50 Quotes About God’s Love
Find comfort and encouragement in these quotes about God’s love for each and every one of us. God plays no favorites He love us all! We are all His children, made in His image. He holds no prefrence on what you look like, he just loves you for being you. You are a perfect creation of Him, and no one else can tell us otherwise. These Quotes come from the heart and have been sourced to remind you of the strength of God’s Love for you. May you find these quotes inspiring and uplifting.
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Published by: Ben Gillison and Catherine Pulsifer
- God’s love never wears out. Rick Warren
Inspirational Quotes - When the Bible speaks of God’s love for us and the kind of love we are to have for him and for other people, the word is always apage, signifying a commitment to act. Rick Warren, God’s Power To Change Your Life
Commitment - “Jesus loved people others rejected-even people who rejected him. This is how God loves.” Gregory A. Boyd. Is God to Blame
Jesus Quotes - “God’s greatest attribute is not his power, though it is omniscience; not his glory, though it is burning majesty: it is his love.” Al Bryant
Quote of The Day - Enlightenment is found within the mind, not outside it in various worldly phenomena. It is found in wisdom, not ignorance, in virtue and purity, not evil and pollution. William Bodri, Socrates and the Enlightenment Path
Enlightenment - Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. Richard Parsons, God Loves You
Giving - Our God loves with passion, with fire, with bone-rattling force. His furious emotion would consume us if His love did not shield us from its full intensity. Sheila Walsh, God Loves Broken People
Emotion - God is love, and as pure love, He is always inclusive, and I believe that we should be, too. Mary Vasquez, Love Poems from God
Love - God is love. He loves us and He pursues us with that love. And when I experienced His love, I was able to share that love with others. I appreciate the love God has for me. Jeanette Duby, Bridge to Grace
Appreciation - I now believe and trust that God gives us life as an expression of love and that the purpose of life is to grow in love. Iyanla Vanzant, Trust: Mastering the Four Essential Trusts
Purpose - By the time kids are five I want them to know three things – God made me. God loves me. Jesus wants to be my friend forever. Carey Nieuwhof
Friend - There’s no place too dark for God’s light to penetrate and no heart too difficult to be set aflame by His love. Sammy Tippit, The Approaching Darkness
God - I’m absolutely convinced that nothing – nothing living or dead, angelic or demonic, today or tomorrow, high or low, thinkable or unthinkable – absolutely nothing can get between us and God’s love because of the way that Jesus our Master has embraced us. Mary DeMuth, Live Uncaged
Death - It’s easy to give our love to other things and people when we don’t understand how deeply God loves us and wants us as His own. Lilliet Garrison, Getting Unstuck
Words of Faith - When we come to an understanding of how much (God) loves us, we’ll be able to truly trust Him no matter what circumstances come our way. Receive His divine love today, and release the need to control every situation. His peace will cover you. Kristin Reeg, Pressing On
Trust God - God, in his infinite wisdom understands, loves, and cares for all of us. Oliver Powell, Prayer
Wise - Having God’s unconditional love does not mean you have God’s unconditional approval. Miles McPherson
Inspirational Sayings - God’s answer to the question of identity (“Who am I?”) is: “I love you. You mean everything to Me. You are worth the life of My Son, Jesus Christ, because that is what I paid for you. You belong, and you’re supposed to be here. Craig Hill, The Power of a Parent’s Blessing
Inspirational Poems - God loves you, and offers a wonderful plan for your life.Mary DeKok Blowers, Filled With the Holy Spirit
Life - Grace enables us to become the people we were meant to be. Many of us are tired of trying to live up to other people’s expectations. It is a relief to discover that God loves us just as we are. Rob Rufus, Living in the Grace of God
God’s Grace Quotes - Long ago I came to the total assurance that God loves me, God knows where I am every second of every day, and God is bigger than any problem life’s circumstances can throw at me. Charles Stanley, Finding Peace: God’s Promise of a Life Free from Regret, Anxiety, and Fear
Problem - God loves you enough, loves me enough, loves all of us enough to say you get to run your life the way you choose. Mike Connell, The Blood of Jesus
Poems about Faith - Before anybody can even come to understand or even show love to another person in a relationship is to know that God is love, which is the ultimate key to unlocks all other love. John Franks, Manifesting Love
Relationship - It was during the most difficult struggle of my life that I began to truly experience the depth of God’s love, the strength of His peace. Michele Ellison, Jesus Peace
Life and Struggles - But the love that God has expressed for ALL human beings is eternal. When Jesus had died on the cross to pay the sin debt for all people that will come to Him by faith in the right spirit and with the right attitude, then He had paved the way for them to be reconciled to Him and to have everlasting life in heaven with Him. James Thomas Lee Jr, Easter is a True Christian Love Story
Easter - Christmas is the perfect time of the year to introduce your child to God’s deep and marvelous love. Cherie Lowe, Keep the Happy in Your Holidays
Christmas - “The opposite of fear is LOVE so today meditate on God’s unconditional love for you and watch fear leave your heart and life!” Gloria Coleman, Daily Scripture Reading and Meditation
Fear - “My main point is that when you have known – I mean intimately known – the embracing presence of God, His love rubs off on you and you can’t help seeing everyone through His eyes.” Eleze “Lisa” Thomas-McMillan, Living Fulfilled
Helping Others - Understand that God is always faithful in His love for you. Karen Middleton, The Reunion
Faith - Thus, to understand love we must understand the One that is the Source of true Love: God. Michael Caputo, The Fruits of the Holy Spirit
Quotes To Live By - It is time to really not only believe but to know that all things are possible with God and you are His favorite. You are blessed and highly favored, deeply loved and just right!Bob Richardson, Be Happy No Matter What
Blessed - When you realize that you are deeply loved by God, it enables you to love deeply. Marty Cauley, Dying to go on Vacation
Miracle - God loves our children more than we do. We can trust him with them. Betsy Duffey; Laurie Myers, The Lord is Their Shepherd
Trust - The pressures crush, and you can see no way out; but suddenly God does something so wonderful, so grand, it literally takes your breath away, and you know that you know that you know the God of the whole universe – the one who created you and continues to love you so much that you are graven on His palm – isn’t going to leave you there. Geraldine Yount, Suddenly God
Words of Encouragement - But here’s the mystery: God loves that face in the mirror, that loser staring back at me. He loves losers – and he uses the unusable. Daniel Hochhalter, Losers Like Us
Failure - And what a comfort is this, that, seeing God’s love rests on Christ, as well pleased in him, we may gather that he is as well pleased with us, if we be in Christ! Richard Sibbes, The Bruised Reed
Encouraging Bible Verses - All your Christian life you may have thought it was you who was pursuing God, but all along it has been God pursuing you. So no matter how long it has been since you have looked toward the Father, no matter how absent you believe God is, neither the steps of your feet nor the sin of your life can move you one inch away from God’s love if you are in Christ Jesus. David Bowden, When God Isn’t There
Christian Quotes about Life - And my life is only stress-free because I know that I have a God who loves me more than anything and that one day I will spend eternity with Him. Whitney Sparks, The Couponer’s Classroom
Stress - How great is God’s love for us that He sent His only son Jesus, to pay for the sins of mankind, he came to save us all, and paid a heavy price with your precious blood. Alberlin Torres, The Power of Believe in Jesus
Greatness - God is love. He doesn’t just stand for it. He is the perfect example of what love is.S. Levine, Marriage: God and Marriage
Example - God loves all of us so much that we are given the choice in each moment to choose between the ultimate divine truth or mental programming of the ego. Kevin Kerr, How to Be Happy and Live Life to the Fullest
Choices - Whether you are an aging theologian or a child just beginning life’s journey, the knowledge of God’s love is the soul’s surest anchor. Kay Swatkowski, A Grandmother’s Prayers
Prayer - As a teenager I heard the gospel – that God loved me, He had a plan for my life, and I needed to ask forgiveness for my sins to receive Christ into my heart and experience eternal life. I did just that, and my whole world changed when I became a follower of Jesus. Dr. Emerson Eggerichs, Love and Respect
Forgiveness Quotes - In our own lives, it’s okay to make mistakes and be confused, anxious and stressed. It’s normal and God still loves us. Mona M. Hanna, The Nature of God
Mistakes - God comes because He watches with great love and moves with unspeakable tenderness. His desire is to rescue the broken and the bleeding, the lost and the lonely. Rev. Henry Luke Orombi
Passion - In the end, that is God’s greatest gift to us, the bedrock of this nation; the belief in things not seen; the belief that there are better days ahead. Barack Obama
Better Days - God’s true love is pure and holy. Armato, Woman, Don’t Be Stoopid!
True Love Quotes - God’s love radiates to all creation. Brown Landone, Your Path Direct to the Goal You Desire
Short Quotes - Do not doubt that God holds you, and do not doubt for one minute that God loves you. Danielle Shroyer, Original Blessing
Doubt - Grandparents can be a beautiful reflection of God’s generous love that grandchildren need and long for. Dr. Judith Rolfs, Secrets To Being A Super Grandparent
As a pastor once said, we must love the sinner but not accept the sin. We have to accept the person and love them, after all God does. Jason Ponzio, Devotional Thoughts For The Day
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