66 Diversity Quotes
Be inspired by this collection of diversity quotes. Let these help you appreciate the differences and the uniqueness that we all have.
- We are all different, which is great because we are all unique. Without diversity life would be very boring. Catherine Pulsifer
Life Quotes | - I know being different can bee difficult at times, but there can also bee…incredible richness. John Penberthy, To Bee or Not to Bee
Words of Encouragement | - Before, everyone was like me, and poverty seemed to be utterly natural in this world, but in high school, I learned about comparisons. Albert Camus
Inspirational Quotes - When you go to bat as many times as I do, you’re bound to get a good average. That’s why I keep my projects diversified. Walt Disney
Good - God loves diversity. He doesn’t want everything exactly alike. God gets bored with sameness, and that’s one reason there’s nobody else in the entire world like you. Rick Warren
Quotes about God | - Diversity involves inspiration. So anybody can get inspired by an idea and implement it in some other field or context. Chitesh Bhat, Everybody is Genius
Idea | - If toleration is, as most assume, a modern response to the moral and political challenges posed by diversity and difference, then we should not expect the revivalists to care about the virtue that causes right resort to this act. John R. Bowlin, Tolerance among the Virtues
Challenge | - The enigma of diversity is the puzzle of what, exactly, political and organizational decision makers accomplish when they take on the goal of diversity.. . .This notion of integration might seem outdated to some, but it encapsulates a critically important contemporary dynamic: the creation and ongoing negotiation of more egalitarian, racially heterogeneous environments. Ellen Berrey, The Enigma of Diversity
Accomplishment | - We have these things called seasons; these beautiful canopies of weather that descend upon us to create a rich and challenging diversity for us to live our lives under during the year. Ronnie Martin, Stop Your Complaining
Gratitude | - The journey to a business world where we fully capitalize on our diversity starts with the leader. We need to make it crystal clear that our differences are assets, and that it is safe for all to share their voices. That is how we gain an accurate understanding of reality and can then make better informed decisions and execute. Mike Solomita
Leadership | - I just can’t conceive of how a person could hate another because of skin color. I love every race on the planet earth. Michael Jackson
Love | - We note that the scripture often reminds us that the work of God in our lives often finds expression in diverse ways and in that diversity we find strength. Roy Godwin, The Way of Blessing
Work | - Diversification is the hallmark of an investment portfolio, and the same holds true in networking and relationship management. Jacqueline Whitmore, The Do’s and Don’ts of Holiday Parties
Motivational | - America is not like a blanket – one piece of unbroken cloth. America is more like a quilt – many patches, many pieces, many colors, many sizes, all woven together by a common thread. Rev. Jesse Jackson
Success | - Educators can have access to a large collective brain trust consisting of diverse ideas and perspectives. Todd Whitaker, What Connected Educators Do Differently
Teacher | - If we are to achieve a richer culture, rich in contrasting values, we must recognize the whole gamut of human potentialities, and so weave a less arbitrary social fabric, one in which each diverse human gift will find a fitting place. Margaret Mead
Famous Quotes about Life | - When I stand at the front and sing with the worship team, I look out into the crowd and a sea of color. Every tribe and nation is represented, and we are all singing and worshiping the Lord, with one voice. Some can’t stand still, and their worship spills out into dancing. Others simply kneel – quiet, reflective, and full of praise. It is a beautiful sight. It is a beautiful diversity. Trillia J. Newbell, United
Encouraging | - There never were in the world two opinions alike, no more than two hairs or two grains; the most universal quality is diversity. Michel de Montaigne
Quote of The Day - As a source of exchange, innovation and creativity, cultural diversity is as necessary for humankind as biodiversity is for nature. In this sense, it is the common heritage of humanity and should be recognised and affirmed for the benefit of present and future generations. Article 1, UNESCO Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity, 2001
Future | - We have become not a melting pot but a beautiful mosaic. Different people, different beliefs, different yearnings, different hopes, different dreams. Jimmy Carter
Hope | - We are the only country in the world that has taken people from so many different backgrounds, which is a great achievement by itself, but an even greater achievement is that we have turned all of that variety and diversity into unity. Lamar Alexander
Peace | - At bottom every man knows well enough that he is a unique being, only once on this earth; and by no extraordinary chance will such a marvelously picturesque piece of diversity in unity as he is, ever be put together a second time. Friedrich Nietzsche
Being Yourself | - Diversity is not about how we differ. Diversity is about embracing one another’s uniqueness. Ola Joseph
Famous - Honest difference of views and honest debate are not disunity. They are the vital process of policy among free men. Herbert Hoover
Honesty - A society that does not recognize that each individual has values of his own which he is entitled to follow can have no respect for the dignity of the individual and cannot really know freedom. Fredrich August von Hayek
Respect - Macrosocial changes such as growing up in a context of ethnic diversity and living in single-parent families are increasingly experienced by adolescents in Western industrialized countries. Aiden Sisler, Siblings in Adolescence
Quotes about Change - Every snowflake is different; no two leaves are the same: similar, sure but not identical. Diversity is the biggest blessing of our existence. Maggie Huffman, Whoops!
Blessed - Social entities have turned out to be remarkably tenacious, both in ways we know are bad and in ways we have come to think of as good. The bad ways involve racism, the inability or refusal to accept people who are different from us. The good ways involve just the opposite: embracing difference, celebrating what we have come to call diversity. Walter Benn Michaels, The Trouble with Diversity
Determination - Furthermore, global companies, with an expanded market place, culturally diverse customers, and increasing complex procurement logistics, have to continue to refine and in some cases reinvent their business models in order to effectively compete, and in many cases, even survive. Lanze Thompson, Transcend from Management to Leadership
Customer Service - You need to recognize that people may fail and make mistakes. When you recognize this aspect of human diversity, you will be more forgiving when people disappoint or frustrate you. Joann Richardson, Trust
Forgiveness - Laughter can actually be prescribed and practiced by one and all irrespective of cultural background, language and state of mind – it is a common language we all speak. Dr Madan Kataria, Laugh For No Reason
Laughter - Obviously, it’s great to have an extensive variety of diverse capacities, however it’s most vital to present yourself as the best fit for the particular employment you’re applying for. M. G. Rich, The Power of Positive Thinking
Motivational Quotes For Work - I feel the more diverse the group, the greater the potential to discover alternative ways to do something that may lead to improvement. Robert Stevenson, Raise Your Line
Potential - First, in spite of all the obstacles, I have seen plenty of people from diverse backgrounds create great careers for themselves, careers that give them profound satisfaction and create meaningful impact on the world around them. Larry Smith, No Fears, No Excuses
Make A Difference - Look at the various communities in the world. There is awesome diversity. So many languages, so many religions, so many races, so many sects and sub sects, so many isms and so many ways of interpreting the same thing. Doesn’t that make the world interesting and make it beautiful. Commander VK Jaitly, We Can! We Can!
Beauty - Vince Lombardi was a master in knowing how to take a group of diverse people and turn them into a winning team. The principles he employed are identical to those that help grow a successful business. Rosalind Cole
Vince Lombardi Quotes - A step a day – life is huge, it is diverse. The journey to achieving what you need is long and you cannot achieve everything in one day. Seth Ryan, How To Prioritize And Organize Your Tasks
Achievement - We acquire things that demonstrate our aspirations in life, or aspirations to be viewed by others as an interesting, diverse, eclectic person. C. E. Mroz, 10 Minutes To Clean
Dream - It is time for parents to teach young people early on that in diversity there is beauty and there is strength. Maya Angelou
Poems about Life - Negotiations are said to be integrative when the party’s interest and aspirations are respected, regardless of where they come from. It is built on mutual respect and tolerance for diverse opinion and objective. Patrick Kennedy, Negotiation
Tolerance - It’ a whole new world of work, and interpersonal skills are key! Organizational change, diversity and electronic communications have changed the face of the workplace. Carl Sommer, Teen Success in Career and Life Skills
Communication - A lot of companies make diversity a part of the performance goals against which an executive gets paid. Just as you have to make a certain sales number, you have to make a diversity number to get your bonus. Vernon Jordan
Goals - Ability to work with diverse groups of people; the more you can get along with all types of people, the better you’ll be in any job or situation. Ben Green, The Global Superstar An Advantage Over Global Competition
Graduation Quotes - Consider how diverse the people who committed to following Jesus were. They came from many different backgrounds and at different times of their lives. Carl Mathis, Pursuing Your Purpose For Your Life
Commitment - Another trait that you should teach a little girl early on is to be tolerant and open to the differences of people. Once your little girl understands this, she will be able to appreciate the works of others, and will also be able to work with them in a friendly way. Elizabeth Roxas, Parenting Young Girls
Appreciation - Try to understand the viewpoints and perspectives from the diverse backgrounds and histories of the individuals you speak with. From old to young, high salaries to low wages, European to North American, we all have diverse backgrounds and understandings of the world around us. Calvin Simpson, Life Through The Eyes Of A Smile
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