55 Good Day Quotes

55 Good Day Quotes

Be inspired and encouraged by these good day quotes. May they remind you to live each day and may they give you thoughts on how to do this in a positive way.

    Every day is a good day. There is something to learn, care and celebrate. Amit Ray

  1. Every day is a good day. There is something to learn, care and celebrate.Amit Ray, Walking the Path of Compassion
  2. A day is a day. It’s just a measurement of time. Whether it’s a good day or a bad day is up to you. It’s all a matter of perception.Donald L. Hicks, Look Into The Stillness
  3. Rain is a good reminder of how our attitude can affect everything. Some folks let it destroy their day; others consider it a blessing. Judy Ford
  4. It’s so easy and simple, but if you can express gratitude for all the good things in your life, you are priming yourself for positive emotions throughout the entire day. Matthew West, Find Your Perfect Morning Routine
  5. I make an effort to do something good for somebody every day, whether I know that person or not.Oprah Winfrey, What I Know For Sure
    Quotes about Inspiring Others
  6. Cultivating gratitude every morning when you wake up refreshed can help your day start off on a good note. Rocco Cozza, Success Habits For The Morning
  7. None of us can know where our journeys with God will take us even tomorrow – let alone a decade from now – so it’s a good idea to spend a few moments each day to connect with God and ask, “Well, where do you want to take me today?”Jimmy Carter , Through the Year with Jimmy Carter
  8. Every day is a good day to be alive, whether the sun’s shining or not. Marty Robbins
    Words of Encouragement
  9. By knowing how to change what I believe about any day of my life, I have acquired a general belief that every day is a good day. Frank Healy, Heal Your Memories, Change Your Life
  10. When you start a day with a fantastic, peak emotion, you think everything will be good and it comes true, you ATTRACT good things, good people and good results to you.Ly Nguyen, Waking Up
  11. Don't ruin a good day today by thinking about a bad day yesterday. Let it go!

  12. Don’t ruin a good day today by thinking about a bad day yesterday. Let it go!Author Unknown
    Live Life
  13. Every day give yourself a good mental shampoo. Sara Jordan, M.D.
    Funny Quotes about Life
  14. Don’t regret another birthday, the good news is that you are alive and can celebrate it. Catherine Pulsifer
  15. Make a commitment today to get up, get out, get busy and get things done.� You can create the life you long to have.Les Brown
  16. Any day above ground is a good day. Before you complain about anything, be thankful for your life and the things that are still going well.Germany Kent
  17. Everyday may not be a good day but there is something good in every day.Author Unknown
  18. Enjoy good memories. But don’t spend your remaining days here looking back, wishing for “the good old days.”Randy Alcorn, God’s Promise of Happiness
  19. If there is a day you have eaten until you were full;
    if there is a time of joy you can recall;
    if you have escaped even once the clutches of death;
    if you can remember one or all of the above,
    then you have something to be grateful for.Iyanla Vanzant, Until Today!
  20. You have to remember that the hard days are what make you stronger. The bad days make you realize what a good day is. If you never had any bad days, you would never have that sense of accomplishment! Aly Raisman
  21. Don’t ruin a good day today by thinking about a bad day yesterday. Let it go! Author Unknown
  22. Enjoy your life, the precious moments you have. Spend each day with some laughter and some thought, get your emotions going. Be enthusiastic every day to keep your dreams alive in spite of whatever problems you have. Work hard for your dreams to come true, to become reality.Jimmy V
  23. Every single day is a good day no matter how bright or dark it is, because it always brings an opportunity to start a positive beginning in your life. Edmond Mbiaka
  24. It seems obvious that good decisions help to create a better tomorrow, yet many people don’t appear to connect their lack of success to their poor decision making. John C. Maxwell, Make Today Count
  25. Each day is a very good day simply because God made it. James Jason

  26. Each day is a very good day simply because God made it. James Jason, Positive Thinking
  27. The thing to try and keep in mind, no matter what the day,
    is there is always something good, to give thanks to God in prayer. Julie Hebert, Always Something Good
    Inspirational Poems
  28. Spend the majority of your day looking for good things to happen, if you look hard enough for good things in your life, you will find them. Rebecca Turner, The Stress Cure
  29. To have a good day you need a good nights rest. Allow yourself 8 hours of rest each night, keeping you healthy and bright!Theodore W. Higginsworth
  30. There may be days when you get up in the morning and things aren’t the way you had hoped they would be, that’s when you have to tell yourself that things will get better. Author Unknown
  31. Waking up this morning, I smile. Twenty-four brand new hours are before me. I vow to live fully in each moment. Thich Nhat Hanh
    Smile Poems
  32. So from now on my attitude will change,
    And I will count that day.
    The days of good, the days of bad,
    Will all be my days array.Catherine Pulsifer, Always Count That Day
    Motivational Poems
  33. The most wasted of all days is one without laughter. e. e. cummings
  34. May there be a miracle in YOUR life today and may you have the EYES to see it. Veronica Hay
  35. You may plan to write a book some day, but you are living a book every day. Wilferd Peterson
  36. Ask not what tomorrow may bring, but count as blessing every day that fate allows you. Horace
  37. Each day is sweet, like biting into a fresh ripe strawberry that is so juicy and delicious you can�t believe how wonderful it is and how blessed you are to be the one tasting it.Evelyn Roberts Brooks, You Were Born to Triumph
  38. Don’t let the ‘good old days’ be your memory. Make each day a good day so as you are growing older life is an adventure to be enjoyed not a memory.Catherine Pulsifer
  39. Some would suggest that a day would be great if everything they did turned out well, or they got exactly what they needed. On the other hand, have you ever thought that what you may give someone else may be the best day you ever had especially when you put someone else’s well-being or happiness first on your list? Byron Pulsifer, What Does It Take
    Helping Others
  40. Sometimes the little opportunities that fly at us each day can have thebiggest impact. Danny Wallace
  41. When you start out on a positive note, it is much easier to have a good day without all those negative thoughts and emotions clouding your perceptions. Catherine Pulsifer, Sunny Days
    Positive Attitude
  42. When you awake each day be thankful for the day. Your attitude will determine whether you have a good day or a bad day.Catherine Pulsifer
    Top Ten Quotes
  43. If you don’t think every day is a good day, just try missing one.Cavett Robert
    Quotes To Live By
  44. You can’t live a perfect day without doing something for someone who will never be able to repay you. John Wooden
  45. Step away from the couch sitters who are awaiting the single perfect day to begin living their dream. You can choose to live your dream every day if you just take the first step.T. D. Jakes, Destiny
  46. What makes a day good? Being content with what you have and setting goals to move forward in the life.Kate Summers
  47. This the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.Psalm 118:24
    Encouraging Bible Verses
  48. Every day is a chance to begin again. Don’t focus on the failures of yesterday, start today with positive thoughts and expectations. Catherine Pulsifer
    New Beginnings
  49. Appreciation can make a day – even change a life. Your willingness to put it into words is all that is necessary. Margaret Cousins
    Appreciation Poems
  50. Anyone can strive to be happy for a day and to spread happiness around.Wilferd Peterson, The Art of Living Each Day
  51. Life is a ceaseless change. The only certainty is today. Why mar the beauty of living today by trying to solve the problems of a future that is shrouded in ceaseless change and uncertainty – a future that no one can possibly foretell? Dale Carnegie, How to Stop Worrying and Start Living
  52. Today is therefore the most important day in your life, because it’s the only day in which you are free to choose. Alice Camille, A Book of Grace-Filled Days
    Poems about Life
  53. Life is a precious gift that we should not waste, live each and every day with passion.

  54. Life is a precious gift that we should not waste, live each and every day with passion.Catherine Pulsifer
  55. One of the major reasons why people are not doing well is because they keep trying to get through the day. A more worthy challenge is to try to get from the day. Jim Rohn
    Positive Thinking
  56. Always remember to forget the troubles that passed away. But never forget to remember the blessings that come each day.
    Irish Quotes and Saying
  57. Happy Wednesday! You are who you are; be happy with what you are called to do. Do not pretend to be like someone else for your gifts are unique to help lead you to the success as only you can define. Have a good day. Byron Pulsifer
  58. For personal happiness, it is always a good activity to periodically make a list of the things you love to do. Try and find the time to do these things as much as possible. Naomi Hill, How to Have a Good Day

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