Quote of the Day September 2020

Quote of the Day September 2020

Quote of the Day: Wednesday, September 30, 2020

You were created from love and you are made up of love. Even your soul is a bastion of love! If you a seek healing, you must find it within yourself.Barry Ferguson.Collision Course: How to Harness the Power of Love to Heal Your Broken Life
You were created from love and you are made up of love. Even your soul is a bastion of love! If you a seek healing, you must find it within yourself.
Barry Ferguson.Collision Course: How to Harness the Power of Love to Heal Your Broken Life
Healing Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
Blocks to love will fall by the wayside, walls that separate us will begin to melt, wounds will heal, and the world will change.
Marco Smimoff, Love For No Reason

Issues of the Soul can and do hinder spiritual progress, and while a damaged soul is no easy fix, healing is possible.
Derik Overly, Issues of the Soul.

Quote of the Day: Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Take is easy; remember we don't shame flowers for being too big or too little, too short or too tall, too pink or too red, we just embrace them for their unique beauty.Akankssha Arora.Genius in Making
Take is easy; remember we don’t shame flowers for being too big or too little, too short or too tall, too pink or too red, we just embrace them for their unique beauty.
Akankssha Arora.Genius in Making
Love Yourself Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
As I take control of my mind, I also take control of my body’s health.
Nicholas Mag.1290 Mental Triggers to Keep Out-of-Control Emotions from Destroying Your …

If an individual is able to love productively, he loves himself too; if he can only love others, he cannot love at all.
Barbara Kopitz, Morning Meditations

Quote of the Day:Monday, September 28, 2020

Your friend may indicate that he or she wants the sadness and depression to go away and may want to do something about it. These are cries for help and they must be heeded. Caitlyn Miller, Dealing with Suicidal Thoughts
Your friend may indicate that he or she wants the sadness and depression to go away and may want to do something about it. These are cries for help and they must be heeded.
Caitlyn Miller, Dealing with Suicidal Thoughts
Depression Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
A compelling and highly readable argument that some forms of mental illness, especially depression, are really diseases of the immune system.
Edward Bullmore , The Inflammed Mind

Feel the sorrow in my heart, the sadness in my soul. And fear not the harsh words of Pilate. For a friend walks with you.
FRANK JAMES UNGER, Peacing the World Together

Quote of the Day: Sunday, September 27, 2020

Everyone knows, and always has known, that the enforcement of equality is the mandate of justice.Antony Flew.Equality in Liberty and Justice
Everyone knows, and always has known, that the enforcement of equality is the mandate of justice.
Antony Flew.Equality in Liberty and Justice
Justice Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
But my conviction has always been justified; faith in the divine protection, and the right use of man’s God-given will, are forces formidable beyond any other.
Stephen Arroyo, Astrology, Karma & Transformation

Have the courage to stand up for yourself and have your own outspoken courage when time calls for it.
Sky M. Armstrong.Courage, You’ve Got It!…

Quote of the Day: Saturday, September 26, 2020

People who are all alone with their despair carry twice the weight of it with half the strength, and are frequently overcome with these thoughts.Ken Stifler Suicide, Despair, and Soul Recovery: Finding the Light of God
People who are all alone with their despair carry twice the weight of it with half the strength, and are frequently overcome with these thoughts.
Ken Stifler.Suicide, Despair, and Soul Recovery: Finding the Light of God
Deep Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:

Like a magician who pulls the never-ending scarf out of his mouth, keep writing, keep crying, keep expressing until you have nothing left. Then see what remains.

There is a deeper dimension of knowledge that already exists within the consciousness of every person. It’s the core foundation that allows each of us to flourish.
Chantal Burns, Instant Motivation

Quote of the Day: Friday, September 25, 2020

God has given us the gift of hope to keep us going on our uncertain journey. Lewiss Medes, KEEPING HOPE ALIVE
God has given us the gift of hope to keep us going on our uncertain journey.
Giving Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
On the spirtitual journey, those seeking soul enlightenment will be given tests from the spiritual world.
Zhi Gang Sha, MD, Soul Mind Body Medicine.

Karma in Action asks you to give in order to receive.
Joanne Flinn, Karma

Quote of the Day: Thursday, September 24, 2020

Using the Earth and the Universal energies will help you to bring balance to your life. Close your eyes; hear and feel every breath that you take. Brian Cook, Gateways to Health
Using the Earth and the Universal energies will help you to bring balance to your life. Close your eyes; hear and feel every breath that you take.
Brian Cook, Gateways to Health
Balance Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
Practice the prayer of thanksgiving often, as it will bring balance to your life and help you focus on the gifts that God provides.
Will Hine, Show

Living a balanced life is not about being in control of all things, but rather, about managing those things over which we do have an influence and managing our reaction to everything else.
Michael Hinz Author, Jessica Hinz

Quote of the Day: Wednesday, September 23, 2020

There is probably no better teacher in the journey to self-acceptance than our shadow.  Christopher Uhl, Teaching as if Life Matters
There is probably no better teacher in the journey to self-acceptance than our shadow.
Christopher Uhl, Teaching as if Life Matters
Acceptance and Self-Acceptance Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
While traveling the road back to self-acceptance, bear in mind that you, in common with every other human being, are unique.
J. Donald Walters, Secrets of Self-acceptance

Genuine self-denial is the acceptance of one’s life as it is informed and continues to be informed by the spiritual power derived from the pattern of Jesus’ life and death.
John E. Skinner, The Christian Disciple

Quote of the Day: Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Feel good about yourself for being in control of your choices and decisions.Ailsa Frank.Cut the Crap and Feel Amazing
Feel good about yourself for being in control of your choices and decisions.
Ailsa Frank.Cut the Crap and Feel Amazing
Decision Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
We so often doubt ourselves. We listen more to what others think or say than to ourselves, yet there’s this aching in the back of our minds, a knowing and an inclination toward the right choice. Often, we must make a wrong decision to realise that listening to our own intuition would have led us to better things.
Rebecca Perkins.Best Knickers Always: 50 Lessons For Midlife

That’s when the transformation begins, when you decide enough is enough. That you began to believe that you do matter. You must believe in yourself no matter what.
John H. Roy Jr.5 Steps To Breaking The Addictions Of Your Life

Quote of the Day: Monday, September 21, 2020

First, through greater equality, we gain a world where status matters less, where the awkward divisions of class begin to heal, where social anxieties are less inhibiting of social interaction and people are less plagued by issues of confidence, self-doubt and low self-esteem.Richard Wilkinson, Kate Pickett.The Inner Level: How More Equal Societies Reduce Stress, Restore Sanity and ...
First, through greater equality, we gain a world where status matters less, where the awkward divisions of class begin to heal, where social anxieties are less inhibiting of social interaction and people are less plagued by issues of confidence, self-doubt and low self-esteem.
Richard Wilkinson, Kate Pickett.The Inner Level: How More Equal Societies Reduce Stress, Restore Sanity and …
Change the World Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
Good literature changes our inner world by helping us to understand human behaviour.
Scott Christianson, 100 Books That Changed The World

I think it makes a compelling case, at least for most audiences, that humans are the cause of the global warming that is taking place, and that unless we take action the consequences for our planetary home could become irreversible.
Al Gore, An Inconvenient Truth: The Planetary Emergency of Global Warming and What We …

Quote of the Day: Sunday, September 20, 2020

You have the ability right now to achieve more than you ever have before, as long as you incorporate three essential mental skills into your life: clarity, focus, and concentration. Brian Tracy, Bull’s Eye: The Power of Focus
You have the ability right now to achieve more than you ever have before, as long as you incorporate three essential mental skills into your life: clarity, focus, and concentration.
Brian Tracy, Bull’s Eye: The Power of Focus
Achieving Goals Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
You see, true champions believe that they control their destiny, and luck has little to do with what they will accomplish.
Pat Williams.Who Wants to be a Champion?: 10 Building Blocks to Help You Become …

Goals allow you to be in control by setting the direction of change.
Chris Demetriou, It’s Your Life Its Your Choice

Quote of the Day: Saturday, September 19, 2020

The most important habit of the day: actually getting up!Amy Schmittauer Landino, Good Morning Good Life
The most important habit of the day: actually getting up!
Amy Schmittauer Landino, Good Morning Good Life
Good Morning Blessing Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
Cast not your mind to the world on earth—open it to the universe of love and guidance.
J. Williamson, Guidance to Peace and Clarity

Take the time to seek out wisdom, focus on putting the joy back into your life.
Kisha Flemmings

Quote of the Day: Friday, September 18, 2020

Some days you will feel a little down. The highs and lows are human nature. Your life should be filled with light and shade, it is these ups and downs that remind us what is important in life. Ben Fogel
Some days you will feel a little down. The highs and lows are human nature. Your life should be filled with light and shade, it is these ups and downs that remind us what is important in life.
Ben Fogel
Obstacles Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
Charting a new senior lifestyle and navigating through the obstacles to reach a safe harbor can be devastating, but it can also be exciting and rewarding at the same time.
Lynne Beery, Charting a New Course for Senior Living

Your pride in your initial success can also help you to look over the obstacle because it makes you taller. It functions as a ladder from which you can sweep your gaze across the horizon and see the bigger picture.
Markus Jotzo, The Formula for Infinite Pride

Quote of the Day: Thursday, September 17, 2020

God will purposely send things to us that will cause us to reflect on our decisions and change our way of thinking. Yolanda Gaston, Reflections of an Inner Being
God will purposely send things to us that will cause us to reflect on our decisions and change our way of thinking.
Yolanda Gaston, Reflections of an Inner Being
God Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
Never lose hope and you will not lose faith in yourself, your world, and your God. Be patient with yourself and be patient with others and your God.
Joyzy Pius Egunjobi, Be Blessed

There is, in fact, a religious sense deeply rooted in each and every Man’s ununconscious depths.
Victor E. Frankl, The Will To Meaning

Quote of the Day: Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Your own insights and realisations are always tailor-made for you. And we all have an unlimited potential for insights and new ideas.Chantal Burns, Instant Motivation
Your own insights and realisations are always tailor-made for you. And we all have an unlimited potential for insights and new ideas.
Chantal Burns, Instant Motivation
Potential Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
Though all carry the potential seeds for championship, only a sew set to rule in their world as Champions of all carry these seeds, why do some not make it to the top?
Alex K. Mfum.The Mind of Champions

Whatever your fitness goals happen to be, you will not get very far without the motivation that is required to realise your ambition.
James Atkinson, Fitness & Exercise Motivation

Quote of the Day: Tuesday, September 15, 2020

The worst decision you can make is no decision. Take control of your own life.Pat Divilly.Upgrade Your Life: How to Take Back Control and Achieve Your Goals
The worst decision you can make is no decision. Take control of your own life.
Pat Divilly, Upgrade Your Life: How to Take Back Control and Achieve Your Goals
Mental Health Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
Justice is a strong concept that has a proper place in the mental, emotional and physical realms, but it isn’t an avenue to use when seeking healing from past abuse.
Wanye Kauppila, Opening The Door To Freedom With Forgiveness Therapy
If you feel like your mind is racing faster than you can keep up, it is essential that you take care of yourself and find a way to declutter your mind so that you can gain mental clarity and achieve greater success.
RD king, Gain Mental Clarity

Quote of the Day: Monday, September 14, 2020

Train your mind to be strong, to resist temptations. Learn to talk to one another and to respect each other. Emily Benedek
Train your mind to be strong, to resist temptations. Learn to talk to one another and to respect each other.
Emily Benedek
Quotes About Being Strong

Positive Quotes for the Day:
As the soul and the physical body become more strongly connected one’s soul will begin to color one’s physical world.
Leanna Burns, Soul Beautiful, Naturally

With a strong intuition you can build confidence in your life that you are always supported, have strong guidance that you can rely upon and feel safe.
Lisa K, Intuition on Demand

Quote of the Day: Sunday, September 13, 2020

How far you go is dependent upon what obstacle you stop at. Anything and everything is available to you. As some would say, “The world is yours”. Michael Fulmore, Unleashing Your Ambition
How far you go is dependent upon what obstacle you stop at. Anything and everything is available to you. As some would say, “The world is yours.”
Michael Fulmore, Unleashing Your Ambition
Ambition Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
If you aspire to be a champion, don’t be awed by the glitter of their excellence; instead, know that they also put in many thousands of hours in the pool, on the court, and at the track to build up their bodies and shape their minds.
Jim Afremow, The Champion’s Mind: How Great Athletes Think, Train, and Thrive

In just a few generations, one of humanity’s most ambitious goals has been achieved in our developed world: to live into a second half of life that has been, for all of human history, closed to us. A certain sense of awe and wonder at that miracle is not unwarranted.
Michael Gurian, The Wonder of Aging

Quote of the Day: Saturday, September 12, 2020

While they may no longer exist in a worldly form, they still live within me, and to that, I say thank you for the memories. Deborah Manley, For The Love Of Grief
While they may no longer exist in a worldly form, they still live within me, and to that, I say thank you for the memories.
Deborah Manley, For The Love Of Grief
Memory Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:

The food of our religious and cultural celebrations, of our solemn moments, of our annual traditions, and of our family gatherings has often been the deepest well of our most profound memories.
Mario Batali, Big American Cookbook

The appreciation of fine wine cannot be gained from the reading of books about wine, nor the memorizing of vintage dates: the only way is to drink wine, fine wine and a great deal of it, with a due sense of reverence or merely of appreciation.
Louis Golding, ‎André Louis Simon, We Shall Eat and Drink Again

Quote of the Day: Friday, September 11, 2020

Visualize your soul as a small person inside your abdomen. Your soul is sitting there happy and content. Zhi Gang Sha, MD, Soul Mind Body Medicine.
Visualize your soul as a small person inside your abdomen. Your soul is sitting there happy and content.
Zhi Gang Sha, MD, Soul Mind Body Medicine.
Happy Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
Mealtimes are all about family and celebration, not just fuel.
The Hairy Bikers, The Hairy Bikers Mediterranean adventure

Light makes us happy, content and full. It chases away the “blues,” or darker shades of mood, causing one to grow or heal, to be illuminated, free of anxiety and fear.
Ken Stifler

Quote of the Day: Thursday,September 10, 2020

What we really need is not control, but clarity, to do our best work and live our best lives from the midst of the chaos.Grace Marshall, How To Be REALLY Productive
What we really need is not control, but clarity, to do our best work and live our best lives from the midst of the chaos.
Grace Marshall, How To Be REALLY Productive
Live Life Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
Excellence can be yours. Your best body and life ever await.
Michael Matthews, The Little Black Book of Workout Motivation

We feel we’ve taken control of our lives and ourselves and that’s vital for our self-respect.
Si King And David Myers, The Hairy Dieters

Quote of the Day: Wednesday, September 9, 2020

You can become a paragon of health and fitness— an inspiration to friends, family, and even strangers—and remain one for the rest of your life. Michael Matthews, Beyond Bigger Leaner Stronger
Real love is not a feeling; it is giving without remembering and receiving without forgetting. It is not something to search for; it is something to hand out.
Kevin Horsley, The Happy Mind
Fitness Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
You need to fuel yourself properly before and after exercising, and put the right things into your body.
Tom Kerridge, Lose Weight And Get Fit

Fitness benefits mind, body, and soul.
Andrea Marks, ‎Betty Rothbart, Healthy Teens, Body and Soul

Quote of the Day: Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Families come in all shapes and sizes, and they don’t have to fit the perfect dream ideal to make you happy.  Jennifer Lopez
Families come in all shapes and sizes, and they don’t have to fit the perfect dream ideal to make you happy.
Jennifer Lopez
Family Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
Above all I want it to be the sort of food that will draw the whole family together.
Gordan Ramsey, Ultimate Home Cooking

Each one of us is responsible for the world – each one of us must give a hand to build our world in a humane manner, crossing faith, fate and family.
Abhijit Naskar, Operation Justice

Quote of the Day: Monday, September 7, 2020

When life is lived in a fully conscious way, with wisdom, we can eventually overcome all harmful emotions and behavior.Culadasa, The Mind Illuminated
When life is lived in a fully conscious way, with wisdom, we can eventually overcome all harmful emotions and behavior.
Culadasa, The Mind Illuminated
Wisdom Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
That man finally knows what we all eventually come to know: that we have to learn how to be men before we can be anything to anyone who wants to love us—and certainly before we can love them back.
Steve Hardy, Straight Talk No Chaser

Humans are the most adaptable organism on the planet, but our food and environment have changed so rapidly that we are now ill-equipped to deal with the modern world.
Robb Wolf, Wired To Eat

Quote of the Day: Sunday, September 6, 2020

Envisioning success will prepare you for, and almost ensure, a successful day. Hal Elrod And Others, The Miricle Morning Entrepreneurs
Envisioning success will prepare you for, and almost ensure, a successful day.
Hal Elrod And Others, The Miricle Morning Entrepreneurs
Success Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
Your success comes down to how well you can prioritize not only your work demands, but also your household needs.
Alya Sran, Office Away From Office

Pride can lead to self-control and success; it can be a virtue.
David DeSteno.Emotional Success: The Power of Gratitude, Compassion, and Pride

Quote of the Day:Saturday, September 5, 2020

Vision is a crucial component of preparation. Without it, you perish.Dr. Beverly Crockett, PhD, Just Run The Race
Vision is a crucial component of preparation. Without it, you perish.
Dr. Beverly Crockett, PhD, Just Run The Race
Vision Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:

By being more mindful, they could more easily identify what they wanted, then make daily choices that supported their vision of a better future.
Paige Oldham, The Mindful Guide to the Law of Attraction

The magic that is produced when two or more people come together to hold a shared vision is miraculous.
Marie Forleo, Make Every Man You Want

Quote of the Day: Friday, September 4, 2020

Let prayer and praise sanctify all your enjoyments. Edward Bickersteth - 1841, A Treatise on Prayer
Let prayer and praise sanctify all your enjoyments.
Edward Bickersteth – 1841, A Treatise on Prayer
Prayer Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
Trust that the universe has heard your prayer, and be open to the many different ways that your dream may show up for you. You’re not letting go of your dream.
Jen Mazer

If our prayer is not a response to the call of the One who initiates the entire process then there is little profit.
Michael Mayne, Prayer

Quote of the Day: Thursday,September 3, 2020

If you think you're not cool enough, you will never be cool enough. Romy Miller, How to Be the Man Women Want
If you think you’re not cool enough, you will never be cool enough.
Romy Miller, How to Be the Man Women Want
Cool Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
Yet you can’t learn to be cool, it’s more a personality trait.
Joeri Van Den Bergh, ‎Mattias Behrer, How Cool Brands Stay Hot

From a distance, he looks like the coolest of dudes. He even gives the impression that he’d be doing you a favor if you pulled over and picked him up.
William Loizeaux, The Shooting of Rabbit Wells

Quote of the Day: Wednesday, September 2, 2020

 Real love is not a feeling; it is giving without remembering and receiving without forgetting. It is not something to search for; it is something to hand out. Kevin Horsley, The Happy Mind
Real love is not a feeling; it is giving without remembering and receiving without forgetting. It is not something to search for; it is something to hand out.
Kevin Horsley, The Happy Mind
Unconditional Love Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
Unconditional love is about loving, irrespective of the results or the performance. It is about loving no matter what.
Darryl Cross, Growing Up Children

When someone truly loves you, even if they leave, you feel that they leave for you, and not against you. When you love that person too, then and then alone, She will return and be with you forever.
Codrin Tapu, Teachings On Being

Quote of the Day: Tuesday, September 1, 2020

My persistence comes from being committed to my goals and my willingness to keep going when everyone else would give up. Bob Oros, Persistence
My persistence comes from being committed to my goals and my willingness to keep going when everyone else would give up.
Bob Oros, Persistence
Persistence Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
If you take intellectual information that you learn as a philosophy, and then initiate that knowledge into your life by applying it enough times until you master it, you will ultimately move from being a philosopher to an initiate to a master.
Dr Joe. Dispenzer, Breaking the habit of being yourself

Portrait painting doesn’t just survive; it thrives. It persists through all the stuttering complexity of change, through the spurts of action and reaction, imitation and contradiction, through all the layering of new and newer technologies.
Anthony Connolly, Painting Portraits

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