23 Color Quotes
Here is our collection of thought-provoking color quotes that will brighten up your day!
What is life without a bit of color? Boring, dull and depressing!
Colors hold a whole world of meaning and can even convey emotion, they speak a language that is unique to each of us. I couldn’t imagine a life without color, wearing colorful clothes and eating colorful foods are some of the things that make life more interesting. Color inspires imagination and provokes our creativity we just need to learn to appreciate and embrace them!
- Color possesses a language without words.
Billy Dugger, How to Find Your Light of Ecstasy Within
Deep - Appreciation of a particular colour is a signal that colour is calling to you.
June McLeod, Colours of the Soul
Appreciation Quotes - The colors and beauty of nature make me feel joyful and connected to the Great Creator.
Margaux Joy DeNador, The Art of Living a Life You Love
God - Live a colorful, musical life, with great acts and interactions. Feed your soul the best food it’s ever had with positive inspirations and positive people.
Monica Patrick, 130 Days of Positivity to Last a Lifetime
Positive Life - For a healthy life, eat a colorful diet; for a healthy soul, live a colorful life.
David J. Greene, Thoughts That Fell Out Of My Head
Health Quotes - The beauty in life is to live a colorful one, whether in the way we dress, the way we eat our food, or the way we manage our life.
Dr. Talib Kafaji, Contemplative Thoughts in Human Nature
Beauty - Our love for Jesus should be as colorful as the rainbow and consistant at the same time.
R. A. Feller, Poems & Scraps for Healing & Growth
Rainbow Quotes - Life is like a box of crayons (with many assorted colors), some you can mix & match while some don’t blend well with others.
Terralisa McBride, The Feelings of Life with All It’s Ups & Downs
Different Quotes - A life without color is like a life without music or dancing.
Adam Zmarzlinski , The Auburn Prince
Music - I don’t believe in black and white Not even shades of gray i’d rather live a colorful existence any day.
TToinana Lynne’ Williams, Take My Hand and Walk With Me
Unique Quotes - There must be color and harmony within, before there can be any expression of them without Man has made the world in which he lives, and the world is still in the process of making.
Charles Brodie Patterson, A New Heaven And A New Earth
Harmony - Follow the colors that nature offers each season.
Kristin Perers, Seasonal Home
Nature - Color should not be forced in any direction but should be allowed to go where it wants, do what it wants, and become who it wants to become.
JJennifer L. Martin, Women as Leaders in Education
Art - There is truth in color. Truth that can’t be hidden.
KK.J. Emrick, S.J. Wells, Low Tide Murder
Truth - Blue is one of the easiest colors for universal activation . All you have to do is look up at the sky to be reminded of truthful blue.
Dougall Fraser, Your Life in Color
Sky - Color has a way of seeping into your brain and staying there , whether it’s a Caribbean sunset or a burnt roast.
Rick Sutherland , Graphic Designer’s Color Handbook
Sunset - People contain feelings, colors provoke feelings.
PPeter London, No More Secondhand Art
Feeling - Color awakens the energies of the soul, harmonizing body, mind, and spirit ~ in equilibrium with nature.
Eveline, Stepping Stones to Self
Soul Quotes - Colours are one of my favorite things. And I don’t think I could survive without great colours.
Martha Stewart, Simply Simple
Greatness Quotes - The colors of spring have a spectrum of life-giving, energizing, and regeneration spirit that gives life to mysteries untold.
D. A. Sawyers, Freedom Cry from Prison
Spring - Color goes anywhere and with anything. It can be toned down or turned up to full volume. And best of all, color comes in ALL COLORS, so the variety and the options are endless.
Jason Naylor, Live Life Colorfully
Creativity - Life is a vivid picture of many different colors. Each color will make our life more interesting.
Alex Nguyen, Enjoy the Colorful Life
Life - With time, the soul becomes dyed with the color of its thoughts.
Egbert Dittrich, The Sustainable Laboratory Handbook
Soul Quotes

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