The Last Roses
There are many issues and challenges we all face throughout a lifetimebut some are bigger and more emotional than others. Some of theseemotional times come when we take the final step and leave home to goout on our own to make our way in our own way. Some others includemarriage or the birth of a first child. All of these motionsspringboard us into a new realm of life.
A Difficult Time
Then, there are other even more challenging emotions that one has toface sooner or later in life and one of these times occurs at thedeath of a parent either mother or father. Such was the case for meseveral years ago now.
My mother was not well for years before her death. She had variousailments including a heart attack, gallbladder problems and otherillnesses from time to time. The final medical problem was cancer.
She was unable, for the last month, to leave the hospital. My dadwould sit by her side all through the day waiting for her to awake -just sitting knowing that his wife of over forty years was slowlyfading from him and there was nothing he could do.
There would be nomore of one of their favorite activities and that was going for carrides exploring the countryside, stopping to investigate oldfarmhouses left in ruins or old schoolhouses and corner stores.
An Amazing Day
Then, a very unusual event occurred. My dad came to visit mom with abunch of roses in his hand as he walked into her hospital room. Shewas not awake when he walked in but she soon opened her eyes. Sheseemed to be much brighter, her eyes were clearly focused and sheimmediately propped herself up on the bed pillows looking at thoseroses.
She looked from those roses to my dad and said, “Let’s go for aride in the country, sweetheart.”
My dad was dumfounded. He didn’t know what to do because it was soout of character with a very ill person. My mother said it again; shewanted to go out for a ride in the countryside.
For whatever reason,she had bounced back to something like her old self. My dad didn’tknow what to say and finally said he would have to go and ask thedoctor if it was OK.
In a few minutes, he returned saying . . . .
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