Prayer Quotes and Sayings Page 5

Prayer Quotes and Sayings Page 5

  1. Prayer is the way that God enlists us in doing with Him what He is already going to do. Jimmy Davis, Job
  2. We should pray for true financial wisdom, regarding what we have and what we do not have; we shouldn’t simply beg for money to rain from the heavens. Nathaniel Turner, 31 Prayers for Financial Wisdom
  3. It is true that a prayer that comes from the heart can move mountains, it increases your faith, and brings you closer to God. Rebecca Small, Inspirational Morning Prayers For Every Christian
    Inspirational Poems
  4. Dear God remember those who have lost their homes, jobs and courage. God I pray that your Holy Spirit visit each and every heart in your entire world. Michael A. Curtis, Notes from My Journey
  5. God intends for His children to be strong in the faith. This strength comes from prayer. Prayer is the conduit to God’s power. Rev. Frank Abrahamsen, A Study on Prayer
    Strength and Courage
  6. Prayer is the most powerful source of communicating with God. Not only does it give you a spiritual voice, praying puts calm in your heart. Lonnie E. Pruitt, Prayer Is Our Power
  7. Prayer is to change our hearts and to bring us into harmony with God. Ruthie Jacobsen, The Difference is Prayer
  8. Let us begin today, taking the first steps toward becoming people great in prayer. K. P. Yohannan, Learning to Pray
    Inspirational Sayings
  9. Blessings to you and all that you do. May God walk each day with you,
    This year, each day, may you be blessed we pray.
    Catherine Pulsifer, New Year Wishes
  10. Pray, pray, and pray again for your children. Ask God to open up their hearts to you and to Him. Mark J Musser, Parenting Essentials
  11. If we really knew who God is and all that He has given us in Christ,our prayer lives would be far different from what they are. R. C. Sproul. Does Prayer Change Things?
  12. Prayer can be a simple sentence or request of God. Pray with faith and believing in your prayers. Faye Horton, Decisions of Life: From the Book of Esther
  13. God does not answer thoughts; He answers prayers. Brian L Summy, It’s Not About Me, It’s About God
    Inspirational Messages
  14. When I have a decision to make, I pray about it and follow God’s leading. Mary DeKok Blowers, Filled With the Holy Spirit
  15. On the other hand, God delights to hear the prayers of His people when they individually ask, “Lord, what do you want me to do?” R. C. Sproul, Can I Know God’s Will?
  16. And as we pray, the Lord assures us that He will guard our hearts and minds. John Stange, Overcoming Anxiety
  17. But, oh! We are far more occupied with our work than we are with prayer. We believe more in speaking to men than we believe in speaking to God. D. Engelbrecht, On the Clouds
  18. Prayer is obviously a vital part of discerning God’s will. There is absolutely no question that when we are seeking to make a decision, we need to be praying about it. Kirk Youngblood, Free to Be Wise
    Poems about God
  19. The small things are what equips us for the greatness of God’s purposes. The small thing of prayer draws us into God’s presence. Eddie Snipes, Predestined for Good Works
  20. What a loving God that He gave each person their own prayer language so that He could talk to them and through them on Earth. June Dawn Knight, Testimony of a Broken Bride
  21. A contemplative prayer life is obtained through reflection, full or deep consideration. It is a listening prayer; more listening and less talking. Brian Lake, Romancing the King
  22. Prayer has been defined as talking with God. Too often, we try to do all the talking and expect God to do all the listening. As we pray specifically, God may speak to us specifically. Mark Stepherson, Prayer Key 4
    Power of Prayer Quotes
  23. Make sure you prayerfully consider how you can “be bright” for Christ this week. Mark J Musser, Who Am I?
    Inspirational Prayers
  24. The way we pray according to the Promise of GOD presented in the Bible that works isn’t intended to try to manipulate GOD, except we pray by faith because we trust what he has said is true. Michael Long, Christian’s Daily Spiritual Growth
  25. It’s just about serving – giving my insignificant self to God to use as he chooses. (Remember my prayer: Not my will, but yours be done.) Daniel Hochhalter, Losers Like Us
  26. It also helps if you would let your child lead the family prayer before mealtimes. This will help your child express what he feels and what is in his heart and mind. Mary Appleton, Parenting Teens
  27. No prayer is wasted! Revelation 5: 8 records that the prayers of the saints are stored up in Heaven. Val Waldeck, When The Storms Come…you can take it
    Prayer Poems
  28. Though in its beginnings prayer is so simple that the feeble child can pray, yet it is at the same time the highest and holiest work to which man can rise. Andrew Murray, Lord, Teach Us to Pray
  29. “I know firsthand just how effective the prayers of those who trust the Lord and continue in prayer are.” K. P. Yohannan, Learning to Pray
    Trust God
  30. Prayer is the longing of the soul to hold communion with the Most High, the desire of the heart to obtain blessings at His hands. Charles Spurgeon
    Poems about Faith
  31. Prayer is the fulfillment of man’s highest capacity to look not down alone nor out, but up, and to adore. Prayer is the road to the crowning experience of human life, being carried out of ourselves by something greater than ourselves to which we give ourselves. Harry Emerson Fosdick
  32. If properly used, prayer can be a powerful aid to inner peace. Jerry Dorsman and Bob Davis, How to Achieve Peace of Mind
    Inner Peace
  33. If our prayer is not a response to the call of the One who initiates the entire process then there is little profit. Michael Mayne, Prayer
  34. Trust that the universe has heard your prayer, and be open to the many different ways that your dream may show up for you. You’re not letting go of your dream. Jen Mazer
  35. Let prayer and praise sanctify all your enjoyments. Edward Bickersteth – 1841, A Treatise on Prayer
    Great Quotes About Life
  36. The opposite of ask, it’s not to ask, and search is not search. That’s why the prayer is very important in its Christian life, without prayer there will be no request in front of God that he answer, without looking the word of God, he will not be able to know these big truths, without knock, never could open you the doors. Alberlin Torres, The Power of Believe in Jesus
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