26 Quotes about Dreams and Goals

26 Quotes about Dreams and Goals

Let these quotes about dreams and goals be ones that inspire you to turn your dreams into goals. Find quotes from famous people, about achieving your dreams and goals. We have picked some of the best and inspirational quotes about dreams and goals to encourage you.

We can all dream about things we would like to do, to achieve, and to have. But unless we take action they remain just that a dream.

Setting a goal to achieve your dream will help turn your dream into a reality. One step at a time, one action plan at a time, moving forward you will see what you once only dreamed about becoming a reality!

    Inspirational Quotes about Dreams & Goals

    The best helper is a dream of what your life will be similar to when you bring an end to your bad habit. Anthony Herrera

  1. “The best helper is a dream of what your life will be similar to when you bring an end to your bad habit. Being ready for change implies that you set goals for yourself.” Anthony Herrera, Habits: The Secret To Breaking Bad Habits
    Quotes about Change
  2. Dreams and wishes are not goals until they are written as specific end results on paper. Meir Liraz, How to Improve Your Leadership and Management Skills
  3. Daydreaming allows you to build a brand that will be consistent with your goals and dreams. Amy Dix

  4. “Daydreaming allows you to build a brand that will be consistent with your goals and dreams.” Amy Dix, Brand New You
  5. Doing whatever it takes to discover oneself will be a life changing experience that will not only bring a deeper understanding of the decisions that are made, but it might even change the course of the dreams and goals that were once originally made. Michael Winicott, Steve Jobs: Business Lessons
    Life Changing
  6. “Yet dreamers are not often doers. My research has confirmed that merely dreaming about the future makes people less likely to realize their dreams and wishes (as does dwelling on the obstacles in their path).” Gabriele Oettingen, Rethinking Positive Thinking
  7. Make time for the things you love, the things you are passionate about, 
the things that you dream of.  Rand Bennett

  8. Make time for the things you love, the things you are passionate about, the things that you dream of. Create a mini-retirement culture in your life so that you do not waste the time that you have. Rand Bennett, Take a Mini-Retirement
  9. Famous Quotes about Dreams & Goals

    Good thoughts are no better than good dreams, unless they be executed! Ralph Waldo Emerson

  10. “Good thoughts are no better than good dreams, unless they be executed!” Ralph Waldo Emerson
  11. We must share our dreams with people who will see us working toward and accomplishing our goals. Be encouraged by people who say, “How about trying it this way?” David DeNotaris
    Words of Encouragement
  12. Many times people back away from things they want to do, from the dreams they have nurtured, because they cannot envision a clear way to bring those goals to reality. Les Brown
  13. You can never be happy living someone else's dream. Live your own. 
  Oprah Winfrey

  14. You can never be happy living someone else’s dream. Live your own. And you will for sure know the meaning of happiness.
    Oprah Winfrey
    It is not what your parents want, or what your friends think, it is what you dream of, what will make you happy, set your goals accordingly. While our family and friends may influence the end decision is yours and yours alone.
  15. “It may take a few more attempts, or many attempts but success is only achieved once dreams are put into action, where failure becomes the launching pad for smarter choices, or better action plans in future endeavors.” Byron Pulsifer, Do Dreams Count
  16. Best Quotes about Dreams & Goals

    Each sunrise gives hope to your dreams and light to your plans. William Ngwako Maphoto

  17. “Each sunrise gives hope to your dreams and light to your plans.” William Ngwako Maphoto
    Even if yesterday has setbacks, today is a new day!
  18. “You won’t reach your dreams on your own. Besides, it’s better to reach your goals with people who care about you. The journey will be less lonely and more fulfilling.” Jessica Minty, Perfectionism
  19. “A vision gives you a general direction for life while a process goal is part of the dream that you are accomplishing by taking specific actions today.” Thomas Abreu, Science of Success
  20. A goal that's a year out is a very far away dream, and so it's
 helpful to break those goals down into smaller pieces.  Rachel Rofe

  21. A goal that’s a year out is a very far away dream, and so it’s helpful to break those goals down into smaller pieces. Rachel Rofe, Take Control Of Your Life
  22. It’s easy to dream because dreams are free but in order to actually live your dreams, you need to be able to set life and financial goals that will turn your dreams into your reality. Bola Onada Sokunbi, Goal Setting To Live Your Dreams
    Live Life Quotes
  23. Quotes about Achieving Dreams & Goals

    Most personal development and success material will mention the importance of goal setting if you want to achieve your dreams. Joe Hinchliffe

  24. “Most personal development and success material will mention the importance of goal setting if you want to achieve your dreams.” Joe Hinchliffe, Average Joe’s Success Rituals
    Goal Setting Quotes
    Goal setting moves you away from just a dream, and can turn your dream into a reality.
  25. “Weaknesses are the things which hold us back and prevent us from achieving our goals. Recognising our weaknesses and converting them into potential strengths is a way of controlling them. This makes it easier for us to achieve our goals and realise our dreams.” Martin Formato, Discover Yourself
  26. “Fast forward a few decades, and I’m happy to say I’m not only living that dream, but I have learned how to harness the fearlessness that came so easily as a child to bring my grown-up goals to life. Teach yourself to dream without limits, and you will achieve without limits.” Cara Alwill Leyba, Fearless and Fabulous
  27. “My goal in life became about accumulating wealth for myself in order to give it away. I had to increase my talents and capacity to achieve greater dreams and goals.” David Khalil, Principle 7
  28. When you write down your goals, they become tangible and you become more motivated to work hard to achieve your dreams.Mia Conrad, Love Yourself
    Motivational Quotes about Life
  29. People who don't take action because they were too afraid never live a 
life where they've accomplished all of their dreams.  Zane Rozzi

  30. People who don’t take action because they were too afraid never live a life where they’ve accomplished all of their dreams. Zane Rozzi, Always Know What to Say Next
    Inspirational Quotes about Life
    Taking action is always a way to achieve your dreams. And even if you face obstacles if you stay determined and focused on your dream you will find a way to achieve it. Never let fear stop you from succeeding.
  31. “Reading books written by others who have accomplished what you hope to achieve not only provides guidance, but is an excellent way to maintain your enthusiasm toward your goal. If someone else has reached their dream, you can do it to!” Deanna Cosso; Romuald Andrade, Success Cloning
  32. Are you just ‘showing up’ in your life or are you taking an active role in guiding it to reach your full potential and achieve your dreams?” Jason Harvey, Achieve Anything In Just One Year
    Motivational Quotes
  33. There is a difference between a dream and a goal. A dream is a gift 
you want to be given. A goal is something you work to achieve.
   Brian Knapp

  34. “There is a difference between a dream and a goal. A dream is a gift you want to be given. A goal is something you work to achieve.”
    Brian Knapp, Creative Pursuit
  35. “The more confidence you have, the more motivation you also have to take the necessary actions to achieve your dreams or personal goals.” Gabor Cadman, Confidence: Easy Steps to Attain Super Confidence

Dream Quotes

Dream Big Quotes

Follow Your Dreams Quotes

Dreams Come True Quotes

Chasing Dreams Quotes

Short Dream Quotes

Dreams Can Be Achieved

Believing In Your Dreams

In summary, never confuse a dream with a goal. A dream is just a wish, whereas a goal is specific. With goals writing it down rather than just thinking about it, developing action plans to achieve the goal, rather than just thinking about it, and most importantly, take action steps to achieve the goal will see you moving forward.

Turn all your dreams into goals!

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