23 Crossroad Quotes
Be inspired by our collection of crossroad quotes. Life is a series of crossroads each usually different from the last, some routes can seem hazed and sometimes you just have to take the leap. We hope that these quotes can help you to understand better what path you need to take or at least make you feel better about your decision.
Do you take the easy path or do you risk everything by taking the more complicated path? the choice is yours the gains might be better from taking the risky path but is it worth the potential loss? Hopefully our selection of crossroad quotes will help you down whatever path you choose.
Last edited 03/02/2021
- Not one of us knows what fate has in store… the road is long the mountain steep, but there are times when we reach a crossroads and have to make a decision, times when we reach a mountain peak and can see with a startling clarity… What we could not see before. Then you will have truly found love. Turn again-to face the sun!
Fiona Fullerton, Dear Fiona
Clarity Quotes - We stand today at a crossroads in life that inevitably will take us somewhere.
Eddie James, Tommy Woodard, Skits That Teach
Life Quotes - I guess what I am trying to say is that life us never perfect and when you reach a crossroads with choice just be sure your choice is worth it.
Adam Horne, The Voice Inside My Head
Choices Quotes - All of us, at some point in our lives, reach a crossroads. We can then realize ourselves, or we can become what other people make us.
Susan Yorke, Naked to Mine Enemies
Self Worth Quotes - Our crossroads in life are crucial junctures in the unfoldment of our life purpose.
Susann Taylor Shier, Soul Radiance Bring Your Soul Riches to Life
Purpose Quotes - There are many such crossroads in life. We make decisions every day, big and little. Some decisions lead us down one road and away from another. And we confront changes every day, big and little.
Mary Carroll Moore, How to Master Change in Your Life
Decision Quotes - Sometimes you can find yourself at a crossroads in life. You find that you have exhausted all resources available to you and cried every tear you could create. You find yourself lost.
April Sheris, Life Resolutions
Pain Quotes - Now, you may have come to a crossroads on your path. The will to dream becomes the purpose for the vision. It’s really a choice we make.
Ann Stewart-Porter, What Went Away
Vision Quotes - You may manage to avoid the ambush set up by desire, only to find anger lying in wait, ready to overpower you at the next crossroads on your path.
Dilgo Khyentse, Padama Sangye, The Hundred Verses of Advice
Desire Quotes - You’re standing at another crossroads on your journey. Which way you go is entirely up to you. You’ve proven to yourself that you’re more powerful than your addictions, and false cravings no longer pull at you.
Jo Schaalman, Julie Pelaez, The Conscious Cleanse
Addiction - Allow stumbling blocks to become your steppingstones for moving beyond your crossroads.
Embracing Destiny’s Crossroads
Perception - Life is a series of crossroads. At each crossroad, we have a choice to make. We can turn left at the crossroad, which will lead us to a new set of crossroads, or we can turn right and be led towards a different set of crossroads.
Amyn Dahya, Towards Zero Conflict
Possibility - When you reach your crossroads and are ready to take control and move on to a better life, you will start shedding many old beliefs, habits and acquaintances you once considered friends.
Ebony, Vol. 63
Control - Your Crossroads and your choices. One sure way of limiting your choices is by not acknowledging that they exist.
Eileen Connally, Develop Your Psychic Powers
Acknowledgment - Here, at the back of your neck, is YOUR crossroads—the crossroads between your body and your mind. Here is the intersection of your two opposing physical, mental and emotional traffic streams-the YES stream and the NO.
Benjamin Hauser, New Guide to Intelligent Reducing
Zen - I have tried to serve as your crossroads. I have introduced you to a future which has many hazards along its way but also many gifts in its grasp. Face and defeat the hazards. Win the gifts. You will never be unhappy in this world.
Khursheed Kamal Aziz, A Journey Into the Past
Future - May there always be a beacon of light at each of your crossroads and a guiding star to lead you into the path of genuine reconciliation.
California. Legislature, Journals of the Legislature of the State of California
Encouragement - When you go back over your crossroads, it’s a magical journey, for each choice, willing or forced, is the physical peephole through which you can observe the Soul-self making the calls.
Patti Simpson, Hello Friend
Journey - Turn inwards, when you find yourself at a crossroad. Your soul will awaken the angel in you, who’ll help you to be reborn.
Sukh D. H. Khokhar, The Mystery Of The Rose: The Return of the Prince
Healing - When you find yourself at a crossroad, choose to be a victor, not a victim.
Jill Morgenthaler, The Courage to Take Command
Perspective - The various choices we make during such serious crossroads in life will produce either positive outcomes or dire consequences.
Bill Welker, A Wrestler’s Curse (HB)
Preperation - I bid you to examine new options, new strategies, and new methods for making decisions at your crossroads.
Linda H. Hollies, Mother Goose Meets a Woman Called Wisdom
Courage - Life has many crossroads and life-changing decisions to address.
Richard Hanks, The Murder of a Brother
Life Changing

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