Peace Quotes Page 2
- “Set the example of peace and you will find others copying you.” Catherine Pulsifer
Example - But allowing God to set forth our path,
Hearing His voice and direction;
We will find peace and joy in our hearts,
For God is the key to perfection.
Greta Zwaan, Happiness In Heaviness
Christian Poems - “If the philosophy of the food bank was ‘of this world’ there would have been anger, there would have been revenge. But by putting their trust in God, there was peace and there was hope.” Catherine Pulsifer, Trusting God And Not This World
Hope - “What I have discovered is that in order to flourish in business or in life, you not only need prosperity, you also need peace.” Marlene Chism, Stop Workplace Drama
Life - “There is no limit to the ingenuity of man if it is properly and vigorously applied under conditions of peace and justice.” Winston Churchill
Graduation Quotes - “When you take the high ground, you rise above the irritation and the conflict and choose to live in peace.” Rick Warren
Choices - “Do not overrate what you have received, nor envy others. He who envies others does not obtain peace of mind.” Buddha
Inner Peace Quotes - “We can choose to alleviate suffering. We can choose to work together for peace. We can make these changes – and we must.” Jimmy Carter
Work - “Peace is the only battle worth waging.” Albert Camus
Inspirational Sayings | - “Of course, most of us say we want a kinder and more peaceful world – one where we are friendlier, have more patience, are less judgmental, and act in loving and compassionate ways.” Michael J. Chase, am I being kind
Patience - “Peacekeepers avoid conflict and pretend it doesn’t exist. But peacemakers resolve conflict and reconcile relationships.” Rick Warren
Relationship Quotes - “Let’s face it, there is no way to avoid conflicts in marriage. What needs to be understood is how to deal with them in order to maintain peace and love in your marriage.” Alexis G. Roldan, Marriage: How To Rescue Your Marriage
Marriage - “If we can achieve the ultimate state of self-mastery, we will more consistently have the personal power and peace of mind we need to get ahead, since we are not giving our time, energy, and power away to others; we are taking responsibility for ourselves and how much we can affect change in our lives.” Lisa Kardos, Success Blueprint
Quotes About Change - “If you are always looking for fault, that is what you will find- and you’ll never have peace of mind.” Dorsey Baker, Foundation of Life
Attitude Quotes - “Prayer is the voice of love that brings us internal peace, understanding, and the wisdom on how to share.” Catherine Franz, Life is a Continuous Prayer
Love Quotes - “Seek God’s guidance. Leave the outcomes to Him. Enjoy the peace of understanding that ‘God’s got this.'” Faye Horton, Decisions of Life: From the Book of Esther
Christian Quotes about Life - “When a person has made the commitment to be more at peace and happier, to allow all things not to bother them, all energy aligns with that.” James Fullerton, Choose Happiness
Commitment - “The Lord’s desire for us is that we trade our anxiety for His peace.” John Stange, Overcoming Anxiety
Stress - Grant that we might be peacemakers and not peace-breakers. Ray Pritchard, Joy to the World!
Christmas Messages - Even as you make your financial plans, put the most important, unchangeable things as your true goals: love, family, discovery and a peaceful existence. Tom Miles, A Year For Change
Family Quotes - Prayers provide us that peace and security which only the Father can provide for us. Dr. Mary Lee, Prayers: How I Achieve Everything through Prayers
Prayer - It is hard to deal with failure, it has a nasty tendency to overwhelm your consciousness and take over, almost burrowing through your mental peace until all you are thinking about night and day is that one goal that you won’t be able to fulfill. Michael Andrews, Mindset
Failure - If you can believe what God teaches in the Bible and learn to actually do things this way, then you enter into a wonderful peace and freedom. Joan Boney, Taking Thoughts Captive
God Quotes - When we’re having trouble taking control over our circumstances, prayer can be a source of peace and support. Steven Johnson, Prayer
Power of Prayer - Actions speak louder than words and your love creates peace and goodwill among men. Patricia A Gilpin-Hudson; Carol R Muschette, Find Joy in Daily Living
Actions Speak Louder Than Words Quotes - When you stop being peaceful in the mist on the storm, you have actually said you no longer trust God will take you out of the situation. Carol Nkambule, Power Filled Word: Winning every battle, with the Word
Trust God Quotes - The number seven in Scripture indicates something is complete and whole and lacks nothing. It is the number that has to do with peace and rest and being complete. Gerald Flurry, Daniel Unlocks Revelation
Wise Quotes - When the Spirit is doing the work in our life, we bear fruit like love, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, selfcontrol . . . and JOY! Tony Watson, It’s All About Relationships
Spiritual - When you believe that everything happens for good reason and the Lord is always in control, then you can feel peace in any situation. Lindsey K. Rietzsch, You Were Meant to Prosper
Good Quotes - If we each did something nice for someone else everyday, world peace wouldn’t be such a lofty dream, would it? Nicole L Rivera, Finding Unauthorized Faith in Harry Potter and The Philosopher’s Stone
Dreams - From the little things that chip away at us every day to the big things that knock us off our feet, these circumstances leave us eagerly searching for peace, rest and safety. However, they can only be fulfilled in God. Michelle Lynn Brown, The Trampled Rose Devotional
Inspirational Poems - God wants us to have all we need and desire so that we can have peace and bring peace to others. Robin Bremer, How to Have Peace
Words of Encouragement - Peace and joy are two main fruits of Christ’s kingdom. Richard Sibbes, The Bruised Reed
Blessed Quotes - You will feel peace like you’ve never felt before. You will feel love. Best of all, you will feel happy, truly happy like you’ve never felt in a long time. That’s the power of forgiveness. Arielle Tepite, Forgiveness & Healing
Happy - Adults in a child’s life can share the stories of the Bible, giving true nourishment, building them up, and providing peace. Betsy Duffey; Laurie Myers, The Lord is Their Shepherd
Children - For many of us, God’s presence is expressed in different ways. Often it is a sense of peace. Chaim Bentorah, God’s Love for Us
God’s Love Quotes - The Bible declares in Philippians 4: 6-7 that we are to let our request be known onto God, and the peace of God which passes all understanding shall keep our hearts and our minds in Christ Jesus. Michael Yeager, God Still Provides
Faith - But God can, in answer to the prayers of His people, give divine peace. Andrew Murray, The Ministry of Intercessory Prayer
Poems about Faith - You who want peace can find it only by complete forgiveness. Helen Schucman, A Course in Miracles
Forgiveness - Peace with God, peace with others, and peace in your own heart. Rick Warren, The Purpose of Christmas
Christmas Greetings - If civilization is to survive, we must cultivate the science of human relationships – the ability of all peoples, of all kinds, to live together, in the same world at peace.” Franklin D.Roosevelt
Famous - Christmas was all about God’s gift to man, and His peace, as well as ours. Carolyn Molica, WINGS: A Journey in Faith from the Earthly to the Heavenly
Christmas Quotes - Give thanks for all that is and for all that happens and be at peace. Scott Curran, Total Gratitude
Thanksgiving Quotes - If everyone demanded peace instead of another television set, then there’d be peace. John Lennon
Simplicity - Thus Christ wants us, and finally the whole world, to share in His peace, a peace that we must contribute to by fighting anxieties and concerns, by staying faithful to God’s ways and by asking for the peace that Christ gives miraculously to all that He loves. Michael Caputo, The Fruits of the Holy Spirit
Miracle Quotes - Love brings with it a sense of peace which means that those who are afraid can let go of their concerns, as they are nurtured by faith. Estella Eliot, Positively Christian
Fear - You may call for peace as loudly as you wish, but where there is no brotherhood there can in the end be no peace. Max Lerner
Brotherhood - Whatever the circumstances around your Christmas are this year – may you find peace and hope in inviting Jesus right into the mess. Jenni Hunt, Haywire Christmas
Christmas Poems - We should maintain an open mind and a compassionate attitude if we wish to be at peace. Beau Norton, How to Find Peace
Compassion Quotes - “May the faith of God be with you this year. May the peace of God surround you, and may you be blessed each day!” Catherine Pulsifer
New Year Wishes
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