67 Good Night Quotes
Use these good night quotes to wish others a night that is restful, that is peaceful, and that offers rest. Share these with others that you wish a good night.
Published by: Catherine Pulsifer and Ben Gillison
- The best bridge between despair and hope is a good night’s sleep. E. Joseph Cossman
Hope Quotes - I think the best way to get a good night sleep is to work hard throughout the day. If you work hard and, of course, work out. William H. McRaven
Work - In Everything Give Thanks ….For the sweet sleep which comes with night, for the returning morning’s lightAuthor Unknown
Thanksgiving Quotes - Day is over, night has come. Today is gone, what’s done is done. Embrace your dream, through the night, Tomorrow comes with a whole new light.Author Unknown
New Day Quotes - Sweet dreams, good night, may your tomorrow be so bright.Kate Summers
Dream - To all, to each, a fair good-night, and pleasing dreams, and slumbers light. Walter Scott
Quote of The Day - I just want to say, good night, sweet prince, may flights of angels sing thee to thy rest. Harry Dean Stanton
Angel - Goodnight.Let the stars light the way to where your dreams can be found awaiting your arrival. Anthony T. Hincks
Inspirational Quotes - Good night, good night! Parting is such sweet sorrow, that I shall say good night till it be morrow. William Shakespeare
Goodbye Quotes - I will lie down and sleep in peace, for you alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety. Psalm 4:8 (NIV)
Encouraging Bible Verses - Sleep is the best time to repair, but it’s hard to get a good night’s rest when we don’t dial the inner chatter down.Kris Carr
Inner Peace - Good night, see you tomorrow, I love youSaying
I Love You Quotes - Good-night is a very simple combination of two simple words and ordinarily, it is very easy to say it. You hear it everywhere, and on the lips of everybody.Shepherdstown, Jefferson County, West Virginia Newspaper, March 2, 1911
Encouraging Quotes - Goodnight! and sweetest dreams be thine through all their shining way, till darkness goes, and bird and rose with rapture greet the day.Proctor
New Start Quotes - Goodnight, goodnight, goodnight, What more is there to say than goodnight? We’ve had a lot of fun and it’s time to toodle-oo. Au revoir, auf wiendersehn and Inka, dinks doo. Goodnight, goodnight, goodnight.Jimmy Durante
Funny Quotes - Life is full of new beginnings, and a new day tomorrow brings, sleep well. Catherine Pulsifer
New Beginning Quotes - Here is to hoping that angels will guard you while you dream and the gentle breezes of the night will keep you cool.Author Unknown
Cool Quotes - The day is over, it’s time for rest. Sleep well my dear you gave it your best. Tomorrow comes, oh so soon, close your eyes and awake before noon.Catherine Pulsifer
Best Quotes - Amazing, another day over. Good night, sleep well and look forward to tomorrow.Author Unknown
Amazing Quotes - For from us the day takes flight, but, like a glowing torch in heaven,to us the grace of God is given: It tends and guards till morning light – Good night! Author Unknown
God’s Grace Quotes - Good-night, all cares and sorrows! Welcome, my boatlike bed!
None or many my to-morrows, this one night is overhead!Harper’s Bazar
Famous Quotes - As I have discovered, what you feed your mind in the day will affect your quality of sleep at night.Yvonne Haughton, Good Night Insomnia
Quality - Good night! Each bird has sought its nest,
The sun has sunk beneath the west;
The dust and din of day are past,
And cool, calm night, is come at last;
The gentle starts are coming forth
To brighten up the else dark earth.
Welcome, sweet sleep and glad dreams bright,
And calm repose: Good-night, good night!
Author Unknown
Poems about Life - Good-night dear friend! I say good-night to thee. Across the moonbeams, tremulous and white, bridging all space between us! Hester A. Benedict
Friend - Good night, and hush, my little baby, sleep until the morning comes brightly….For tomorrow at dawn, the sun will wake you. Polish Lullaby
Baby - May the good memories of today lull you to sleep. Kate Summer
Memory - Good-morn – good-night – which is best? God grant some day that I may find both true: good-morn to joy begun, good-night to sorrows left behind.Sunday Magazine
Morning Quotes - Every night, under the same sky and stars, probably since the emergence of humankind, people around the world have been wishing one another a good night. Efrat Shoham, 15 Ways to say Good night
Good Quotes - Old dreams come in the still twilight
To kiss Goodnight:
To hold Life’s hand,
In Memory’s land,
When Life and Love seem fast in flight,
And more of Heaven dawns on our sight –
To kiss Goodnight!
Frank L. Stanton
Heaven - The moon is lighting up the skies –
The stars are sparkling there;
‘Tis time to shut our weary eyes,
And say our evening prayer.
Leslie Mounts
Prayer - When I say good night to you, I am wishing you a pleasant and restful sleep
Not a night where you have to count sheep
But one that you will wake rested and fine
A smile on your face that will be the sign.
Catherine Pulsifer
Smile Quotes - Lay all upsets at God’s feet, and let Him soothe your troubled mind. This very night discover the memory of God glows brightly within you. Sweet dreams of Awakening.Amy Torres, Sweet Dreams of Awakening
God Quotes - Good night, slept tight, awake full of joy at the morning light. Theodore Higgingsworth
Joy - As you lay down to sleep, focus your thoughts on the good of the day. Tomorrow is another day to start afresh.Catherine Pulsifer
Focus - It’s time to stretch from small to tall to see the moon so bright.It lights our way and seems to say, “God bless you and good night.”Hannah C. Hall, God Bless You and Good Night
Blessed Quotes - Good night – may you fall asleep in the arms of a dream, so beautiful, you’ll cry when you awake.Michael Faudet
Beautiful Quotes - Good-night Sweetheart! It can’t be ten, I know;
That clock had better “go a little slow!”Mary E. Day
Time - Good-night. Sleep gently to-night, and dream of the happiness which is sure to come to you.Author Unknown
Happiness Quotes - Downward sinks the setting sun, soft the evening shadows fall; light is flying, day is dying, darkness stealeth overall, Good night.Author Unknown
Positive Quotes - Being involved in a good night prayer can change lives as well. Dr. Olusola Coker, Command the Night
Quotes about Change - Go to sleep knowing that I loved you this day, and each tomorrow my love grows stronger. Good night!Catherine Pulsifer
Love - One of the best things you can do to help you find a good night’s rest is to develop a routine for yourself that you stick to each night.Julie Schoen, Good Night Yoga
Quotes to Live By - The day is over, the night is here, know that I love you today and forever, my dear. Catherine Pulsifer
I Love You Quotes - The tiny stars peep out on high;
The silvery moon; the dark blue sky,
The zephyrs whisper; the owls cry
Gordon V. May
Nature - As you end this day, before you sleep, remember to count your blessings, not your troubles.Catherine Pulsifer
Trouble - Good night dear Lord, my God. As we sleep under your watchful love tonight, may we wake up refreshed in the morning, in Jesus name. Amen.MaryFrancis Ohu, Children’s Good Night Prayer Book
Prayer Poems - As you lay down to sleep, may the good Lord keep you through the night.Kate Summers
Inspirational Quotes for Kids - Good night now, and rest. Today was a test,You passed it, you’re past it. Now breathe till unstressed.Lin-Manuel Miranda, Gmorning, Gnight
Stress - Put yourself in God�s hands tonight and pray that He will lead you in the right direction. Then simply let go and trust Him, believing that you willsense God’s direction and that He will bring you the peace you need.David C. Cook, Good Night, God
Trust God - Going to sleep the same time and waking up the same time is essential for getting a good night�s sleep.Howard VanEs, Insomnia
Random - Good Night Good Night I’ll dream tonight of Mama and Papa and the love that they bring. The smiles, the laughter, the songs that we singand the joy tomorrow morning will bring!Mama Fox, Goodnight Goodnight, I’ll Dream Tonight
Quotes about Love and Life - Little boy sweetheart, I love you so?
How deep that love you will never know.
Night after night, when my work is through
Worn out and weary I come to you,
Bend o’er your couch till upon my ear
Falls a faint music I yearn to hear,
Made by you breathing so soft and light,
Good-night, my baby, goodnight.
The Buffalo Sunday Morning News, March 23. 1902
Son - The moon is full
The night is deep
Nature is alive
The only thing missing is you
Next to me as we sleep.
Nicholas Staniszewski, Goodnight Poems
Valentines Day - Let gratitude be the pillow upon which you kneel to say your nightly prayer. Maya Angelou, Celebrations
Gratitude - I wish the moon always be full and bright
and you always be cool and right.Whenever you go to switch off the lights
remember that I’m wishing you
Good night and Sweet DreamsSaying
Wishes - To have a good night, give all your worries, and concerns to God in prayer.Catherine Pulsifer
Worry - When I go to bed and cannot sleep, I don’t waste time by counting sheep; I count all my blessings, one by oneEldred Herbert, Night’s Blessings
Positive Attitude - If you go to bed at night and think about your day and you haven’t laughed very much, then you must jump out of bed and go do something fun. Marlo Morgan
Laughter - I wish for you a good night, a good sleep, and when you awake with energy and passion you will abound.Kate Summers
Positive Energy Quotes - Before you fall asleep at night, thank God for three things that happened during the day. Robert Morgan, Worry Less, Live More
Thank You - Good night! Ah, good the night that wraps thee in its silver light.
Good night! No night is good to me that does not bring a thought of thee.
Author Unknown
Valentines Poems - Good night! God keep you till the morning, and guard you safe from every harm, I pray.Lyliam Williams
Inspirational Prayers - All day there has been darkness in my heart!
All day without you, oh, the long gray hours
To think of you and know our thoughts apart –
To think some ways are all set thick with flowers.
When my way wends so sad and void of light.
Good-night, dear heart, good-night!
Author Unknown
Short Love Poems - To all, to each, a fair good night, And pleasant dreams and slumbers light.Sir Walter Scott
Short Quotes - Good night, sleep tight, may your dreams take you on a wonderful flight.Kate Summers
Funny Quotes about Life - We need good quality, restful sleep to feel our best and maintain health; to renew and restore physically as well as psychologically. Howard VanEs, Insomnia
Health Quotes - As the night gets dark, let your worries fade. sleep peacefully knowing you’ve done all you can do for today. Ronald Dahl
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