Inspirational Stories Page 3
One Starlit Night
It is not always that I go out into the late night but on this one night, I arrived home late. It was a crisp and cold night and I took a moment to look up into the night sky. Since there were no outside lights on in the house, the stars above shone with special brilliance. I started to think about other things as I gazed into the night sky. It hit me clearly that we often take for granted a lot of things around us these beautiful stars were always there but I had taken very little time in the past to really appreciate them.
Changing Lifestyles
We stood in the kitchen talking. I was discussing my upcoming change in lifestyle. I was excited yet hesitant as I talked about it. We set a goal many years ago to change our lifestyle from one of the hectic city life, working to pay the bills
.. to one of a slower country pace, working on our “wanna do’s”. Yet as I talked to my friend about this, there was hesitation in my voice. what are you doing Leaving a company where I had worked for over 26 years, leaving friends who have become like family to me.
What Goes Around Comes Around
There are a lot of situations in life where we need help. I don’t believe that there are There are a lot of situations in life where we need help.many people who have not been assisted by someone else at some point in their lives whether that is simply through verbal support, or help to overcome a hurdle that one faces in a personal or professional way. Some years ago, I was managing an employee assistance program and had a number of my own clients as well. It was a busy position involving not only the day to day issues facing a counselling program but the assigned additional duties involving committees and its related commitment.
A Gift You Are Given To Use
Each person I know loves to receive gifts from time to time. It is not that they do not Do You Appreciate This Gift?give gifts also, but they like to receive a gift – who doesn’t. Some people would tell you that they do not receive gifts at all – I would not argue with these people if they mean that they do not receive gifts of a materialistic kind. However, each one of these people does receive a fabulous gift daily although they may not appreciate it fully, or at all. So many people seem to ignore this gift, or abuse this gift.
More Inspirational Stories:
Have A Great Life – We all met people who impress and inspire us.
What is Enough – a good question, find the answer
Blindness In More Ways – about blindness not in the literal sense but in the sense of people giving back
Living Life Like Money– an interesting comparision
Build Your Bridges – A tale of two brothers that let the bridge fall down.
You Can’t Keep Me Down– about making choices and being told that you can not achieve or amount to anything.
To Each A Little Rain– It happens to every one of us, we all experience a little rain in our life
The Gift Of Friendship Is Invaluable– A real life event where the author is questioning his actions
What Does Commitment Mean To You – Always stay committed to yourself
Forgive Yourself – my Grandfather and his regrets
Just Thinking Is Not Preparation – for success in any project, personal or professional, planning and preparation is a key.
Wanna Do’s– Growing up, we lived in the country.
Do You Have A Parachute -Recognize the people who have packed your parachute, who have made a difference in your life
Impact of Christmas Shoes Song– Most of us are familiar with the song, Christmas Shoes.
What Is It To Be Grateful– can learn from you. Watching you teaches me how to be grateful and to count my blessings
Making Mistakes– about mistakes and change using the example of drinking and driving
Adjusting Sails– A friend of mine had a terrible childhood.
Stop and Focus – are you focused, stop and read this
Today Is The Best Day – We sat on the swing enjoying the warm summer air.
Overcoming Other People’s Opinion – An individual who has defied others beliefs.
If Only Someday I’ll Was A Destination – A thank you for to all the procrasinators of the world
The Waste You Regret – What is this you may ask
Believing In Your Dreams – man that took over 30 years to accomplish his dream
Do Or Do Not – A conversation between a father and son about the son’s potential.
Inspiring Transitions– Are you happy in your work? A story of someone who was not and what they did.
Inspiration Through Self Direction – We all face negative issues in our day. What are your choices and what attitude do you choose.
Waiting for No Risk – So many people are risk adversed it is amazing.
An Important Question – How would you answer this question
The View From A Hospital Window – about not having regrets
The Last Roses – A heartfelt tale that reminds us to live each day.
Only A Few Words – We all start somewhere
Balance of Life – A motivational message to remind us about the balance of life
A Wake Up Call – a reminder you to live each day.
Find The Potential– about one person who did have potential, but perhaps felt like he didn’t.
The Biggest Package – Human behavior is amazing to study.
“When you ask these successful and accomplished individuals about their turning points and listen carefully, you will often hear truly enlightening and inspirational stories -stories that can serve as a shining beacon of light to us all.”
Bernie Swain, What Made Me Who I Am
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