Quote of The Day July 2019
Quote of The Day for Wednesday, July 31, 2019
We cannot always choose what our circumstances will be,
but we can choose how we will respond to them.
Joyce Meyer, Seize the Day
Positive Quotes for the Day:
As with almost everything else in life, you learn about relationships through experience.
Leslie Becker-Phelps, Insecure in Love
… a ‘safe’ life is a small one. A life in which all risk is eliminated would be impoverished and constricted.
Paula Gooder, Let Me Go There
Quote of The Day for Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Life is a game. Happy people are the players. Unhappy people are the spectators.
Ernie J Zelinski, Life’s Secret Handbook
Cute Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
I believe that my life is built upon layers of little everyday accomplishments. When I think this way, setting goals and taking small risks becomes nothing more than a daily striving to make my life better.
Family Groups, Al-Anon, Courage to Change
Personal control means the ability to change things by one’s voluntary actions; it is the opposite of helplessness.
Martin E.P. Seligman, Learned Optimism
Quote of The Day for Monday, July 29, 2019
In a nutshell, your health, wealth, happiness, fitness, and success depend on your habits.
Joanna Jast, Hack Your Habits
Positive Quotes for the Day:
Having a big dream – and a clear vision of what you will look like while pursuing competitive excellence – always inspires greatness.
Jim Afremow, The Champion’s Mind
There are only two days in the year that nothing can be done.
One is called yesterday and the other is called tomorrow.
Today is the right day to love, believe, do and mostly live.
Dalai Lama
Quote of The Day for Sunday, July 28, 2019
The idea of being grateful for your many blessings starts at the beginning of each and every day.
Byron Pulsifer, How To Attract Positive Energy
Good Morning Blessings
Positive Quotes for the Day:
We are told to bless those around us, to share one another’s burdens, to comfort each other, to rejoice with each other – while at the same time we are living to worship Him and serve Him.
Patricia Meyers, 70 Extraordinary Object Lessons for Home School and Sunday School
Sometimes we are allowed to see in our own lifetimes what we were supposed to see in the life and ministry of Jesus.
Father Richard Rohr, O.F.M.
Quote of The Day for Saturday, July 27, 2019
Motivation is what makes dreams come true.
It drives people to peak levels ….
Bassel Hamdan, Motivation is the Key of your Success
Motivational Quotes for Students
Positive Quotes for the Day:
When people are looking down the barrel of failure in their lives, they will do whatever it takes to get themselves moving, something, anything, to start climbing upward toward the point of survival.
Jeff Olson, The Slight Edge
Every day, advertising promotions and society send us messages that we’re not okay as we are, that we need whatever they are selling to make us better before we can be happy, before we can love ourselves, before we can fully live our happiest lives – but that is a lie!
Tina Nies
Quote of The Day for Friday, July 26, 2019
Sports develop and encourage the spirit of healthy rivalry and competition. They teach us coolness, courage and self-control.
Priyanka Tripathi, Practice like a champion
Positive Quotes for the Day:
Nobody knows the future, but worries pretend that they do, and that it’s going to be bad, really bad.
David A. Carbonell, The Worry Trick
If every person on earth would make a small positive change to society, this world would be healed of its wicked actions.
Cheryl Whitsett, My Thoughts For Today
Quote of The Day for Thursday, July 25, 2019
Successful people always follow through on their ideas. When they have something brilliant in their mind, they never let it go.
Penelope Holmes, How Successful People Think Differently
Quotes about Ideas
Positive Quotes for the Day:
From what I have learnt, one of the most important keys to succeed, one common denominator to get what you want – absolutely everything you want – in life is to “dare”.
Paul David Brand, Living Well, Learning Life Lessons
Inspiration, from whatever the source, arouses feelings within us that rekindle hope, ambition, and determination. It is a momentary whisper of encouragement and reassurance that causes us to become aware of our potential.
Jim Rohn, The Five Major Pieces to the Life Puzzle
Quote of The Day for Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Our best life is the life in which we be-came the be-st version of ourselves.
Ryan Lui, Being is Greater than Doing
Best Motivational Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
Everyone’s definition of a “life triumphant” will be different, according to the desires you have for yourself, but I think we can all agree that when you feel a sense of triumph, it means you’re enjoying the bounty of a life that is satisfying and fulfilling.
Evelyn Roberts Brooks, You Were Born to Triumph
“Never before, since the beginning of time, has there ever been anybody exactly like you; and never again throughout all the ages to come will there ever be anybody exactly like you again.”
Dale Carnegie, How To Enjoy Your Life And Your Job
Quote of The Day for Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Don’t be the person who puts off the important things in life for another day.
Ryan Lui, Being is Greater than Doing
Positive Quotes for the Day:
Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood.
Helen Keller
… success is not just about how creative or smart or driven you are, but how well you are able to connect with, contribute to, and benefit from the ecosystem of people around you.
Shawn Achor, Big Potential
Quote of The Day for Monday, July 22, 2019
Fail, pick yourself up and fail again. Because without this struggle, what is your success anyway?
Charlie Day
Positive Quotes for the Day:
The anxious mind causes for shifts in thinking (positive (positive to negative) and knocks the motivation out of people to take chances.
Dr. Robert Lancer, Rise Within
Many people tend to view uncertainty as a reason to shy away from making major, and sometimes even minor, decisions. When they do this, they aren’t protecting themselves from uncertainty, instead they are shielding themselves from success.
Dave O’Brian, 7 Life Changing Lessons
Quote of The Day for Sunday, July 21, 2019
In Psalm 57:3, the Bible says, He will send down help from heaven to save me because of his love (TLB). That’s what Jesus did on Easter. And that’s why we can bring our messes and failures to God.
Rick Warren
Positive Quotes for the Day:
There can be no casual reading of the Gospels when we understand that the words of Jesus are the words not only of a great teacher but of God Himself, the Creator of the universe, the author of all wisdom and the knower of all mysteries.
Chris Tiegreen, The One Year At His Feet Devotional
Believing and receiving God’s love is the key to obedience, complete joy, loving others, sacrificial love, friendship with God, being fruitful, and complete access to God’s unlimited resources.
Melanie Wilber, Faith Hope and Love
Quote of The Day for Saturday, July 20, 2019
Be the kind of person who inspires others with their positive changes.
Sonia Weyers, Happiness Now!
Inspiring Others
Positive Quotes for the Day:
It is easy to critize others, why not love and inspire others.
Catherine Pulsifer
For best results, parents and teachers must inspire passion in learners by returning choice to them, creating an aspiration to learn.
John Taylor Gatto
Quote of The Day for Friday, July 19, 2019
Excuses are a dime a dozen. For every reason something can be done, there are a dozen reasons why it can’t be done.
Morris E. Goodman
Positive Quotes for the Day:
Furthermore, the most effective means for eliminating habitual thoughts is to go to work on the very system that created, and continues to support, these thinking habits. This system is made up of a long list of explanations and defenses that can be summed up in one word: excuses.
Wayne W. Dyer, Excuses Begone!: How to Change Lifelong, Self-Defeating Thinking Habits
The will to excel and the will to win are positive, enduring factors. They are more important than any events that occasion them.
Vince Lombardi
Quote of The Day for Thursday, July 18, 2019
Words to live by are just words, unless you actually live by them.
BJ Gallagher
Quotes to Live By
Positive Quotes for the Day:
Your innate desire for self-improvement causes you to measure yourself against others, which is good if it inspires you to become a better person.
Bailey Jackson, How to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others
The needs of people, to at least some degree, are obvious to all but the most insensitive and self-centered.
Larry Crabb, Encouragement
Quote of The Day for Wednesday, July 17, 2019
One moment of courage can change your day. One day can change your life. And one life can change the world.
Mel Robbins, The 5 Second Rule
Change The World
Positive Quotes for the Day:
Anytime the rich and poor combine, we should listen to whoever has the least power.
Chris Marlow, Doing Good Is Simple
You can become better tomorrow than you are today, but it requires letting go of your past and learning from success and failure.
Steve Gilliland, Making A Difference
Quote of The Day for Tuesday, July 16, 2019
And if we can make each day of our lives more positive, then those days will add up to weeks, months, years, and lifetimes of living our lives as fully as we can.
Tom Walsh, Just for Today
Positive Life Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
“Have you ever wondered how some of the worst things that happen in your life turn out to be some of the best experiences you’ve ever had?”
Dean Pennicott
You’ve got to just sort of surround yourself with people who uplift you, who hold you up.
Michelle Obama
Quote of The Day for Monday, July 15, 2019
There’s no point in learning to be efficient if we’re efficiently doing the wrong things.
Robyn Pearce, Getting a Grip on Time Management
Monday Motivation
Positive Quotes for the Day:
Those who are not looking for happiness are the most likely to find it, because those who are searching forget that the surest way to be happy is to seek happiness for others.
Martin Luther King Jr.
Of course, all the teammates I ever played with every guy in my career that played always had the same goal and that was to be a champion. That always made for a lot of fun.
Wayne Gretzky
Quote of The Day for Sunday, July 14, 2019
It helps as a reminder to be grateful for the gifts God has blessed me with.
Brandon Harrison, I Trust You Lord
Count Your Blessings
Positive Quotes for the Day:
Sometimes it takes me being down to my last bit of hope to reach out to God and trust his word, but when I finally do, he always comes through.
Robin Zaruba, God Is…
God made man to be somebody, not just to have things.
Author Unknown
Quote of The Day for Saturday, July 13, 2019
Having someone who loves you just the way you are is a blessing.
Alexis G. Roldan
Positive Quotes for the Day:
Everyone has something to be grateful for, no matter how dire the situation might seem to be.
Candy Paull, The Heart of Abundance
Hope fuels energy, creativity, and resilience.
Annie McKee, How to Be Happy at Work
Quote of The Day for Friday, July 12, 2019
It is in the character of very few men to honor without envy a friend who has prospered.
Positive Quotes for the Day:
There are certain basic qualities and characteristics you’ve got to have. Number one: you’ve got to have a will to win.
Bob Richards, The Heart of a Champion
Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars.
Kahlil Gibran
Quote of The Day for Thursday, July 11, 2019
There are no shortcuts to the top of the palm tree.
African Proverb
Funny Work Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
Over the years, I have discovered that there are two groups of people: those who are ready to work for change and those who want a quick fix.
Ben Bernstein, Stressed Out!
Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships.
Michael Jordan
Quote of The Day for Wednesday, July 10, 2019
Whether you live to be 50 or 100 makes no difference, if you made no difference in the world.
Jarod Kintz
Make A Difference
Positive Quotes for the Day:
What we focus on, we empower and enlarge. Good multiplies when focused upon. Negativity multiplies when focused upon.
Julia Cameron, Blessings
If all of us on the planet put our troubles in a big pile, and then were given the choice of taking out an equal portion of the world’s problems or just taking back what we put in, most of us would choose the latter.
Robert W. Bly, Count Your Blessings
Quote of The Day for Tuesday, July 9, 2019
Most of us spend too much time on what is urgent and not enough time on what is important.
Stephen Covey
Positive Quotes for the Day:
Never step in the same river twice can you. Each time the river hurries on. Each time he that steps has changed.
Time is our most valuable resource as parents, our most precious commodity. Think about it.
Bruce Linton, Fatherhood: The Journey from Man to Dad
Quote of The Day for Monday, July 8, 2019
Instead of focusing on the negative aspect or finding things to complain about, turn it around and think of things in your life you’re grateful and thankful for.
Alex Uwajeh, Taming the Tongue
Positive Quotes for the Day:
Learning is the desire of the wise.
Irish Proverbs
Keep your life in the right perspective. Every one of us has something even right now to be happy about: our health, our jobs, our families, or an opportunity.
Joel Osteen, Daily Readings from Every Day a Friday
Quote of The Day for Sunday, July 7, 2019
Your entire life will change as a result of trusting Jesus daily to meet all your needs, the small ones as well as the deepest ones.
Jimmy Evans, Marriage On the Rock
Christian Quotes about Life
Positive Quotes for the Day:
Of all the wonders of creation, nothing that God made equals the magnificence of the man and woman he formed.
Max Huffman, The Joy of Friendship with God
The Lord knows precisely how you were made and why you were made. When something in your life goes amiss, He knows how to fix it.
David C. Cook, Good Night, God
Quote of The Day for Saturday, July 6, 2019
My life is not about just me; it is primarily about other people, so should yours. I do not live just for me; I also live for others.
Phnuel Muverengwi, Why My Life Matters
Motivational Quotes about Life
Positive Quotes for the Day:
People were inspired by Dr. Dyer because of his ability to give them an action plan, but mostly because he reminded them that they were in charge of their own lives.
Adam Green, Wayne Dyer: 88 Greatest Life Lessons
. . . Fishermen live in balance with the elements. The rhythms of their lives are set by the rhythms of the day and of the seasons. They watch for signs of storm, and tide, to know when to tie their boats closer in and tighter to the shore.
Esther M., M.D. Sternberg, The Balance Within: The Science Connecting Health and Emotions
Quote of The Day for Friday, July 5, 2019
Obstacles, when viewed in a positive light, are simply stepping-stones on the journey to success.
Byron Pulsifer
Positive Quotes for the Day:
.. it’s important …to understand that every victory … is the pinnacle of a lifetime of hard work and a willingness to confront life’s obstacles.
Simone Biles, Courage to Soar
Worry can destroy gratitude in our lives if we let it. But gratitude can also do away with worry if we let it.
Daniella Whyte, Thanks and Yes
Quote of The Day for Thursday, July 4, 2019
May the sun in his course visit no land more free, more happy, more lovely than this our own country!
Daniel Webster
4th of July Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
Do you often seek fame or glory or are you confident and happy with your life success even if no one knows about them?”
Angel Greene, Self Help
“Strike up a conversation with random people whenever you can. It will give you confidence over time that you can talk to anyone.”
Jeff Johnson, Connecting
Quote of The Day for Wednesday, July 3, 2019
Your life story is rich with memories of relationships. Some of those relationships were helpful and positive, while others were toxic.
Kyler Shumway, The Friendship Formula
Positive Quotes for the Day:
“On the other hand, if all of us are capable of giving each other a much needed esteem boost, we also have the power to make others feel bad or doubtful of their abilities, their looks, and even their dreams.”
Sarah Brooks, Self Esteem
“Every great discovery I ever made, I gambled that the truth was there, and then I acted on it in faith until I could prove its existence.”
Arthur H. Compton
Quote of The Day for Tuesday, July 2, 2019
Love and a sense of belonging at work are as necessary as the air we breathe.
Annie McKee, How to Be Happy at Work
Positive Quotes for Work
Positive Quotes for the Day:
Wherever you go, in every country, on every continent, people yearn and hunger for one thing: to love and be loved.
Michael Jackson
The truth is, you can change what you believe. You change your beliefs all the time in response to new information and experiences.
Mali Apple, The Soulmate Experience
Happy July!
Quote of The Day for Monday,July 1, 2019
Don’t work 70 hours a week just to get paid. Spend time up front determining your purpose.
Andrew Tye, 33 Professional Development Tips
Positive Quotes for the Day:
From family to work to passions and interests, these are all very important details to better understand the person sitting on the other side of the table. Calvin Simpson, Life Through The Eyes Of A Smile
… experts suggest that initial retirement is not so much the end of one’s working life as the beginning of a new stage of working (e.g. the “encore” career). Derek Milne, The Psychology of Retirement
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