Quote of the Day September 2021

Quote of the Day September 2021

Quote of the Day: Thursday, September 30, 2021

Random acts of kindness help us realize the pleasure of giving. It's something beyond earning. I call it GAINING!
Random acts of kindness help us realize the pleasure of giving. It’s something beyond earning. I call it GAINING!
Pallavi Kumari, Self Love Will Give You Power
Acts of Kindness Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
Not only will random acts of kindness help other people out but they will make you feel better inside and the flame inside will get bigger as you continue to pass it on.
Hosteur – Volumes 5-8

Acts of kindness help others feel better as well as ourselves.
Dennis Greenberger, ‎Christine A. Padesky, Mind Over Mood, Second Edition

Quote of the Day: Wednesday, September 29, 2021

God will not abandon you especially when you feel abandoned by your loved ones and friends.
God will not abandon you especially when you feel abandoned by your loved ones and friends.
Chris Sitahall, Healing Prayers That Work When You Hurt
Abandoned Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
We hear you when you feel abandoned by life or God. We hear you when you simply feel that nothing will ever change for you. We hear you.
Kelly Martin, When Everyone Shines Including You

Even when you feel abandoned by God, you need to remember that the feeling and the fact are not the same thing.
T. T. Crabtree, The Zondervan 2018 Pastor’s Annual

Quote of the Day: Tuesday, September 28, 2021

The RV lifestyle is a cost-effective way to live your dreams. Jeffrey Webber, RVing & Your Retirement Lifestyle
The RV lifestyle is a cost-effective way to live your dreams
Jeffrey Webber, RVing & Your Retirement Lifestyle
RV Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
RV living is all about taking your time. Stopping to smell the flowers and enjoying the scenery.
Bob Cliff, Rv Living

The RV lifestyle is a laid-back, easygoing existence.
Dominion Enterprises, National RV Trader

Quote of the Day: Monday, September 27, 2021

In trusting nature, we trust ourselves. Life is beautiful. Prabhash Karan, Nature Is My Teacher
In trusting nature, we trust ourselves. Life is beautiful.
Prabhash Karan, Nature Is My Teacher
Nature Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:

Saying that nature is wonderful lets us accept that we evolved from nature without letting go of the idea that we’re special.
Dan Riskin, Mother Nature Is Trying to Kill You

One’s relationship to nature is a deeply personal experience.
William H. Shore, Nature Of Nature

Quote of the Day: Sunday, September 26, 2021

To consciously limit our friendships to those who merely validate our every preconceived thought, opinion, and belief is a decision to stagnate. Kitty Chappell, FRIENDSHIP: When It's Easy and When It's Not
To consciously limit our friendships to those who merely validate our every preconceived thought, opinion, and belief is a decision to stagnate.
Kitty Chappell, FRIENDSHIP: When It’s Easy and When It’s Not
Friendship Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:

Friendships are one of life’s greatest gifts. They’re like treasures—you never know what you’re going to discover about yourself or someone else.
Margaret Feinberg, Friendship

Best friends help one another through life’s unexpected storms. They will lift you up from cold gripping claws due to the loss of a loved one and help you see that it is okay to smile and feel the warm blood that runs through you.
B. L. Gordon, Best Friendship Beacons

Quote of the Day: Saturday, September 25, 2021

Wanderlust and adventure are calling loudly, reminding you to seize the day and make the most of every moment. Margarete Beim , Cancer (Super Horoscopes 2010)
Wanderlust and adventure are calling loudly, reminding you to seize the day and make the most of every moment.
Margarete Beim, Cancer
Seize The Day Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:

Seize the day and love those who hate you.
Ryan J. Hite, Through Minds’ Eyes

You just have to seize the day with hope, and ask God to turn it into a blessing. Every today is yesterday’s tomorrow, and tomorrow’s yesterday.
Michael Counsell, The Canterbury Preacher’s Companion 2018

Quote of the Day: Friday, September 24, 2021

The wanderlust is in me. It is hard for me to stay in one place. And if I yearn for a lovely home, the world will be my home. Conrad Kain, ‎Z, Conrad Kain
The wanderlust is in me. It is hard for me to stay in one place. And if I yearn for a lovely home, the world will be my home.
Conrad Kain, ‎Z, Conrad Kain
Wanderlust Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
My wanderlust hovers, repressed, under the surface, while I both desire and fear its potential consequences.
Elisabeth Eaves, Wanderlust

Wanderlust is simply curiosity to experience the strange and unfamiliar.
Brian Boniface, MA, ‎Chris Cooper, ‎Robyn Cooper, Worldwide Destinations

Quote of the Day: Thursday, September 23, 2021

 When you are greedy, you spend; when you are ambitious, you invest. Ying Tan, Don't Push Too Many Trolleys:
When you are greedy, you spend; when you are ambitious, you invest.
Ying Tan, Don’t Push Too Many Trolleys
Ambition Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
Your arrow becomes your focus, but you can enjoy the journey and the freedom to reach … You are logical and hardworking, and driven by your ambitions.
Tanaaz Chubb, The Ultimate Guide to Astrology

Explore ambitions, dreams, and desires.
Nicole N. Middendorf CDFA, Who Pays?

Quote of the Day: Wednesday, September 22, 2021

As you explore new philosophies and beliefs, you will begin to view your personal world in a very different light. Kevin Burk, The Complete Node Book: Understanding Your Life's Purpose
As you explore new philosophies and beliefs , you will begin to view your personal world in a very different light.
Kevin Burk, The Complete Node Book
Philosophy Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
All philosophy is knowledge, but all knowledge is not philosophy.
Sir William Hamilton, ‎Lectures on Metaphysics and Logic

My philosophy is to enjoy life, and meet it head on. To not be afraid to face whatever challenge comes our way. If we can do this, we will learn from it.
Elaine Voci, Bridge Builders

Quote of the Day: Tuesday, September 21, 2021

The beauty of camping is in its simplicity: You're brought back to a basic way of living. Brendan Leonard, ‎Forest Woodward, The Camping Life
Your life may not be ideal, but you must always count your blessings instead of stressing.
Brendan Leonard, Forest Woodward, The Camping Life
Camping Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
Wild camping allows you to immerse yourself in the beauty of the natural surroundings.
Adventure Crazy, Wild Camping

You will never be the same after your first camping trip, and it’s something everyone should do.
Old Natural Ways, Backpacking How To Pack Light And Make Your Next

Quote of the Day: Monday, September 20, 2021

Freedom is a gift of culture, and culture is the gift of freedom.
W. Julian Korab-Karpowicz Tractatus Politico-Philosophicus
Freedom is a gift of culture, and culture is the gift of freedom.
W. Julian Korab-Karpowicz Tractatus Politico-Philosophicus
Culture Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
Only when we experience different cultures do we realize the immense differences between various cultures and ours.
Tabor Laughlin, China’s Ambassadors of Christ to the Nations

Because culture makes me the person that I am, I value my culture and there is so much that I feel but cannot explain.
Dolores Delgado Bernal, ‎C. Alejandra Elenes, ‎Francisca E. Godinez , Chicana/Latina Education in Everyday Life

Quote of the Day: Sunday, September 19, 2021

Sit back and enjoy the journey. Success is found along the way. Dean Amory, The Magic Power of Mental Images success
Sit back and enjoy the journey. Success is found along the way.
Dean Amory, The Magic Power of Mental Images success
Enjoy the Journey Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:

Remember to enjoy the journey of life. Don’t be so hung up on getting to the finish line that you miss the journey of getting there.
Faith Davis, Letting Go

You enjoy the journey as much as the destination. Each has its own absolute perfection.
Marc Allen, A Visionary Life

Quote of the Day: Saturday, September 18, 2021

Be happy and enjoy the moment - Rejoice life. Dr D Sudhir, Newton's Fourth Law:
Be happy and enjoy the moment – Rejoice life.
Dr D Sudhir, Newton’s Fourth Law:
Enjoy the moment Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:

If we dance God’s dance, we will enjoy the moment and be embraced by the warmth of the moment
Anthony J. Ciorra , Beauty: A Path to God

Today you are guided to be spontaneous! Enjoy living in the moment and rediscover your power to live life to your full potential.
Melody McGowan, Sweet Tea for the Soul:

Quote of the Day: Friday, September 17, 2021

Live in the moment, the now, and take pleasure in exploring new concepts and ideas.  Edwin Nel, The Magic of Quantum Living
Live in the moment, the now, and take pleasure in exploring new concepts and ideas.
Edwin Nel, The Magic of Quantum Living
Explore Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
Enjoy the journey of exploration of yourself and the search for that compliment out there in the world.
JJ Flizanes, Fit 2 Love – Page 116:

People who travel, or love to explore new cultures locally, know that there is great beauty to be discovered. The sights and flavors of different communities sometimes go beyond interesting to fantastic.
Sandra Maria Van Opstal, The Next Worship: Glorifying God in a Diverse World

Quote of the Day: Thursday, September 16, 2021

I've learned that its the little things that help make us, define us, and when we look back on them, remind us just how blessed we truly are.  Regan Long, 101 Moments of Motherhood
I’ve learned that its the little things that help make us, define us, and when we look back on them, remind us just how blessed we truly are.
Regan Long, 101 Moments of Motherhood
Little Things Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
Its the little things that make life worth while, Small words of praise – a cheery smile, Or just the little human touch of sympathy that means so much.
Mary Lauretta De Poister Green, Stray Thots

It’s the little things in life that remind us all of the goodness that does exist in this world.
Delilah, Arms Full of Love

Quote of the Day: Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Positive energy flows through me; each cell of my being is awake and alive with joy. Nicholas Mag, Positive Utterances
Positive energy flows through me; each cell of my being is awake and alive with joy.
Nicholas Mag, Positive Utterances
Positive Energy Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
Positive energies that are generated by your mind will always combine fruitfully with any of the positive energy flows of your environment.
Lillian Too, Creating Abundance with Feng Shui

Energy flows where attention goes.
Hans C. Ohanian, ‎Remo Ruffini, Gravitation and Spacetime

Quote of the Day: Tuesday, September 14, 2021

 Commitment is what transforms a promise into a reality. It is the words that speak boldly of your intention. It is making the time when there is none. It is coming through time after time year after year. Thomas G. Miller, It's Your Business: So What Are You Going to Do About It?
Commitment is what transforms a promise into a reality. It is the words that speak boldly of your intention. It is making the time when there is none. It is coming through time after time year after year.
Thomas G. Miller, It’s Your Business: So What Are You Going to Do About It?
Commitment Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
Commitment is what makes a person turn a goal or dream into a reality Once you commit to a course of action, you are well on your way to successful accomplishment.
Retired) Haun (Usmc, ‎Gary Haun, Marine Corps Magic

Dedication and commitment is the secret for a cosmically fulfilling life.
Shiny Burcu Unsal, YOU ARE A STAR! SHINE!

Quote of the Day: Monday, September 13, 2021

Faith can lead one in the footsteps of the Master, but if he gets lost in the jungle, only doubt can break a new path out. Donald Matteson, Organometallic Reaction Mechanisms Of The Nontransition Elements
Faith can lead one in the footsteps of the Master, but if he gets lost in the jungle, only doubt can break a new path out.
Donald Matteson, Organometallic Reaction Mechanisms Of The Nontransition Elements
Doubt Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
To doubt the value of everything we’re doing is only common sense.
John Robert Colombo, The Northrop Frye Quote Book

Doubt is the enemy of the soul and the biggest threat to the humane. It should be taken with the greatest type of seriousness and eradicated without mercy.
Vasile Munteanu, The Karma of Self, Volume II: A Karmic List

Quote of the Day: Sunday, September 12, 2021

Enthusiasm about reaching your goals is the fuel that will empower you to take action. Zelig Pliskin, Enthusiasm!
Enthusiasm about reaching your goals is the fuel that will empower you to take action.
Zelig Pliskin, Enthusiasm!
Goals Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:

Reaching your goals is a fulfilling and satisfying experience. It gives you confidence and motivation to move forward.
Unknown Author

One of the most challenging aspects of reaching your goals is keeping your eye on the end result. Life is full of distractions.
Brian Farmer, Finding Your Moment

Quote of the Day: Saturday, September 11, 2021

You need understanding and insight to live a colorful life on earth.Rev. Jeffrey Amare, The Latent Power
You need understanding and insight to live a colorful life on earth.
Rev. Jeffrey Amare, The Latent Power
Overcoming Obstacles Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:

Think about this: If your life is so bad that you consider suicide as your only option, then it has to get better.
Jack Canfield, ‎Mark Victor Hansen

Out of the depths of our anguish, anxiety and despair we come to appreciate and cherish the gift of life and come to care and have compassion for ourselves. Compassion and care are the healing balm that make the journey possible.
Gary W. Reece, The Hero’s Journey:

Quote of the Day: Friday, September 10, 2021

All mistakes teach us something, and some mistakes teach us more than others. Mistakes are signposts on the road to improvement. Riall Nolan, A Handbook of Practicing Anthropology
All mistakes teach us something, and some mistakes teach us more than others. Mistakes are signposts on the road to improvement.
Riall Nolan, A Handbook of Practicing Anthropology
Mistake Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
Let your mistakes teach you how to avoid other mistakes.
Zelig Pliskin, My Father, My King:

Mistakes teach you important lessons in life. Every time you make one, it means you are one step closer to your goal, if you react the right way.
Dr. D. K. Olukoya, 77 Common Mistakes

Quote of the Day: Thursday, September 9, 2021

 Seek your true place in the world. Follow your heart and be happy. Mick Harrison , Banana Thinking
Seek your true place in the world. Follow your heart and be happy.
Mick Harrison , Banana Thinking
Happy Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
But its better this way; it’s better to be weird and happy than normal and sad.
Claudio Belotti, How to get your happiness back

Every soul deserves to be happy every single day.
Christine M. Pereira, Time to be Happy

Quote of the Day: Wednesday, September 8, 2021

If we take climate change seriously, we have an opportunity to not only save ourselves from the biggest threat humanity has faced collectively… but we also have the opportunity to right the wrongs of capitalism, white supremacy, and patriarchy. Yonn Dierwechter, Climate Change and the Future of Seattle
If we take climate change seriously, we have an opportunity to not only save ourselves from the biggest threat humanity has faced collectively… but we also have the opportunity to right the wrongs of capitalism, white supremacy, and patriarchy.
Yonn Dierwechter, Climate Change and the Future of Seattle
Climate Change Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
In order to respond to gradual climate change, we must repent of our human-centred lifestyles and abandon the pursuit of excessive economic growth.
Hannah Malcolm, Words for a Dying World:

We need adults to take responsibility for our climate issue, not the uninformed or those with personal agendas.

Quote of the Day: Tuesday, September 7, 2021

 Your life may not be ideal, but you must always count your blessings instead of stressing.  Chris Isaie, Use Your 24 Like Never Before
Your life may not be ideal, but you must always count your blessings instead of stressing.
Chris Isaie, Use Your 24 Like Never Before
Count Your Blessing Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
Always count your blessings, not your troubles.
Karen Moore, Bible Promises for Couples
Always count your blessings and find contentment in your personal relationship situation because the grass isn’t usually greener on the other side.

Delyce Collins, Growing Into a Mature Marriage

Quote of the Day: Monday, September 6, 2021

Always embrace your pain in order to love yourself and your journey of life. Rashida kouser, Inspirational thoughts and words of wisdom
Always embrace your pain in order to love yourself and your journey of life.
Rashida kouser, Inspirational thoughts and words of wisdom
Pain Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
Pain teaches you the best life lessons.
Sarala Bhaskar, An Intentional Failure

Pain teaches you endurance. You cannot allow your enemies to see a moment of weakness or they will use it against you.
Kira Burns, Vessel of Dishonor

Quote of the Day: Sunday, September 5, 2021

As you continue the journey of life learn to look for the diamonds that lie in the rough. Your secrets of treasure are in darkness, and your dismal times can become your triupmhs as you overcome and conquer your obstacles of life. Carol Sligh, Overcoming Obstacles and Living Your Dreams
As you continue the journey of life learn to look for the diamonds that lie in the rough. Your secrets of treasure are in darkness, and your dismal times can become your triupmhs as you overcome and conquer your obstacles of life.
Carol Sligh, Overcoming Obstacles and Living Your Dreams
Overcoming Obstacles Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:

When you overcome obstacles you will develop your will power.
Swami Ramdas, Ramdas Speaks

Overcoming obstacles is how lessons are learned and new choices made.
Jule Selbo , Screenplay: Building Story Through Character

Quote of the Day: Saturday, September 4, 2021

Life is good if we decide to make it that way. Anna Dee Olson, Growing Up Amish
Life is good if we decide to make it that way.
Anna Dee Olson, Growing Up Amish4
Life Is Good Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:

Life is good if we allow it to be. There is nothing permanent about the path we are taking. Living in the present moment will keep us grounded and connected.
Anthony L. Sardella, Cultivating Peace and Joy

Life is good so live for the now. The present, absorb it, feel it and savor it with 100% of your being.
Dr. Sherri Lynn Bures, Hospice, Grief, and Life Thereafter

Quote of the Day: Friday, September 3, 2021

Mindfulness can open the door, but only character strengths can keep it open. Ryan M. Niemiec, Mindfulness and Character Strengths
Mindfulness can open the door, but only character strengths can keep it open
Ryan M. Niemiec, Mindfulness and Character Strengths
Mindfulness Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
Mindfulness can open the door to a greater understanding of oneself or even profound religious or spiritual insights.
Erin Zerbo, M.D., ‎Alan Schlechter, M.D., ‎Seema Desai, M.D., Becoming Mindful

If our reality includes mental illness, then practicing mindfulness can open up pathways to healing because it raises our awareness.
Sarah Griffith Lund, Blessed Are the Crazy

Quote of the Day: Thursday, September 2, 2021

Romantic relationships take work. There is no such thing as the “perfect couple”. We are all just human beings, and we all make mistakes.
Romantic relationships take work. There is no such thing as the “perfect couple”. We are all just human beings, and we all make mistakes.
Michelle Martin, Healthy Relationships
Relationship Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
Relationships require love, commitment, and intimacy to survive.
Chris Donaghue, Sex Outside the Lines

Because relationships require love, God has given us His law so that we will know what it means to love.
Jeffrey D. Johnson, The Pursuit of Glory

Quote of the Day: Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Relax and enjoy the journey of life. Ana Nyagul , Attention! The Secret. My Story.: How my Kidneys turned out ...
Relax and enjoy the journey of life.
Ana Nyagul, Attention! The Secret. My Story.
Relax Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
Resting and relaxing is a gift you cannot refuse! The tranquil grace, and sobering peace. Listen quietly, as the beauty is released!
Betty R. James, Retirement

As we learn to relax and let go of negativity, we begin to recognize our biases and not let them dominate our minds.
Henepola Gunaratana, Eight Mindful Steps to Happiness

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