24 Moment Quotes
Life is – as they say – a series of moments. We rarely remember the day to day mundane tasks of life, but we tend to remember things as ‘moments’ – a snapshot of our lives held in our imagination; a passing out parade, a graduation or commencement day, a family gathering or holiday. A great friend of mine has always encouraged me to ‘go for memories’; to consciously create cherished moments in his life. He says he wants things to remember in his old age…. I think it’s a great way to think about life. Why wait for things to happen?! I hope that these Moment Quotes encourage you to live YOUR life to the full and create memories and moments of your own. Plan a day you’ll never forget, today!
- One benefit that comes from activating the power of the mind is developing the ability to stay in the moment.
Virgil L. Brady, The Score Is Love All
Ability Quotes - The moments of calm where everything you need to know is clear, when you truly find yourself in the moment, and you can feel your heartbeat in harmony with your soul, these are the moments that we have to take with us when we move on.
Alexandru Sota, Calm in the Moment
Keep Calm Quotes - A fleeting moment gave birth to something so worthwhile.
Donald Perkins Jr, Midnight Soliloquy
Short Inspirational Quotes - Living in the moment means being open to and accepting both positive and negative emotions. Living in the moment encompasses both happiness and distress.
Bohlmeijer, Ernst, Hulsbergen, Monique, A Beginner’S Guide To Mindfulness
Emotion Quotes - When we work with what is happening in the moment, no problems need to be fixed.
Larry Dressler, Standing in the Fire
Problem Quotes - All these fade into silence that is as subtle as the first breath drawn upon waking, in the moment before consciousness, when a purity of purpose and mind are all that exist between the slanting sun and the dark room.
Mary Schanuel, Sylvia Duncan, Richard Fischer, In the Moment
Silence Quotes - Being spontaneous will help you release those regrets and alleviate your fears, allowing you to clear your mind of these inhibiting factors and live for the moment.
Melody McGowan, Sweet Tea for the Soul: Daily Nourishment for Living
Fear Quotes - The moment you start living above the fear of failure is the moment you will start seeing change in your life.
Thakhani Ragimana, Your Destiny Awaits
Failure Quotes - Nothing is as it seems, and the moment you change your perspective you see that. Therefore, there is no such thing as Reality; there is only the reality you create by the way you are looking at something.
Neale Donald Walsch, The Storm Before the Calm
Perspective Quotes - For a small moment, life overtook us and we lost sight of our need to push each other as people, because that too is a form of support. Life is sometimes a challenge.
Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Amy Newmark, Chicken Soup for the Soul
Challenge Quotes - A moment passes by, And the brave soldier’s loyal soul is free.
University Magazine
Soul Quotes - I saw that I had been caught seeking, chasing my perpetual desire for awakening. It always points to the future, and it is never in this moment. I had to stop and take the risk of finding out what was actually in the moment.
Gary Tzu, Awakening in the Paradox of Darkness
Desire Quotes - Power ceases in the instant of repose; it resides in the moment of transition from the past to a new state, in the shooting of the gulf, in the darting to an aim
Eduardo Cadava, Emerson and the Climates of History
Power Quotes - In what sense is the happiness of the child, immersed in the moment of living, out of my reach? Is it out of my reach in the same way that the grazing of cattle, or the lightness of a feather is beyond my grasp? No, that is not what is meant here
Robert S. Cohen, A.I. Tauber, Philosophies of Nature
Happiness - Together, through the opposite forces of male and female, each and every creation/existence is secured in the moment and reproduced over to the next moment making for an eternal co‐creation in spirit.
Christopher Alan Anderson, Healing in the Light and the Art and Practice of Creativity
Spiritual - In wakefulness, everything inspires. In other words, living in the moment will open up the spiritual realm
Nina Darrell, Dancing in the Streets
Inspirational Quotes - We must accept where we are as well as where others are in order to be present in the moment.
Susan Newton, Susan Newton, RN, MS, AOCN, Living In the Light
Acceptance - Live completely in the moment, enjoy every second, and absorb the life you have.
Ben Gillison, What makes life good.
Best Life - A chance to speak maturely about where my life has taken me up to this point; This I suppose is my chance to “Live in the moment.”
Jarvis Price, Poems in the Key of Price
Taking Chances - We as human beings can only focus on one thing at a time if we are to truly live in the moment. We must be aware of each moment as it arrives and exists, for the only thing that we truly possess is the moment.
Kori Moore, The Human Experience
Focus - What kind of actual consequences can occupy the same moment as the decision which aims at them? Such consequences, to be relevant for decision, must be experiences of the decision-maker; to be realized in the moment of decision.
George Lennox Sharman Shackle, Decision Order & Time in Human Affairs
Decision - Most discussion is brought about by ego, being not in the moment, artificial reality.
M. Eric Donlan, The Art of Living in Joy
Ego Quotes - And when a moment passes by, Irregardless of why, Life is interrupted, change occurs; Not in time’s continuance, But in the prospective of the future.
Janice Carter Brown, Dusty Roads
Future - A brief interlude, a fleeting moment in time. I never promised you anything more
Carla Cassidy, A Fleeting Moment

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