A Gift You Are Given To Use
Each person I know loves to receive gifts from time to time. It is not that they do not
give gifts also, but they like to receive a gift – who doesn’t. Some people would tell you that they do not receive gifts at all – I would not argue with these people if they mean that they do not receive gifts of a materialistic kind.
However, each one of these people does receive a fabulous gift daily although they may not appreciate it fully, or at all.
So many people seem to ignore this gift, or abuse this gift. There is a definite lack of appreciation for what they receive.
The gift I am talking about is life. I know, you may have expected some other really unusual gift – in fact, life is an unusual gift when you realize that many people around the world loose this gift on a daily basis through no fault of their own. For example, little children who die of starvation, or disease, or those who are killed as innocent victims of car bombings or civil strife.
A Bad Hand
Some people also feel that they have been dealt a bad hand by fate and relish in their poor me attitude for the rest of their life. What a waste.
An Example
There is a woman that I know who is sixty-seven years young and who is daily ignoring the gift she has been given – a gift that thousands upon thousands would dearly love to have. She has her health, she has the ability to go where she wants, to do what she wants yet she relishes in simply wasting each day waiting for someone to call her, or to visit her.
And, to even add less to her day, she figures somehow that she should be the center of attention whenever she is among other people. She has the habit of placing herself within everyone else’s conversation knowing that the conversation is not meant to be addressing her yet she starts to reply as if she is the one spoken to.
Time and time again, many people have attempted to get her involved in a number of activities where she could give of her time and ability to help others as a volunteer, or in a club where she could participate with others as they go on outings or on short pre-arranged trips. But, all these attempts fail completely.
How sad it is when someone has a gift but chooses to focus, instead, on the me, me, me syndrome.
The gift of life – a gift not to be squandered, or abused, or wasted. Each life is to be lived fully. We all can’t all be kings or queens, or live with harmony, or in security. But, we all have a gift to be fully explored, developed and meant for more than just putting in time. A gift meant to share when we can, with what we can, to whom we can.
Inspirational Quotes for Reflection:
“Life is not about receiving at all times; it is a combination of being thankful for what you have as blessings and sharing those blessings with others who need a little fraction of what you have.” Catherine Pulsifer
“We can choose to have a different attitude about our time, and we can choose how to spend it more efficiently.” Tom Meitner
“Appreciation for what is and what you have will bring you to a greater understanding of your life and your purpose here. Nurturing this attitude of gratitude is essential in spiritual growth!” Tiffany Hurd
“I like to think I appreciate things. In fact one of the things I’m comfortably settled on in this life is the value of appreciation in all we do, appreciation for all we have, for the world around us, and for that matter, for things I”m yet unaware of.” Rodney Miles
“You have the choice to wallow in misery, to continue to let life happen to you, to take control of your life, and even the choice to decide how you will view or react to the bad things that will happen along the way.” Jake Smith
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