Courage Quotes Page 3
“Courage is speaking up for what is right.” Catherine Pulsifer
“Saying ‘no’ can be a difficult thing to do at times. Especially when faced with peer pressure. When a good friend or a family member wants us to do something that we know is dishonest, it takes courage to say no.” Catherine Pulsifer, Honesty A Core Value
“Courage is being scared and doing it anyway, because the something you want is bigger than the fear itself.” Billy Anderson, Your Comfort Zone Is Killing You
“As we grow and learn and advance in our jobs and in our careers, we’re constantly faced with situations where we need to adapt and adjust our behavior. It’s simply a reality of the world we work in today. And without the skill -and courage – to take the leap, we can miss out on important opportunities for advancement. Andy Molinsky, Reach
“Brilliant thinking is rare, but courage is in even shorter supply than genius.” Peter Thiel, Zero to One: Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future
“One who lacks courage to start has already finished.” Author Unknown
Funny Quotes about Life
“When the blackness of oppression settles around you, draw courage from the Word of God.” Max Lucado, On Calvary’s Hill: 40 Readings for the Easter Season
“Our challenge is to face up heroically to the world as it is and do our very best to make the most of our lives. To strive to live each day with serenity and courage.” Wilferd A. Peterson
“We learn courage when we face danger; we learn patience when we endure suffering; we learn tenderness when we taste pain; we learn to prize good friends when false ones forsake us; we treasure health when illness strikes and we learn to prize freedom when we are in danger of losing it!” Robert Schuller
“Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius – and a lot of courage – to move in the opposite direction. Albert Einstein
“If the changes you want to make in your life and attitudes are worth it to you, you can find that courage you need. Don’t let fear keep you in the treadmill of dead-end habits and attitudes.” T. Young
Quotes about Change
“If we’re growing, we’re always going to be out of our comfort zone.” John Maxwell
Comfort Zone
“Do not dwell in the past, do not fret about the future, instead, focus on the present. Live in the moment with courage and perseverance.” Pauline Kenyanya
“A man can be as great as he wants to be. If you believe in yourself and have the courage, the determination, the dedication, the competitive drive and if you are willing to sacrifice the little things in life and pay the price for the things that are worthwhile, it can be done.” Vince Lombardi
“All you need is the plan, the road map, and the courage to press on to your destination.” Earl Nightingale
“Courage isn’t something that is given to us overnight. It’s a quality we cultivate regularly in the face of problems, hardships, disappointments, and loss.” Dr B. Brown
We all have a desire, a dream, a need to be. But to find it takes courage to avoid conformity. Michelle C. Ustaszeski
“Courage is the foundation of determination. Determination and courage are the cornerstones of success.” M. K. Soni
“You don’t develop courage by being happy in your relationships everyday. You develop it by surviving difficult times and challenging adversity.
“Courage untangles us from the twisted sheets of slumber and allows us to swirl on the dance floor of life.” C. Laukka
Life Quotes
“It is curious – curious that physical courage should be so common in the world, and moral courage so rare.” Mark Twain
Courage Poem
I’d be the first person to tell you that no one is courageous on their own. We soak up the attitudes of those around us, for good or bad. To become bold people who strive to make a difference, we need a “circle of conspirators”: people who have a track record of courage . . . people who care enough to tell us the truth . . . people who won’t settle for us staying stuck any longer. We don’t need a dozen of these people, but we desperately need one or two. Garrett Gravesen, 10 Seconds Of Insane Courage
It’s easy to fall; it takes courage to rise up and take the next step. Sheila Walsh, Its Okay To Not Be Okay
Keep Going Quotes
You can pursue the activities that bring you comfort – and step outside your comfort zone when you feel it’s worthwhile, for the sake of a project or person you care about. I can’t emphasize enough how empowering it is to live this way. Susan Cain, Quiet Power.
Show courage. Make decisions. Use this wonderful human ability to not be a victim. Choose to be better off. Kevin Horsley, The Happy Mind
Decision Quotes
Whatever form your family takes, remember that it will be whatever you have the courage to make it. Jane Nelsen, Positive discipline – the first 3 years
“Don’t you ever say that you have no courage to do anything, as this is the best option available with you. You cannot be victorious without having courage.” C. Sponias
“Being firm, level headed, and bold, even when we feel afraid is one way that we can develop courage.” J. Beck
“It was courage, faith, endurance and a dogged determination to surmount all obstacles that built this bridge.” John J. Watson
“Your courage, determination, creativity, stubbornness, work ethic and decision making will decide where you get.” Amar Hasic, Entrepreneur Royale
“The key to developing the courage to change is to first accept that change is inevitable.” W. Nesbitt
Words of Encouragement
“Courage can come as a by-product of action. Discover other things you can do right now to not only increase your courage, but also dramatically reduce your fears.” M. Myhre
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