Quote of the Day April 2021

Quote of the Day April 2021

Quote of the Day: Friday, April 30, 2021

Desire fuels our search for the life we prize. John Eldredge, Dare to Desire
Desire fuels our search for the life we prize.
John Eldredge, Dare to Desire
Desire Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
Desire fuels the need to acquire and produce knowledge, which in turn serves to rationalise and help fulfil desire.
Chengxin Pan, Knowledge, Desire and Power in Global Politics

Desire is everything, of course. It is how we live. It is what moves us about our day.
The Downside Review

Quote of the Day: Thursday, April 29, 2021

Look at the sky; feel the rain on your face, your hands, your smile. Glenn Berkenkamp, Walking with Glenn Berkenkamp: 35 Wellness Walks to Expand
Look at the sky; feel the rain on your face, your hands, your smile.
Glenn Berkenkamp, Walking with Glenn Berkenkamp
Sky Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
Think of yourself as a vast, blue sky, and of your emotions as clouds that come and go.
Laurie Cameron, The Mindful Day

As a living, breathing lake you reflect the beauty of your natural surroundings and the ever-changing sky above.
Shamash Alidina, The Mindful Way Through Stress

Quote of the Day: Wednesday, April 28, 2021

I miss you so much. I can't touch you. You took everything I love with you. But I can still feel you.
I miss you so much. I can’t touch you. You took everything I love with you. But I can still feel you.
‎Carole Braverman, Bottled Notes from Underground
Miss You Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
I miss you with every breath that I take, and I can’t wait till I get to see your beautiful face again.
Nicole Edwards, Curtis

Morning comes but once a day, And that’s enough for me, I face each day without you, Making do with misery.
M. C. Newberry, Singing Words

Quote of the Day: Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Love is happiness, Love is life. Thomas Henry Burrowes, The Pennsylvania School Journal
Love is happiness, Love is life.
Thomas Henry Burrowes, The Pennsylvania School Journal
Short Love Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
Mature love is energizing; immature love is exhausting.
Sol Gordon, Why Love is Not Enough

When love is awakened in our inner being, our perception of the universe undergoes a vast change.
Andrew Vidich, Love is a Secret

Quote of the Day: Monday, April 26, 2021

Honesty is the first ingredient to create self-confidence. NK Sondhi, ‎General Press, Small Things Matter Most
Honesty is the first ingredient to create self-confidence.
NK Sondhi, ‎General Press, Small Things Matter Most
Honesty Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
A big part of being honest with yourself is to frequently question your own logic and correct it when it’s wrong.
Paul Skornik, Finally! the Stuff You Really Need to Improve Your Life

If you live with honesty and fairness, you know what truth and justice are.
Elizabeth B. Brown, Living Successfully with Screwed-Up People

Quote of the Day: Sunday, April 25, 2021

I will shine again even though I know the clouds of life will come-and go; again I will be strong and determined. Shirley Jones-Witcher, From My Heart
I will shine again even though I know the clouds of life will come-and go; again I will be strong and determined.
Shirley Jones-Witcher, From My Heart
Cloud Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
The clouds remind me that life isn’t always clear blue sky, and sometimes the sun is obstructed.
Lawrence Mollot, Letters to the Wise One

Memories are like clouds, moving restlessly between heaven and earth, stimulating imagination and stirring emotion.
Clay in Art International

Quote of the Day: Saturday, April 24, 2021

Sit in the lush greenness of the forest and you will sense her vibrant life force all around you. Roz Winters,A Journey to the Sacred Shore
Sit in the lush greenness of the forest and you will sense her vibrant life force all around you.
Roz Winters,A Journey to the Sacred Shore
Forest Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:

The forest forecasts our future in every breath it takes and every seed it releases into the leaf mold of the forest floor.
Diana Beresford-Kroege, The Global Forest

Every day in the forest was a day of discovery.
Peter Wohlleben, The Hidden Life of Trees

Quote of the Day: Friday, April 23, 2021

Every storm we face—whether it's heavenly or hellish or human in origin—brings a fresh invitation for us to love our neighbors. Mark Stibbe, Riding Out the Corona Storm
Every storm we face—whether it’s heavenly or hellish or human in origin—brings a fresh invitation for us to love our neighbors.
Mark Stibbe, Riding Out the Corona Storm
Storm Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
With every storm we face, an angel is in the shadows awaiting his cue to step up with a message of hope and encouragement.
Glenn Procopio, So That’s Why I Keep Doing This!

There are only two things you can control when your storm strikes: your attitude toward the storm and your actions during the storm.
Guy G. Goodell, What to Do When Your Storm Strikes

Quote of the Day: Thursday, April 22, 2021

Know how to change your mindset so that you can steer it towards success. DAVID NAIR, I- eXceL Wired For Success:
Know how to change your mindset so that you can steer it towards success.
DAVID NAIR, I- eXceL Wired For Success:
Mindset Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
If you can manipulate your mindset and begin viewing obstacles as opportunities, you’ll have better confidence when entering the situation.
Peter H. Engel, Business Presentations and Public Speaking

You will find when you take emotion out of the picture and give the mindset a good reason to do something, it’s easy to do it and get on with your life.
Lora Jets, how to master

Quote of the Day: Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Your willpower teaches us that every mountain is an opportunity to touch the sky. Dan Bullock, ‎Raul Sanchez, How to Communicate Effectively With Anyone, Anywhere
Your willpower teaches us that every mountain is an opportunity to touch the sky.
Dan Bullock, ‎Raul Sanchez, How to Communicate Effectively With Anyone, Anywhere
Mountain Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
I just feel at home in the mountains. It’s who I am, plain and simple
Skiing – Dec 2001

It’s on the mountain that God reveals to us our weaknesses and insecurities. We find in our relationship with him strength we didn’t know existed.
Jarrett Stephens, The Mountains Are Calling

Quote of the Day: Tuesday, April 20, 2021

In solitude you will find yourselves, and the pure thoughts will be realized. Brian Mellor, Joseph of Arimathea
In solitude you will find yourselves, and the pure thoughts will be realized.
Brian Mellor, Joseph of Arimathea
Solitude Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
I love being alone. I love reading alone. I love thinking alone.
Zoe Sallis Author, Ten Eternal Questions

You are no farther from solitude than your own heart. You cannot escape solitude’s workings in your life.
Sr Mary Paul Cutri OCD, Sounding Solitude

Quote of the Day: Monday, April 19, 2021

Growth is a part of change and change is a constant in our world. Michigan. Governor (1969-1983: Milliken), Addresses and Special Messages
Growth is a part of change and change is a constant in our world.
Michigan. Governor, Addresses and Special Messages
Growth Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
Use your mind, grow your mind, and grow your life’s experiences through learning.
Matthew D. Mohr, Maintaining Motivation

Read to learn, to enrich your thinking, to grow your mind and thus your being.
Lee Thayer, Doing Life a Pragmatist Manifesto

Quote of the Day: Sunday, April 18, 2021

People who live a life of simplicity seem to hold more value in sharing than hoarding. Marlene C. Bertrand, From Riches to Rags to Right-Sized Living
People who live a life of simplicity seem to hold more value in sharing than hoarding.
Marlene C. Bertrand, From Riches to Rags to Right-Sized Living
Simple Life Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
The idea is simple: if you aren’t sure you want to get rid of something, live without it for a while and then decide whether it’s necessary to you or superfluous.
Joshua Becker, The More of Less: Finding the Life You Want Under Everything You Own

A simple life brings so much comfort and it allows us to be in peace.
Sri Narayani Peedam, Connect With The Divine Vol – 5

Quote of the Day: Saturday, April 17, 2021

Give yourself a proud smile and show yourself some love. Kacy Duke, ‎Selene Yeager, The SHOW IT LOVE Workout
Give yourself a proud smile and show yourself some love.
Kacy Duke, ‎Selene Yeager, The SHOW IT LOVE Workout
Love Yourself Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:

Show yourself some love. For not until we are able to express some overdue love for ourselves, can we effectively love someone else?
Roy Lee Brown, Daddy, When I Grow Up Will My Vote Count?

Once you start to love yourself truly as you are, with all your strengths and weaknesses – pounds and all—you’ll naturally start to take better care of yourself, mind and body, heart and soul.
Brian Alman, ‎Stephen Montgomery, Keep It Off

Quote of the Day: Friday, April 16, 2021

Generosity is like the sea; and yet the sea hath its bounds. Al-Haddad
Generosity is like the sea; and yet the sea hath its bounds.
Generosity Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
The whole effect of generosity is in the love of doing good.
Robert Fleming

An act of generosity is a seed, which even dropped by chance, springs up a flower.

Quote of the Day: Thursday, April 15, 2021

We live with Integrity when there is no separation between our feelings and our actions, our thoughts and our words. Human Angels
We live with Integrity when there is no separation between our feelings and our actions, our thoughts and our words.
Human Angels
Integrity Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
Integrity is about how our actions match our words. In fact, actions trump words.
Susan V. Vogt ,Raising Kids Who Will Make a Difference

Integrity involves both the uniqueness of who I am as a person and the integration of the values and wisdom that guide me.
Ronald J. Greer, If You Know Who You Are, You Will Know What to Do

Quote of the Day: Wednesday, April 14, 2021

The river is immense, and it has the capacity to receive, embrace and transform. If our hearts are big, we can be like the river. Thich Nhat Hanh, Teachings on Love: Easyread Edition
The river is immense, and it has the capacity to receive, embrace and transform. If our hearts are big, we can be like the river.
Thich Nhat Hanh, Teachings on Love: Easyread Edition
River Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
By learning how to successfully fight without fighting, you remain free of injury and are allowed to become like the river—flowing to its destination, encountering and moving around all obstacles.
Scott Shaw, The Tao of Self-Defense

Like the river which never stops flowing until it reaches the ocean, this life is your opportunity to continue flowing down the path of enlightenment, ultimately merging with the cosmic wholeness of divine illumination.
Scott Shaw, Samurai Zen

Quote of the Day: Tuesday, April 13, 2021

The hardest day is the day you say goodbye. Karen Maezen Miller, Momma Zen
The hardest day is the day you say goodbye.
Karen Maezen Miller, Momma Zen
Goodbye Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
As with every meaningful life experience, goodbye is the hardest part. It is necessary to feel closure, and it is necessary to go on to another day.
Jennifer Sutton Holder, Parting

Like the other stages of grief, saying goodbye is not as easy as it sounds. Saying goodbye requires us to make our loss a memory.
Donnie D. Davis, Getting the Axe Without Losing Your Head

Quote of the Day: Monday, April 12, 2021

We can live life with deliberate intention rather than living aimlessly. We can live life with a sense of excitement. Katy Bennett, Irreplaceable - Page 108
We can live life with deliberate intention rather than living aimlessly. We can live life with a sense of excitement.
Katy Bennett, Irreplaceable – Page 108
Live Life Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
The mere awareness of the Mind swinging between past and future depicts the present moment. Live life in awareness.
Ramesh Kuppuswamy, Revelation: A Path Walked: A Catalyst to Transform Your Life

The secret to living life to the fullest is to say yes to opportunities for new experiences.
World Astrology, ‎World Astrology Staff, Capricorn 2003

Quote of the Day: Sunday, April 11, 2021

To me, happiness is living an authentic life and following your heart and inspiration. Jason Norman, Actors in Action
To me, happiness is living an authentic life and following your heart and inspiration.
Jason Norman, Actors in Action
Happiness Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
Happiness depends on our perspective, how we look at life. If we decide to see the glass half full, we are happy.
Bikem Ozturk, Fire in the Dancing Heart: Reflections on Life and Death

The secret to happiness is being able to distinguish between what you need and what you want; what you have and what you desire.
John P. Gawlak, When Memories Nudge You Softly

Quote of the Day: Saturday, April 10, 2021

Karma will always come back to you, good or bad. Surfer
Karma will always come back to you, good or bad.
Karma Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:

No matter how long it may take, karma will always find those whom it seeks. An ill-intentioned person will never care to understand the damage they did to someone until the same is done to them.
Stacey Ritz, The Obsession

Karma is a complex dynamic involving the molding of past, present and future. We should never reduce it to a simplistic concept of reward and punishment.
Diane Stein, Women’s Psychic Lives

Quote of the Day: Friday, April 9, 2021

Loving yourself is accepting yourself for what you enjoy and what you love; it is loving your body and loving your “flaws” too. Jensy Scarola, Your Wide Awakening
Loving yourself is accepting yourself for what you enjoy and what you love; it is loving your body and loving your “flaws” too.
Jensy Scarola, Your Wide Awakening
Acceptance Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
Self-acceptance starts with self-awareness, which can be one of the significant challenges for traumatized patients who have become disconnected from the body.
Sharon L. Johnson, Therapist’s Guide to Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Intervention

Start accepting yourself for the illuminating individual that you are, while allowing those that you cherish to celebrate your true colors.
Nancy Loss, S.P.A.R.K.L.E

Quote of the Day: Thursday, April 8, 2020

Reflection enables us to discern the next step even if we are not clear about the next mile. Alan Smith, ‎Peter Shaw, The Reflective Leader: Standing Still to Move Forward
Reflection enables us to discern the next step even if we are not clear about the next mile.
Alan Smith, ‎Peter Shaw, The Reflective Leader: Standing Still to Move Forward
Reflection Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
Anger is sure to lead us astray, and make us take desperate resolutions, whereas, if we take time to reflect and grow cool, we shall save ourselves much trouble and vexation.
World, Round the world, and other stories

If we take time to reflect together on who we are and who we could choose to become , we will be led into the territory where change originates.
Roger Heuser, ‎Norman Shawchuck, Leading the Congregation

Quote of the Day: Wednesday, April 07, 2021

People must cherish their own values and appreciate the values of others. When all values come together, the world becomes a single unified entity. Fei Xiaotong, Trade Governance of the Belt and Road Initiative
People must cherish their own values and appreciate the values of others. When all values come together, the world becomes a single unified entity.
Fei Xiaotong, Trade Governance of the Belt and Road Initiative
Appreciation Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
Appreciate the fog. It is a natural part of life. It is an essential ingredient to growth.
Stephen Harrison, Appreciate the Fog: Embrace Change with Power and Purpose

Focus the energy of appreciation to attract abundance and success.
Noelle C. Nelson, ‎Jeannine Lemare Calaba, The Power of Appreciation: The Key to a Vibrant Life

Quote of the Day: Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Get a hold of your abundant life; it's yours for the taking. Aya Fubara Eneli, Live Your Abundant Life
Get a hold of your abundant life; it’s yours for the taking.
Aya Fubara Eneli, Live Your Abundant Life
Abundance Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
Knowing ourselves is the secret to living with abundance in this world.
Venugopal Chettier, The Dream Walker

Living the Abundant Life requires that we be willing to give up the desire to worship worldly things.
Gerald Kaufman, Beyond Grace

Quote of the Day: Monday, April 5, 2021

Each time you focus on your breath, each time you relax and listen to your feelings, you open yourself to the present. Yoga Journal
Each time you focus on your breath, each time you relax and listen to your feelings, you open yourself to the present.
Yoga Journal
Relax Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
Let your eyes relax and rest. Feel the relaxation enveloping your entire body. Become aware of the steady, slow beating of your heart and of your breath as it flows in and out.
Robert F. Allen, ‎Shirley Motter Linde, Lifegain

Regular exercise keeps people in good physical condition and has the added advantage of giving them time to relax and escape from worries .
Encyclopedia of Health – Volume 15

Quote of the Day: Sunday, April 4, 2021

Easter is the time to forget failures and disappointments and begin again with renewed faith and confidence. Railway Carmen's Journal
Easter is the time to forget failures and disappointments and begin again with renewed faith and confidence.
Railway Carmen’s Journal
Easter Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
Here in this wondrous love the whole Deity is known. Easter is the day of hope.
Christian Advocate

Easter is the day that should lift our souls out of the ordinary, the commonplace, the material.
The Universalist Leader

Quote of the Day: Saturday, April 3, 2021

He not only died for my sins on the cross, but also puts His angels in our paths to protect us, to help us, and to give a word of encouragement, such as, “Remember, Jesus loves you! Stacey Lyons, Remember, Jesus Loves You
He not only died for my sins on the cross, but also puts His angels in our paths to protect us, to help us, and to give a word of encouragement, such as, “Remember, Jesus loves you!
Stacey Lyons, Remember, Jesus Loves You
Jesus Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:

Truly, truly, no one can see the kingdom of God without being born from above. 3.3
Warren Carter, John: Storyteller, Interpreter, Evangelist

Trust that Jesus Christ will direct you and persevere in prayer until he does.
Sharon Beekmann, Silencing Satan

Quote of the Day: Friday, April 2, 2021

Trust is the key, and loyalty is the virtue of being trustworthy. We celebrate loyalty even though we may sometimes despair of experiencing it. Eric Felten, Loyalty
Trust is the key, and loyalty is the virtue of being trustworthy. We celebrate loyalty even though we may sometimes despair of experiencing it.
Eric Felten, Loyalty
Loyalty Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
Loyalty is the fabric of society. Yet, we are living in a generation that has incredible indifference to, and difficulty in establishing, loyalty.
Gary Ryan Blair, Everything Counts

Loyalty is the will to manifest, so far as is possible, the Eternal, that is, the conscious and superhuman unity of life, in the form of the acts of an individual Self.
Douglas Waples, ‎Ernest Carl Wagner, ‎Mabel Dodge Holmes, The Poet as Philosopher

Quote of the Day: Thursday, April 1, 2021

Your choice of perception determines your experience. Elizabeth Sullivan,Transfiguration: When Perception Meets Truth
Your choice of perception determines your experience.
Elizabeth Sullivan,Transfiguration: When Perception Meets Truth
Choices Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
Each choice that we make at a crossroad shapes our destiny.
Amyn Dahya,Towards Zero Conflict: Begins with You

When you are clear about your values, standards, and needs, the opportunity to make a conscious choice in any given circumstance becomes clear.
Valorie Burton, Successful Women Think Differently

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