32 Free Spirit Quotes
For the free spirits among us, here is a collection of free spirit quotes that you will be able to relate to.
Living in a world of conformity can become draining and uninspiring. Many people live their lives in the shadows of others and can exist with closed minds. If you are a free spirit you will know that this is no way to live your life. You are eccentric and have a bohemian soul and you see more to life than the average joe.
If you are looking to open your wings and fly or just looking to be able to feel connected to yourself again through words of wisdom, then look no further. Remember you are not a sheep, you are a lion or a lioness. You rule the pack, you do not follow, you are wild and you are free.
Published by:Ben Gillison
- Let my free spirit be my legacy.
Lisa Allen Thompson, Legacy of a Free Spirit
Inspirational Quotes - Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit.
Joy - Only when we find an adequate way of accounting for the “opaque” natural dimension in our subjectivity will it be possible to conceive of an embodied form of rational free spirit.
David S. Stern, Essays on Hegel’s Philosophy of Subjective Spirit
Wisdom Quotes - Since it is your destiny to carry and guide others, learn the skills to inspire them, so they can share the excitement and be a free spirit with you. Feel the wind as you gallop through life and set everyone free!
Chungliang Al Huang, The Chinese Book of Animal Powers
Destiny - I am a quiet word of love spoken in the heart of an angel; I am a free spirit at play in the fields of elation.
Zara Borthwick, Nicholas Arnold, Divine Love Day
Angel - At that time of my life, I was already determined to be a free spirit, with my own set of rules. That’s just being what I was intended to be, free!
Kirby Edwards, Catskills
Freedom - I like to be a free spirit. Some do not like that but that is the way I am.
Princess Diana
Famous - The pain and sorrow of life would stop, and I would finally be a free spirit liberated from life’s torture.
Carolyn Dubari, Change of Mind
Life - I want to live life as a free spirit not someone constantly hampered by lies and deceit
Kusum Sawhney, Kindred Spirits
Live Life - And With the freedom of spirit uphold me.
Unknown Author
Short Inspirational Quotes - Second, Zen is philosophically a “free spirit.” Eclectic by nature, it draws from any tradition or scripture which serves its purpose in a given situation
Otis Hunter Smith, Zen No Mind
Zen - Releasing your free spirit is the only way you can get high on life everyday.
Tony Kelbrat, A Free Spirit’s Search for Enlightenment
Happy Life Quotes - Free spirit is not only free but knows itself as free. It wills nothing but itself or the realization of its freedom.
Reflection - Only when the ultimate insight has been achieved, are we free to pursue our life as a free spirit unattached to earthly existence.
Erik Van Praag, Spiritual Leadership
Insight Quotes - The joy of the Christian is derived from the gracious upholding of God’s free Spirit.
The Methodist new connexion magazine and evangelical repository, 1869
God - For an ancient soul like myself who is open to awakening to higher spiritual awareness as a free spirit, it was painful to watch a soul mate indulging in pain and self-destruction.
Miroslav Juricek, Spirit Walker
Soul Mate - Anyone who is a free spirit is a very flexible individual who wants to come and go and do as they please. And when a free spirit has to deal with an inflexible government bureaucracy, it is obvious there is going to be friction.
Thomas F. Metzger, Becoming a Political Pain in the Ass
Control - I look back on the things that I refuse to accept in a bid not to be controlled and to live my life as I choose to be—a free spirit.
Amy Maiden, Am I Mad?
Acceptance - He was a Free Spirit — an Unbound Soul. And therefore He was not only unbound by any Karma of His own, but was also free (by nature) from the Karma of the race or of the world.
Yogi Ramacharaka, Mystic Christianity Or, the Inner Teachings of the Master
Karma - Live by the power in your free spirit. That’s it.
Tony Kelbrat, A Free Spirit’s Search for Enlightenment 3
Short Positive - Born to be a free spirit , you need to experiment with life , to soar above the ordinary and be free to actualize your abundant mental abilities .
David Pond, Astrology & Relationships: Techniques for Harmonious
Ability Positive - To be a free spirit, you have to forget.
Michael Cisco, Thomas Day, Ian Heames, Glossator 8: Practice and Theory of the Commentary
Short - Lift up like a bird, be all you can be, let your spirit be free in the dance of life.
Aladin Ali,wind Beneath Your Wings
Life is Beautiful - Subjective Geist is thus the realm of the free spirit in the form of self-relation.
C.J. Berry, Hume, Hegel and Human Nature
Random - Our free spirit, in a similar fashion, wants to do whatever it wants to do whenever it wants to do it. It does not like to feel imprisoned by the boundaries of relationship.
Hal Stone, PhD, Sidra Stone, PhD, Embracing Each Other:
Relationship - The freedom with which she creates is reflected in her vision of living as a Free Spirit.
Jes MaHarry, Free Spirit
Reflection - Love is having a free spirit; it is the joy of life when two can make everything shine under God’s light.
L. Garcia Muro, Love, Life and Marriage
Love Quotes For Her - She exhibits a beautiful free spirit full of life and gallons of love.
Jill Delbridge, Love Wise
Beautiful - The free spirit will observe the world from a height, as if he is not really a part of it. More than anything, he will not be invested in what happens to him.
David Bzdak, Joanna Crosby, Seth Vannatta, The Wire and Philosophy
Meaningful - You have a very free spirit and love to investigate anything new that catches your eye.
Skye Alexander, Rochelle Gordon, Nadia Stiegltz, Love Signs and You
Purpose - The beauty, love and serenity join us together As a single free spirit.
Catherine Cardiff, Thoughts for Your Marriage Vows
Beauty - Did not Socrates love his own children? But in a free spirit, as one who remembers that it was his first duty to be a friend to the gods.
William O. Stephens, Stoic Ethics

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