29 River Quotes
Here is our collection of inspirational and beautifully poetic river quotes that we hope you enjoy reading and sharing.
Rivers are a valuable and treasured source of life for many people all around the world. Every river has a starting point and an endpoint just like our lives do.A river usually starts small and gets bigger, just like us growing as we move along, avoiding obstacles that try to block our path. So try to stay patient and let the river run its course.
What I love most about rivers is the peacefulness and tranquility they bring. Some of my best memories from my childhood are those spent down by the river.If you are looking for solitude and need a little clarity, head to the river my friend!
- Be like the river encountering a rock—flow with grace around any obstacle.
Scott Shaw, The Tao of Self-Defense
Obstacle Quotes - Like the river which never stops flowing until it reaches the ocean, this life is your opportunity to continue flowing down the path of enlightenment, ultimately merging with the cosmic wholeness of divine illumination.
Scott Shaw, Samurai Zen
Ocean Quotes - A river does not have an ego. It does not push or shove. It does not fight with the rocks. It goes around them or over them—but never through them. It’s in no hurry to prove its greatness, yet it reaches its destiny.
Anirban Ray, God Behind the Firewall
Ego Quotes - Life is fluid. It cannot be frozen; life is a river that flows.
Marcy Lytle, Life Is Fluid
Life Quotes - Life is a river, flowing inexorably to the sea.
James A. Holstein, Jaber F. Gubrium, Constructing the Life Course
Life is Beautiful Quotes - The river is immense, and it has the capacity to receive, embrace and transform. If our hearts are big, we can be like the river.
Thich Nhat Hanh, Teachings on Love: Easyread Edition
Transformation Quotes - By learning how to successfully fight without fighting, you remain free of injury and are allowed to become like the river—flowing to its destination, encountering and moving around all obstacles.
Scott Shaw, The Tao of Self-Defense
Reflection Quotes - Like the river which never stops flowing until it reaches the ocean, this life is your opportunity to continue flowing down the path of enlightenment, ultimately merging with the cosmic wholeness of divine illumination.
Scott Shaw, Samurai Zen
Enlightenment Quotes - Yet time marches on and the River of Life flows on. The reflection of the past is good to prepare one better to encounter the future more confidently.
Budh Aditya Roy, A Bend in the River of Life
Enlightenment Quotes - Life is a river of choices flowing toward goals and destinations; ask yourself, ‘Does the flow of this river suit me?’ and “Is it taking me where I want to go?’ and ‘Am I moving in the direction of my dreams and the legacy I want to leave?
Elaine Voci, Creating the Work You Love
Choices Quotes - So many of us get lost on that meandering river, the river of life. We founder in the shoals of modernity, sink to our necks in technology, drown under the weight of too many possessions.
Rheta Grimsley Johnson, Poor Man’s Provence: Finding Myself in Cajun Louisianasimple life
Simple Life Quotes - Time is a river, a river of life, flowing through men’s memories.
Ellen Widmer, From May Fourth to June Fourth
Memory Quotes - Life is a river that flows freely, With its rapids rough. We stand on a freely moving raft, With no paddle or stick for steering. We watch leaves, branches, and trees go by, But always stay on the present course.
M.R. Champagne, The Pink Ribbon
Freedom Quotes - Imagine life is a river endlessly moving, and you, a single person in a small, sturdy boat are navigating the currents.
Bernadette Barton
Imagination - A life, or a river, has urgency, goes around the rock in its path, and travels on.
Kim Stafford, The Muses Among Us
Moving Forward - Pushing things to happen before their time is a futile and disturbing exercise.it is like trying to change the flow of a river single-handed.
Vikas Malkani, To Bloom Like a Lotus
Life Lessons - Metaphors can be very convincing to the mind, and once the mind is convinced, reality gets stuck, like a river frozen in winter and unable to flow.
Deepak Chopra, Unconditional Life
Mindset - The life we live, we swim in the river of time.
Mayar Akash, River of Life
Time - Life flows like a river, a symphony. Life is something to be felt.
Jules Ferguson, The Naked Truth 2feelings
Feelings - I hope you will enjoy traveling with me on my journey along the River of Life.
Sandra Hart, Places Within My Heart
Journey - The River of Love shows us where we are touched and moved by life’s experience.
Kim Stafford, The Muses Among Us
Love - The river of life will continue to flow, course and cut its meandering way through history. Somewhere on its banks will be our foot prints—where we entered and where we came out. What matters are the size they have grown and the direction in which they were headed. Those things are up to us.
Peter G. Doumit, More Of
Growth - Like the river of peace, let it flow and nourish a famished world. When the peace of ages is given the remarkable chance, then, the pains of war would be forgotten, and the world would become a true paradise.
S.A. Abakwue, Boko Haram
Peace - The river has wisdom and feeling and flow. The only thing certain is change.
Robert J. Landy
Wisdom - The natural flow of mother nature brings reflections of peaceful serenity and the river inspires me to reflect on what is natural, its greatness in motion and its ‘marvelous workings’.
Don Turner Jr., Turner’s Notebook “Messengers”
Nature - Rivers are fragrant reminders of the milk of our heritage. They also remind us that in the flowing river there is the hidden stillness of life.
Janell Moon, The Wise Earth Speaks to Your Spirit
Remember - Just the soft sound of the river, with its unruly grandeur and its fluid savvy.
Nasdijj, The Blood Runs Like a River Through My Dreams
Beauty - In many ways a dream is like a river. It has incredible force and potential to make a difference in our lives – and in the world.
Bill Peel, William Carr Peel, Kathy Peel, Discover Your Destiny
Dream - The river brings blessing and produces life wherever it goes. (Ezek. 47:9).
I Am Zion
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