Encouraging Quotes Page 7
- “Cherish your friends and family. They have helped you get where you are today.” Catherine Pulsifer
Family | - Have confidence and you will see ; be the best you can be
Your attitude, is your state of mind, being positive makes life so much more kind. Catherine Pulsifer, Stand Firm
Encouraging Poems - “Those who achieved success do not stop. They never become complacent, they keep learning and looking for the new knowledge. Never think you have made it, there is always more to learn and do.” Catherine Pulsifer
Knowledge | - “You are the CEO of YOU. There is no job security, you must ensure that your company of YOU is one where if you were hiring a person you would pick you.” Catherine Pulsifer
Words of Encouragement - “So if you want to gain confidence and self -esteem, you need to be around positive people, those that are nurturing you, those that are encouraging you, those that are believing in you.” Andrian Teodoro, The Power of Positive Life
Confidence - “. . . we need to set our hearts on God’s will for us and continue to mature in Christ while encouraging others to keep growing.” G B Woodcock, One with Christ
God | - If you want to be happy, successful, and have extreme confidence, then you have to somehow turn the pessimistic voice in your head into an encouraging one. Beau Norton, Extreme Confidence
Happy - “Most people fail because they do not have determination and perseverance. Extraordinary people are determined and persevere that is what makes them extraordinary.” Catherine Pulsifer
Perseverance - “Do not be discouraged if someone copies you. Copying is a compliment – you are doing it right. It also gives you theopportunity to grow and move beyond what is now being copied. Keep moving forward.” Catherine Pulsifer Opportunity
- “When choosing a career you will find success, if you choose work that you would do even if you were not paid. Do what you love to do.” Catherine Pulsifer
Work - “Always remember you will not please everyone. Do your best.” Catherine Pulsifer
Being Yourself - “Keep your mind open to new ideas and ways of doing things. A closed mind is one where you only see things your way. Be open.” Catherine Pulsifer
“Keep a positive attitude, no matter what the issue, it is always easier to deal with it if your attitude is optimistic and positive.” Catherine Pulsifer
Positive Attitude- “Always be yourself. A recipe for disaster is trying to be a different person from who you are. Believe in yourself. Be you!” Catherine Pulsifer
Believe - “Always give thanks to God for all the blessings you do have. Focus on your blessings not on your troubles.” Catherine Pulsifer
God - “You are heaven’s Halley’s comet; we have one shot at seeing you shine.” Max Lucado
Positive Quotes - “The more often you remember what you want and remind yourself what you’re going for, the less you’ll be distracted by things that don’t matter as much.” Grant Andrews, The Life of Your Dreams
Focus - “Everyone is in need of encouragement at some time. Take the opportunity today to encourage (give courage to) the one who often encourages you.” David Jeremiah
Courage - “You can choose to be a drag and a burden, or an inspiration and encouragement.” Charles Swindoll
Wise Quotes - “Our challenge is to face up heroically to the world as it is and do our very best to make the most of our lives. To strive to live each day with serenity and courage.” Wilferd A. Peterson
Challenge - You are the only real obstacle in your path to a fulfilling life. Les Brown
Life - “I want to be remembered as a person who felt there was no limitation to what the human body and mind can do and be the inspiration to lead people to do things they never hoped to do.” Carl Lewis, an Olympic track and field champion
Be like Carl Lewis, don’t let the limitations of others discourage you. Believe you can do whatever you put your mind to. Persevere, if you face challenges or obstacles find a way over, under, or around them. Your success will be determined by your determination.
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