tami Walker, Brave Girl Boots

Being brave isn’t a matter of physical strength. It’s a matter of digging into our innermost core value of bravery and incorporating that bravery into our actions.
V. David Schwantes, Ethics in a Cocoon

Quote of the Day: Friday, January 07, 2022

Believe what your heart tells you is right. Believe what your eyes see and your ears hear. James Buchanan , Personal Demons
Believe what your heart tells you is right. Believe what your eyes see and your ears hear.
James Buchanan, Personal Demons
Believe Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
I believe that life is not a race of speed, and the winner of the race is not always the winner.
The Great Freddy Velez, Personal Demons

Believe in your goal as real, not just an ideal.
Alexandra’s DragonFire

Quote of the Day: Thursday, January 06, 2022

When you complain, you may be so stuck on the problem that the solution will take a lot longer to find. Rita Chester ,Complaining: A Life Free from Complaining
When you complain, you may be so stuck on the problem that the solution will take a lot longer to find.
Rita Chester ,Complaining: A Life Free from Complaining
Complaining Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
When you stop complaining and understand that your response to the events in your life determines the outcome, everything changes. The only thing you can completely control is your response to whatever happens.
Michelle Nagel , Suffering is Optional

If you complain all the time, you begin to be a bottomless pit.
E. E. Kelley, How to Be an Irresistible Woman

Quote of the Day: Wednesday, January 05, 2022

Seek your spark, your happy, your passion. The world is filled with possibilities, Wake up and appreciate your magic.  Lynn Lok-Payne , Wake Up! Change Up! Rise Up!
Seek your spark, your happy, your passion. The world is filled with possibilities, Wake up and appreciate your magic.
Lynn Lok-Payne, Wake Up! Change Up! Rise Up!
Wake Up Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
Wake up early and watch the sun rise. Hold hands with someone as you watch the sun go down and the stars come out. Life can be simpler. We can make it so, but we have to choose it, to be so.
Fran ”Mystiblu” Hafey, Season of Love

Wake up to the possibilities of what the day holds.
Marlene A Pontrelli, Daily Meditations for Healing from Divorce

Quote of the Day: Tuesday, January 04, 2022

There's no use in worrying about what isn't possible. Lindsay Paige, Steady
There’s no use in worrying about what isn’t possible.
Lindsay Paige, Steady
Worry Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
When we worry we lose our faith to fear. We capitulate at the slightest sign of uncertainty.
Samuel Daniel, Why Worry
Worry is a futile and unproductive waste of time, born of an insecure ego. Nobody knows what’s going to happen next, nobody ever has and nobody ever will. That’s what makes life spontaneous and exciting.
Rick Collingwood, Go Deeper

Quote of the Day: Monday, January 03, 2022

You only live once so love, laugh, cry, be true to yourself, and stay positive in everything you do. Steven M. Rippin, Life Through My Eyes: My Alternative Self-Help Autobiography
You only live once so love, laugh, cry, be true to yourself, and stay positive in everything you do.
Steven M. Rippin, Life Through My Eyes
You Only Live Once Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
You only live once! So make it worthwhile, make it awesome and make it great. You are in control of your destiny.
Thulas, You Only Live Once: Just do it

You only live once, Time passes; Never comes nor give another chance, Lastly, devote your time toward your happiness!
Srishtim You Are 23 Stories Away

Quote of the Day:Sunday, January 02, 2022

A new day brings new possibilities, that means we can all start a-fresh, we can all shed yesterday's skin and mold a new day's flesh.  Mark Reif , MARK’sISM: New Perspectives for a New Millennium
A new day brings new possibilities, that means we can all start a-fresh, we can all shed yesterday’s skin and mold a new day’s flesh.
Mark Reif, MARK’sISM: New Perspectives for a New Millennium
New Day Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:

It’s a new day. You’re to be filled with hope and enthusiasm. Is there not opportunity on the horizon calling your name from the vibrant morning sun?
Lenny Flaum, Dyed

A new day brings a new outlook, a new perspective, a new hope and vitality for your endeavors.
Mark Russell, Poetic Confessions of a Winner!

Quote of the Day: Saturday, January 01, 2022

In wanting to make new year's resolutions we want to do better. Bible Stuff: Children's Activity Bulletins
In wanting to make new year’s resolutions we want to do better.
Bible Stuff: Children’s Activity Bulletins
New Year’s Resolution Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:

New Year’s gives us an excuse for pulling ourselves together and taking our bearings.
Boys’ Life – Jan 1923 – Page 1

The New Year is our opportunity to be born again. We must listen deeply during this time of the emerging light and become quiet as the earth, engaging in a coiling, inward process of revitalization and renewal.
Shiva Rea, Tending the Heart Fire

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