Quote of the Day August 2020

Quote of the Day August 2020

Quote of the Day: Monday, August 31, 2020

We now have to look in the mirror to see the person that needs the understanding, which is ourselves, and help to solve the unsolvable.Ray J. Dodkins.Acceptance, Recognition, and Control (A.R.C.) Against Depression
We now have to look in the mirror to see the person that needs the understanding, which is ourselves, and help to solve the unsolvable.
Ray J. Dodkins.Acceptance, Recognition, and Control (A.R.C.) Against Depression
Undertanding Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
no one can understand his or her fate seen in a one-life perspective.
Else Byskov, Fate and Karma in a Nutshell

We humans are magnificent beyond our understanding. It is our birthright, our gift, and our responsibility to grow and blossom into ever-fuller expression of our magnificence. Intuition loves to help us along the way.
Maura McCarley Torkildson

Quote of the Day: Sunday, August 30, 2020

Love, I would say, is that capacity which enables him to grasp the other human being in his very uniqueness.Victor E. Frankl, The Will To Meaning
Love, I would say, is that capacity which enables him to grasp the other human being in his very uniqueness.
Victor E. Frankl, The Will To Meaning
Love Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
After thirty years of contorting myself to fit inside someone else’s idea of love, I finally had a love that fit—custom made for me, by me.
Glennon Doyle, Untamed

They say that love comes when you’re not looking for it. But, I will tell you this. When it DOES come, Be Ready!
John Joseph, How To Treat A Woman

Quote of the Day: Saturday, August 29, 2020

By trusting your intuition you are putting your life in the hands of your Soul and its connection to our Creator.Susann Taylor Shier.Soul Mastery: Accessing the Gifts of Your Soul
By trusting your intuition you are putting your life in the hands of your Soul and its connection to our Creator.
Susann Taylor Shier. Soul Mastery: Accessing the Gifts of Your Soul
Soul Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:

If mealtime used to be about “feeding the herd,” now it’s nothing less than tending to our very souls.
Mario Batali, Big American Cookbook

I miss you so much I find you in the thoughts of my soul and memory of my spirit.
Gary Price.Amid The Shadows

Quote of the Day: Friday, August 28, 2020

So learn your lessons and be thorough with the long road of experience.Florence Scovel Shinn. The Magic Of Intuition
So learn your lessons and be thorough with the long road of experience.
Florence Scovel Shinn. The Magic Of Intuition
Life lessons Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
Making reflection a habit tunes you into necessary alignments you need to make to keep you on the course to the good life.
Dr. Bradford A. Seaman.The 4 Most Important Questions You Can Ask: Powerful Lessons in Personal and …

To all of you who choose to look the other way every day because you seem more frightened of the changes that can prevent catastrophic climate change than the catastrophic climate change itself. Your silence is almost worst of all.
Greta Thunberg

Quote of the Day: Thursday, August 27, 2020

When you are radiant, your energy field expands and you attract the right people and the right circumstances.Jen Mazer.Manifesting Made Easy
When you are radiant, your energy field expands and you attract the right people and the right circumstances.
Jen Mazer.Manifesting Made Easy
Law Of Attraction Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
The law of karma is in reality a sub-law of the law of attraction, because it is the law of attraction that decides how the karmic energies behave when they come back to their point of departure.
Else Byskov, Fate and Karma in a Nutshell

With a small shift оf your аttitudе, уоu саn turn fеаr into brаvеrу and optimism that уоu can uѕе fоr уоur оwn аdvаntаgе.
Meiso. Confidence And Self Esteem

Quote of the Day: Wednesday, August 26, 2020

 Start being mindful of the fact that the more decisions you make, the more in control you are of your life.Pat Divilly.Upgrade Your Life: How to Take Back Control and Achieve Your Goals
Start being mindful of the fact that the more decisions you make, the more in control you are of your life.
Pat Divilly. Upgrade Your Life: How to Take Back Control and Achieve Your Goals
Mindfulness Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
It’s a solution that begins with how you feed the body. Extends to how you fuel the mind. And concludes with how you nourish the soul.
Rich Roll, Finding Ultra

Mindfulness can help train your body and brain to function optimally on a run.
Mackenzie L. Harvey, Mindful Running

Quote of the Day: Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Remember you are always the master of your life, even in your weakest state.Dr. Mahmoud Rashidi MD FRCSC FACS
Remember you are always the master of your life, even in your weakest state.
Dr. Mahmoud Rashidi MD FRCSC FACS
Quotes To Live By

Positive Quotes for the Day:
Now every godly, gracious man hath this power, to reflect upon hit own action.
William Bridge

If you try to force something to happen, it won’t. If it is meant to happen, it will.
Jonathan Reid, Karma & Happiness

Quote of the Day: Monday, August 24, 2020

Grief is the pain of wanting things to be as they were once, yet knowing that they never will be again. Julie Yarbrough, Beyond The Broken Heart
Grief is the pain of wanting things to be as they were once, yet knowing that they never will be again.
Julie Yarbrough, Beyond The Broken Heart
Grief Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
Grief is like a wildflower, it can erupt from the ground anywhere it chooses, when it blossoms we must be careful not to step on it. Instead we need to honour its existence and appreciate that love made it bloom.

Love and grief come as a package deal. If you love, you will one day know sorrow.
David Kessler, Finding Meaning: The Sixth Stage of Grief

Quote of the Day: Sunday, August 23, 2020

Watch and listen to nature. Within the beauty of nature many subtle spiritual messages are divulged. Those who read the pages of nature ascend to higher plateaus of insight and awareness of the creator for the creator and the creation are one. Maria Paige Vosacek, Dedicated To The Soul /Sole Good Of Humanity
Watch and listen to nature. Within the beauty of nature many subtle spiritual messages are divulged. Those who read the pages of nature ascend to higher plateaus of insight and awareness of the creator for the creator and the creation are one.
Maria Paige Vosacek, Dedicated To The Soul /Sole Good Of Humanity
Nature Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
There is an ancient and potent connection between us and the land: we evolved to live in wild places.
Emma Mitchell The Wild Remedy

The Invention of Nature traces the invisible threads that connect us to this extraordinary man.
Andrea Wulf, Praise for The Invention of Nature

Quote of the Day: Saturday, August 22, 2020

Listen to your instincts. Never be too shy to ask questions.Sky M. Armstrong, Courage, You've Got It!
Listen to your instincts. Never be too shy to ask questions.
Sky M. Armstrong, Courage, You’ve Got It!
Question Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:

It’s important to understand why things have happened to you in your life, but don’t stop there. Take the next step beyond why to ask the how questions: “How can I get better at what I’ve failed at so that I don’t fail again?”
Dr. Bradford A. Seaman. The 4 Most Important Questions You Can Ask: Powerful Lessons in Personal and …

Few people know very much about why schools exist as they do today; the intellectual traditions that have shaped education seem to be invisible to most observers.
Gary Thomas, Education.

Quote of the Day: Friday, August 21, 2020

 Thoughts and feelings of being in control will help you stay in peace.Dr. Mahmoud Rashidi MD FRCSC FACS
Thoughts and feelings of being in control will help you stay in peace.
Dr. Mahmoud Rashidi MD FRCSC FACS
Feeling Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
If attempts to find expression fail or are blocked, the repressed feelings will eventually make your body sick. It is my belief that most illnesses are caused by repressed disowned energies within us.
Shakti Gawain

JUSTICE, I WILL ARGUE, consists first of all of a constellation of feelings, which alone can provide the psychological soil in which our grand theories can take root.
Robert C. Solomon, A Passion for Justice: Emotions and the Origins of the Social Contract

Quote of the Day: Thursday, August 20, 2020

Quieting the mind is a method of doing away with ego, for so long as the ego is in control there can not be real communion with God. Balkrishna Naipaul, Dancing Moon Under the Peepal Tree
Quieting the mind is a method of doing away with ego, for so long as the ego is in control there can not be real communion with God.
Balkrishna Naipaul, Dancing Moon Under the Peepal Tree
Ego Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
The liberating truth that unites all human beings is that we all struggle to love ourselves fully and unconditionally. It doesn’t matter how big our ego is, how arrogant we are, how much external success we’ve had, or how confident we appear.
Blake D Bauer, You were not born to suffer

Altruism, according to Comte, implies “the elimination of selfish desire and of egocentrism, as well as leading a life devoted to the well-being of others
Mattheiu Ricard, Alturism.

Quote of the Day: Wednesday, August 19, 2020

First, there is something you need to realize: deep within you, hiding in the depths, is a hero who is capable of conquering the world and inspiring a legion of people. This hero is motivated by love and nothing else but love.
First, there is something you need to realize: deep within you, hiding in the depths, is a hero who is capable of conquering the world and inspiring a legion of people. This hero is motivated by love and nothing else but love.
Jamie Cooper, Arnold Schwarzenegger
Daily Inspiration

Positive Quotes for the Day:
These folks think that to accept the reality of karma one must be passive. It simply isn’t true. Karma is active.
Mary T. Brown, The Power of Karma

First, there is something you need to realize: deep within you, hiding in the depths, is a hero who is capable of conquering the world and inspiring a legion of people. This hero is motivated by love and nothing else but love.
Jamie Cooper, Arnold Schwarzenegger

Quote of the Day: Tuesday, August 18, 2020

We re-define ourselves according to our catastrophes.Max Lucado’s
We re-define ourselves according to our catastrophes.
Max Lucado’s
Daily Motivation

Positive Quotes for the Day:
Ultimately, change comes by motivation — It’s simply is a given: if you control, achieve, you will have change.
Isaac Medina

Every achievement or goal you achieve will motivate you and drive you to do more.
M. D Debwa, The Power Of Motivation

Quote of the Day: Monday, August 17, 2020

Indeed, arguably, many of the greatest achievements of the human mind and spirit were born out of sadness, dysphoria, and even enduring depression.W. GERROD PARROTT, The Positive Side of Negative Emotions
Indeed, arguably, many of the greatest achievements of the human mind and spirit were born out of sadness, dysphoria, and even enduring depression.
W. GERROD PARROTT,The Positive Side of Negative Emotions
Achievment Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
When you are striving to achieve something that you haven’t done before, self-talk is a powerful strategy to help you overcome any feeling of self-doubt throughout the journey.
Duncan Foster, The Marathon Mindset

If you want to achieve your exercise goals, you should not put away your fitness equipment or workout gear.
Nicholas Bjorn, Fitness Motivation

Quote of the Day: Sunday, August 16, 2020

Thank you nurses for your dedication and for being here. Sandy Kendall, The Boy from the O
Thank you nurses for your dedication and for being here.
Sandy Kendall, The Boy from the O
Nurse Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
Nurses need to be appreciated, recognized, and respected as professionals for the work they do.
Elizabeth C. Arnold, ‎Kathleen Underman Boggs, Interpersonal Relationships

Everyone says a nurse is a caring person who helps the injured and sick, but to me they are much more. To me, they are the biggest help in the hospital.
Mae Vanpelt, A Nurse’s Best Medicine

Quote of the Day: Saturday, August 15, 2020

My passion is fitness, sport and coaching people, and this is what I do every day. James Smith, Not a Diet Book
My passion is fitness, sport and coaching people, and this is what I do every day.
James Smith, Not a Diet Book
Passion Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:

I love it when he gives in to his impulses and just thinks about him and me.
Megan Maxwell, Tell Me What You Want Or Leave Me

Your intuitive self is able to paint with spontaneity, passion, and courage—trusting in the unknown and believing everything you do is meant to happen.
Flora Bowley, Brave Intuitive Painting-Let Go

Quote of the Day: Friday, August 14, 2020

This little thing is action. By staying in motion, the roots of doubt and despair can’t take hold and ensnare us. Michael Matthews, The Little Black Book Of Workout Motivation
This little thing is action. By staying in motion, the roots of doubt and despair can’t take hold and ensnare us.
Michael Matthews, The Little Black Book Of Workout Motivation
Action Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
Each individual is solely responsible for his or her own actions, and every action will produce a reaction equal in every way to the suitability of the action.
Mary T. Brown, The Power of Karma

Now every godly, gracious man hath this power, to reflect upon hit own action.
William Bridge, The Works of the Rev

Quote of the Day: Thursday, August 13, 2020

I have faith in karma, I have seen it at work by and by and I genuinely feel that it is an undeniable power at work in current life.
I have faith in karma, I have seen it at work by and by and I genuinely feel that it is an undeniable power at work in current life.
Bisma Basma, Universal Law of Karma
Work Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
However, it would be better to work alone than with a team of disloyal, disgruntled, disunited and disaffected people.
Dag Heward-hills, Loyalty and disloyalty

The job of your stress system is to keep you safe and alive not to kill you.
Barry McDonagh, Dare

Quote of the Day: Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Do not let your beliefs get in the way. Let your experience be what guides you.Inna Segal, The Secret Language Of Your Body
Do not let your beliefs get in the way. Let your experience be what guides you.
Inna Segal, The Secret Language Of Your Body
Believe Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
When we are in touch with what is real in ourselves and are willing to express it, others will necessarily see that our feelings, wants, and beliefs are not always the same as their feelings, wants, and beliefs. In fact, sometimes they are radically different.
Susan Campbell, Saying What’s Real

What he did from the beginning, he still does today—creating and re-creating, healing, restoring; sending light into the darkness; bringing victory to the humble and defeat to the proud. On a daily basis, we believers breathe the supernatural air of heaven.
James W. Goll, Living a Supernatural life

Quote of the Day: Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Intuition is about letting your subconscious take the wheel.Rory Miller, Living in the Deep Brain
Intuition is about letting your subconscious take the wheel.
Rory Miller, Living in the Deep Brain
Short Inspirtional Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
You are your very best personal trainer.
Ross Edgley, The World’s Fittest Book

Stay in the moment and cherish each one.
Gary Sturgis, Finding Your Way From Grief To Healing

Quote of the Day: Monday, August 10, 2020

The heart can create troubles for the head—the heart knows nothing of logic.Osho, Intuition
The heart can create troubles for the head—the heart knows nothing of logic.
Osho, Intuition
Wise Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
Good manners are treasured even in today’s world, and will never go out of style.
Neil Schreiber, How To Be A Gentleman

Trust the path, trust your self, and ultimately follow your inner voice over the chatter of external rationalisings.
John Francis King

Quote of the Day: Sunday, August 9, 2020

Live in joy, alignment, passion, and purpose, and the rest flows to you with ease and grace and fun. Brenda DuFresne, Truth and the Five Platforms of Ascension
Live in joy, alignment, passion, and purpose, and the rest flows to you with ease and grace and fun.
Brenda DuFresne, Truth and the Five Platforms of Ascension
Joy Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
All the joy, all the love, all the successes are your creations.
Boni Lonnsburry, The Map

Furthermore, generosity, loving-kindness, and sympathetic joy will only serve to enhance the survival of social beings like ourselves.
Culadasa, The Mind Illuminated

Quote of the Day: Saturday, August 8, 2020

You have to seize the moment or lose it forever. Real life just doesn’t give us chance after chance! John Tracy, Bad Habits
You have to seize the moment or lose it forever. Real life just doesn’t give us chance after chance!
John Tracy, Bad Habits
Motivational Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:

If you are highly motivated to start on a fitness journey, you would want to harness that motivation to see that your goals are realised
James Atkinson, Health And Fitness Tips That Will Change Your Life:

Love is such potent fuel for motivation, even when it is all a fantasy.
Charlene Hicky, I Must Be A Mermaid

Quote of the Day: Friday, August 7, 2020

The truth really is ‘the light of the world. Brad Blanton, Radical Honesty
The truth really is ‘the light of the world.
Brad Blanton, Radical Honesty
Truth Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
A blossoming flower, contains far more power, than one can view, with the understanding, of our universal truths.
David Shah, The Explorer

Doing more in less time is a given for remote workers. People claim to be able to concentrate in an open office – if that was true, why does everyone have noise blocking headphones?!
Sanya Weathers, Working From Home for Newbies

Quote of the Day: Thursday, August 06, 2020

When we operate from a soulful, loving perspective, we are fully engaged in life. Claus Böckmann, Soulful Living
When we operate from a soulful, loving perspective, we are fully engaged in life.
Claus Böckmann, Soulful Living
One line quotes about life

Positive Quotes for the Day:
We spend much of our lives on autopilot and can end up in a life we didn’t consciously create.
Ashley Ellington Brown, A Beautiful Morning

Sometimes the bad things in life open our eyes to the good things we weren’t paying attention to before.
Diana Elmessiri

Quote of the Day:Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Differences first attract, then irritate, then frustrate, then illuminate and finally may unite us. H. Norman Wright, Andrew G. Marshall, Before you say I do
Differences first attract, then irritate, then frustrate, then illuminate and finally may unite us.
H. Norman Wright, Andrew G. Marshall, Before you say “I do”
Quotes About Overcoming

Positive Quotes for the Day:
When I was younger, running an organised home held no value for me – that was until I had children. It was my catalyst for change, and, believe me, if I can change, so can you.
Gemma Bray, The Organised Mum Method.

Addiction is the emotional and psychic equivalent of frostbite—in the face of it we withdraw aliveness from nonessential, peripheral things like our own creativity and happiness in order to save the core, and we do this in our body, first and foremost.
Christine Caldwell , Getting out bodies back

Quote of the Day: Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Those of us who understand honesty as a fundamental spiritual practice know that simply being honest, like meditation, helps us to experience life more fully. Susan M. Campbell, Getting Real
Those of us who understand honesty as a fundamental spiritual practice know that simply being honest, like meditation, helps us to experience life more fully.
Susan M. Campbell, Getting Real
Honesty Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
We need to teach our children that integrity matters, that honesty is so important! Nothing will ever change the need for honesty. In fact, it is impossible to imagine any livable society without it.
James W. Moore, The Love of a Dad

JUSTICE and honesty contribute very much towards all the faculties of the mind.
Laurence Sterne, The Beauties of Sterne

Quote of the Day: Monday, August 3rd, 2020

Onсе you build соurаgе уоu will lеаrn to ассерt punishment аnd rеwаrdѕ grасеfullу.Meiso, Confidence And Self Esteem, The Personal Vision Workbook
Onсе you build соurаgе уоu will lеаrn to ассерt punishment аnd rеwаrdѕ grасеfullу.
Meiso, Confidence And Self Esteem
Self Esteem Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
Emotions motivate (positively or negatively) your every action and they shape how you perceive others and how others see you.
Tobin Burgess, ‎Kevin Pugh, ‎Leo Sevigny, The Personal Vision Workbook

All living beings are said to have “Buddha nature” or “true nature,” and once we become enlightened, we are no different from the Buddha
Haemin Sunim, Love For Imperfect Things

Quote of the Day: Sunday, August 2nd, 2020

The power is within you. YOU create your world, your life, your Universe.Steve and Tracy Webster, The Law Of Creation
The power is within you. YOU create your world, your life, your Universe.
Steve and Tracy Webster, The Law Of Creation
Life Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
To be humble is to be grounded in everyday living – free of pretentiousness. For some, this is a calling to live a simpler life – with fewer commodities.

No matter how Higher Love shows up in your life, the important thing is that you invite it to stay.
Marco Smimoff, Love For No Reason

Quote of the Day: Saturday, August 1st, 2020

A relationship is not somewhere you go to take, it’s somewhere you go to give.Hal Elrod And Others, The Miricle Morning For Transforming Your Relationship
A relationship is not somewhere you go to take, it’s somewhere you go to give.
Hal Elrod And Others, The Miricle Morning For Transforming Your Relationship
Relationship Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:

The need for love and belongingness arises quite early and persists throughout life.
Jennifer Garden, Parenting Children with Love and Empathy

We don’t ‘cheat’ on our food. We do not need a ‘healthy relationship’ with our food. We simply need to understand that there are consequences to our food choices.
Robb Wolf, Wired To Eat

Read the current Quote of the Day

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