43 Self Worth Quotes
Be encouraged by these self worth quotes. May they remind you of the value you bring to this world. You have a purpose and you are here for a reason never doubt that!
- It’s a lie to think you’re not good enough. It’s a lie to think you’re not worth anything. Nick Vujicic
Truth - Stop comparing yourself to others as a gauge for your self-worth. There is no such scale and you have strength, beauty, skills, dreams, ideas, value, and are loved by many. Add passion into the mix, put it into action, and you will be unstoppable!Ronald Kern, Passion In Action
Words of Encouragement - . . . unless you value yourself, you won’t have the motivation to exercise, get enough sleep, eat healthfully, and care for yourself.Doreen Virtue
Motivational - High self-esteem doesn’t mean you won’t experience sadness or regret failure, but it will help you maintain an overall sense of self worth. Jewel McQuin, Building Confidence
Self Esteem - Once you’ve released the struggle to prove yourself worthy in someone else’s world, you begin to trust yourself and your instincts. Wendy Hammond, Leaving the Castle
Trust - Low self-worth isn’t just a cloud on our self-esteem, it darkens our entire well-being, including our financial sustainability.Tara Stiles
Wealth - Some say that kindness is a form of self-preservation. In a way, it is – it builds relationships and thus strengthens society. So, by extension, it ensures our protection and survival. But that’s not just protection and survival of the individual, but of the whole. David R. Hamilton PhD, The five side affects of kindness
Kindness - To believe you are worthy or a person who has worth simply because they are a human being that can think and express themselves is meritorious. Byron Pulsifer, How To Attract Positive Energy
Believe - Self-worth is the belief that your life has value and significance.June Hunt, Self Worth
Life - Has our self-worth become wrapped up in getting a promotion or making the next million?Bernadette Jiwa, Story Driven
Quote of The Day - When we feel that we aren’t enough, or that we aren’t good enough, we also fear that we’ll never have enough.Nancy Levin, Worthy
Fear - An individual with a mature, well-developed sense of themselves has the most to offer someone else. They have their own lives, their own sense of self-worth, their own strength.Simeon Lindstrom, Codependency – Loves Me, Loves Me Not
Believe In Yourself - And contrary to what you might believe, your worth has absolutely nothing to do with your accomplishments either. Acing your exams or receiving a stellar evaluation at work is fine and dandy, but you’re still worthy even when you fail.Akirah Robinson, Respected
Failure - Never judge your self-worth by your net worth. Never think your value is related to your valuables. Realize that the greatest things in life aren’t things.Rick Warren
Judgemental - Every day affirm, claim and manifest your self-worth, self-love and self-respect and learn to ignore and check those negative thoughts and emotions.Sa Mut A. Scott, Mastering a Joyful Life Volume III
Affirmation - Never underestimate your self-worth, and don’t just settle.Michaela Cummings, Putting Kids First
Believe in Yourself - The more you value yourself, the more others will respect and value you in return.Natasa Denman, THE 7 ULTIMATE SECRETS TO WEIGHT LOSS
Values - Work and self-worth are the two factors in pride that interact with each other and that tend to increase the strong sense of pride found in superior work teams. When people do something of obvious worth, they feel a strong sense of personal worth. Dennis Kinlaw
Teamwork - We cannot over-estimate ourselves, but we must not presume that we lack self-worth or the potential to make a positive difference.Simon Bell, A Kinship of Purpose
Make A Difference - Confidence is the unwavering spine that allows you to have faith in yourself, your abilities, your self worth, your future, your beauty, your goals, whether or not you see tangible evidence in your relationships or daily life.Spear Rhett, How to Be Confident
Confidence - We may have to overcome some of our preconceived notions about what self-worth is.� Too many self-help gurus have made this whole quest seem like it’s a game – one that can be won by looking in the mirror and saying, “I’m good, I’m great, I’m wonderful.”CJ Kruse, The Power Of Self-Worth
Overcoming - As with everything else, each individual ego is unique. It is a self-image, that we’ve built throughout our entire lives. It is a frame in which we can function as an individual, as a separate entity.Dimitar Petrov, Man of No Ego
Ego - When people increase their own well-being, they usually become more patient, cooperative, and caring in their relationships.Rick Hanson, Resilient
Resilience - You are the biggest influence on your child’s mindset. The power of your words and actions can have a massive impact on their self-worth.Elaine Halligan, My Child’s Different
Children - To see ourselves positively, we tend to inflate our own egos and put others down so that we can feel good in comparison. But this strategy comes at a price – it holds us back from reaching our full potential in life.Kristin Neff, Self-Compassion
Potential - You must think well of yourself. You must see yourself as worth celebrating, worth loving, worth having.Angelina Talpa, Love Yourself
Love - YOU are worthy! Even when you do not feel like it, you are! Be strong and courageous! We all have a different journey, and each journey is unique! Your journey is uniquely beautifully YOURS! Embrace it! Ashley Howard Nelson
Courage - Helping others, without expecting anything in return is what true self-worth is all about. Gavin Bird, Self Esteem
Helping Others - While you may want to say many things that are not positive, chances are that you will regret it later. Therefore, make sure to say what is on your mind using a method that allows the other person to leave the conversation with their self-worth still intact. Eric Davenport, Communication
Regret - Self-worth says that you are a worthy person deserving of experiencing happiness and success. To increase one’s confidence or self-worth is to declare that this attribute defines your success in whatever you do. Byron Pulsifer, Personal Growth
Success - It’s been proven time and time again that people with a positive outlook are happier and more successful, and have greater career satisfaction and a better self-image. The reason for this is simple: Your attitude has incredible power to shape your life. Stan Toler, The Power of Your Attitude
Attitude - Overbuying habits are often linked to low self-worth, … No object can make you more or less of a person. Tara Button, A Life Less Throwaway
Habit - . . . if we see life as a series of competitions and comparisons, we are going to suffer more downs than ups. If we mostly rank high, the inevitable defeats will only feel worse.Elaine N. Aron, The Undervalued Self
Defeat - I came up with seven strategies that had always served me well: self-worth, focus, resilience, empathy, loyalty, forgiveness, and most important, optimism. Leeza Gibbons, Fierce Optimism
Optimistic - “Struck dumb in a foreign land, I felt utterly powerless to defend myself or justify my actions. And that theme of not having a voice has been so significant to me that I’ve made it my life’s work to help people get theirs heard. “Antoinette Dale Henderson, Power Up. Self-Worth link to Empowering
Empowering - A friendship provides one with: an increased sense of purpose and belonging, a boost of esteem, reduced stress, and overall improvement of self-worth. Tye Gnass, James Shendal, Steven David, World’s Best 10 Keys To Success
Friendship - You are and always have been worthy of love, care, trust and respect. Natalie Lue
Respect - The life of a genius is not contained in the using of talents for self-worth, but is projected outside of oneself for the benefit of many. Byron R. Pulsifer
Genius - Authentic happiness and significance rely on knowing that who you are and everything you would like, and most importantly, knowing your true value concerning whatever you need to give the world.Kaori Gallagher, Ikigai
Good Morning - Imagine yourself now taking care of your own self, like a mother cares for her child.Guru Meditation, Guided Meditations for self Healing.
Healing - Projecting self-assurance and being in control will cause others to trust you more.Richard Werre, I Love My Work But, I Hate My Job
Control - First, understand who you are. Second, understand your strengths. Third, determine how best to use these strengths. Fourth, discover your spirit within.Fifth, behave in ways that exemplify your Self. And, sixth, strive to make this world a better place.Michael P. McNally, Reflect Yourself
Reflection - A self-worth tip! … To find out how to look after yourself in the best way and to find out what you really think, if a matter arises that is negative, just ask yourself what you would tell your loved one to do if they were in the same predicament.Amanda Green, Living with depression and anxiety
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