Experience Quotes Page 2
- Experience is not something you’re born with, and it’s not something you can buy. Experience is something you earn. Fred Juliusson, Get Going! Life is Short!
Top Ten Quotes - Your graduation means you have the knowledge, now experience will be gained by putting your knowledge into practice.Catherine Pulsifer
Graduation - Reasoning draws a conclusion, but does not make the conclusion certain, unless the mind discovers it by the path of experience.Francis Bacon
Inspirational Quotes - Through our tears, we get in touch with those experiences that we have forgotten, hidden, or buried away in the pit of our souls.Iyanla Vanzant, Yesterday, I Cried
Quotes about Love and Life - The longer I live and the more I experience, the more I believe that humility is the quality essential to sustained success, and a lack of it is the major stumbling block for those who find success for a time, then lose it.Rick Pitino, The One-Day Contract
Quote of The Day - My own experiences and the testimony of courageous women from all regions and all major religions have made it clear to me that as a result of these two factors there is a pervasive denial of equal rights to women, more than half of all human beings, and this discrimination results in tangible harm to all of us, male and female. Jimmy Carter, A Call to Action
Courage - You create your perception and experience of life from the inside-out, not the outside-in. Garret Kramer, The Path of No Resistance
Cute Life Quotes - Experience is a grindstone; and it is lucky for us, if we can get brightened by it, and not ground.Josh Billings
Luck - And when something is best understood through experience, it’s best taught through stories. Stories bring you into an experience.Kyle Idleman, Grace Is Greater
Best - Experience has shown, and a true philosophy will always show, that a vast, perhaps the larger, portion of truth arises from the seemingly irrelevant. Edgar Allan Poe
Truth - Past pain can have a lot of power over us. If we’re not careful, it can control our habits, our behaviour, and how we approach – and respond to – relationships and experiences. James Prescott, Mosaic of Grace: God’s Beautiful Reshaping of Our Broken Lives
Habit - Those who enjoy the experience of parenting must also endure exasperating problems.Michael Cannon Loehrer, Porch Talk with Gramps on Parenting
Problem - But most have learned from their life experiences and the stories told by their elders that what we do in the present, when informed by knowledge of the past, can shape the future in objectively better ways.Al Gore, The Future: Six Drivers of Global Change
Future - Care for your customers today, in anticipation of the time when the relationship may experience some strain, and your customers will know from experience that they can trust you to make it right.Anne MacKeigan, Customer Service
Trust - Giving your customers an exceptional experience will bring an unexpected result: your customers become a marketing tool for your business. Customers talk. Renee Evenson, Customer Service Training 101
Customer Service Quotes - Every crappy experience I’ve had – from having my heart broken, to almost having to leave my own company due to a conflict with a business partner, to depression and staring down gaping dark holes of the mind – led to some small-but-significant insight or awakening that boosted the quality of my life and made me stronger.Vishen Lakhiani, The Code of the Extraordinary Mind
Success - Success demands a willingness to make sacrifices, face challenges and learn from every experience. Inevitably, the bigger your desired outcome, the more you must grow.Virend Singh; Verusha Singh, The Comfort Zone
Challenges - If life’s challenges are perceived as stepping stones, as learning experiences, your chances for success and happiness are greatly increase. Catherine Pulsifer, Life An Adventure
Happiness - Situations like being promoted at workplace, becoming a mother or a father, moving to a new home, etc. may be positive aspects of our life, but we experience some sort of stress in situations like that. Robert Gallagher, Stress Management: An Easy to Understand Book Full of Tips and Tricks to Fight Against Everyday Stress
Stress - “Creating experiences – both actual and visualized – is the secret behind imprinting new beliefs. You can’t believe what you haven’t experienced.” Henry Marsh, The Breakthrough Factor
Believe - There are many people who have a lot of “should” in their life’s – ‘I should do this, I should do that’ – but they never make things a must; therefore therefore they never make changes. They fall into a routine that has them thinking they�re comfortable but sadly they will experience lots of pain, discomfort, and worst of all they will never truly find who they are.Raphael Huwiler, The Pain of Comfort
Change - Many people choose to dwell on their failures. This leads to unnecessary worrying, regret, shame, and stress. Instead of dwelling on the past, you can reflect on your experiences and use negative situations as a learning experience. Morris Pratt, The Secret of Positive Thinking
Worry - “We may all face times when our wings feel clipped, or where we experience difficult flight, where we would rather just sit and recoup. But, life is to be lived not shunned, to be experienced not retreat, to feel the wind blow through our feathers not to be stuck on a solely branch, to grasp each moment and enjoy it for all we can.” Catherine Pulsifer, Fly Again And Soar
Motivational - People who become fully convinced that God looks like Jesus begin to love and are empowered to live for God with a passion they never dreamed possible before-regardless of their life experiences.Gregory A. Boyd. Is God to Blame?: Beyond Pat Answers to the Problem of Suffering
Love - All of our experiences can lead to a much richer life if we allow our minds to carry forth these experiences and build on what is good and work to eliminate what is bad. Byron Pulsifer, Experiences Throughout Life
Work - In every decision , even choices not in alignment with our inspiration or desire, an opportunity exists for an experience that would benefit the expansion of our knowledge, experience and expression of our Self.” Jim Phillips, Inspiration to Intention
- For those of you who have experienced failure, there is more to learn than just what went wrong, there is a special uniqueness to lack of success and that is the opportunity to attempt again with past experience as a guide of what not to do, rather than repeating the same mistakes. Byron Pulsifer, Difficulties Provide Growth
Mistake - People that live by only what they see in front of them never experience the great things God has for them. Patricia Meyers, 70 Extraordinary Object Lessons for Home School and Sunday School
God - “Experience is the best teacher because it’s always on the job.” Author Unknown, Achieve Your Dreams
Teacher - I think everyone should experience defeat at least once during their career. You learn a lot from it.Lou Holtz
Defeat - Men are wise in proportion, not to their experience, but to their capacity for experience.George Bernard Shaw
Wise - Those experiences made us who we are today! It’s just the way things are . . . . Harald Anderson, Be Realistic: Create a Miracle!
Encouraging - Even from infancy, we are all detectives trying to make sense of life from what we experience.Frank Healy, Heal Your Memories, Change Your Life
Life - “Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely.”Auguste Rodin
Time - Develop wisdom in sales by reflecting on your experience, and learning everything you can from every call. Brian Tracy
Knowledge - We deal with disappointing and depressing experiences each day of our lives. Rest assured that these difficult times are your opportunity to grow and to learn more advanced strategies in order scale your next mountain more quickly. Michelle C. Ustaszeski, from Scaling Life’s Mountains
Opportunity - Your child will be better prepared to tackle the bumps on the road of life if he has been given the gift of guided independence.Jacquie McTaggart
ChildrenDo you know the difference between education and experience? Education is when you read the fine print; experience is what you get when you don’t. Pete Seeger
Quotes on Knowledge, Education, Time, Work - Good judgment comes from experience, and experience comes from bad judgment. Barry LePatner
Good - Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so. Douglas Adams
Words of Encouragement - Experience is a comb which nature gives us when we are bald.Proverb
Funny Proverbs - A failure is a man who has blundered, but is not able to cash in the experience. Elbert Hubbard
Failure - Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved. Helen Keller
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