Quote of the Day December 2021
Quote of the Day: Friday, December 31, 2021
The last hour of the old year to the first hour of the New Year is the time for bidding farewell to the old and seeing in the new.
Zhengping Li, Chinese Wine
New Year Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
New Year’s is the time to celebrate another year gone by and a chance to look optimistically toward the coming 12 months.
El Tigre News
It’s the beginning of a new year and this is the time when we have a sense of new beginnings, of putting the past behind us and starting afresh.
David George, The Daily Thought Shaker 4
Quote of the Day: Thursday, December 30, 2021
I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles.
Audrey Hepburn
Tomorrow Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
The world we look at today is not the same world we will see tomorrow.
Charles Flynn Allen, Charles E. Allen, Jonathan Portis, The Comeback Kid: The Life and Career of Bill Clinton
Tomorrow will come whether you worry or not, so why choose to worry.
Nadine Tyree Anderson, I Will Rise Above It!
Quote of the Day: Wednesday, December 29, 2021
New beginnings bring hope and promise. Regardless of what has happened in the past, we can start afresh. We look with hope to the future because we believe things can and will get better.
“Melissa Heiland, A Mother’s Journey”
new Beginnings Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
This is the time for new beginnings, newness of life and fullness of life. Newness, nothing like you have seen in years gone by. Get ready for your biggest blessing and revelation. Things you have asked for are on the horizon.
“Gail J. Manizak, It’s God’s Word, Not Mine
No matter the problems that might have plagued us in the last year, the time for new beginnings appears in many forms in the world around us if we but take time to look.
Carl F. Neal, Imbolc: Rituals, Recipes & Lore for Brigid’s Day
Quote of the Day: Tuesday, December 28, 2021
Anybody can make a difference. As long as we stay focused, we can make change happen. One voice is powerful.
Veronica Chambers, Call and Response
Make A Difference Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
I have the power to make a difference. I have the power to make my dream come true.
Grover C. Gillespie III, When Art Imitates Life
Anybody can be a voice for the voiceless. And anybody can find the resources to make that difference in the world.
TobyMac, City on Our Knees
Quote of the Day: Monday, December 27, 2021
Love is by far the most important thing of all. It is the Golden Gate of Paradise.
Rev. Robbins S Hopkins, EdD, The Six-Step Spiritual Healing Protocol
Love Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
Without love life is a tedious present, unilluminated by any promise of the future.
Vernon Wollaston Hutton, The sum of righteousness
Hope will vanish in heaven as our hopes will become fulfilled. Our faith will not be needed because we will see the King face to face. Love, however, will remain throughout eternity.
Susanna Ranae, In Tune With God
Quote of the Day: Sunday, December 26, 2021
When you surround yourself with family, you are surrounding yourself with people who love you.
Audrey C. Ralph, R.N., Gordon Ralph, After 60
Family Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
Lovers come and go, but friends and family stick with you even if you go psycho for a while.
Laurian Clemence, Mushy Peas on Toast
Surround yourself with family and friends who love you just the way you are, restoring your faith in yourself and also in humanity.
Brigit Goldworthy, Totem Animal Messages
Quote of the Day: Saturday, December 25 (Christmas Day), 2021
They say that Christmas is the season of miracles.
Pamela Sherwood, A Lyons in Winter: A Box Set
Christmas Sayings Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
Christmas is a time for families to be together, a time of good will to all men, a time to put away all the faults of our old life and start a new, better life.
“Safety Review – Volumes 21-25 – Page 13”
Christmas is a time for celebration, to spread love, to offer friendship, for reconciliation.
John Scally, Inspiration for All Seasons
Quote of the Day: Friday, December 24 (Christmas Eve), 2021
Each Christmas brings a different story and different reason to us. But the one reason that never change is the reason for love.
L.S. Manuel, Life is too short
Christmas Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
The Spirit Of Christmas Christmas is that time of year, When joy is spread both far and near.
Paul M. Donovan, Poetry In Motion, My Thoughts & Reflections
This time of year is for happiness, joy, and peace, Sing Christmas carols and have a big feast. Unwrap your presents and spread lots of love, Remember to praise the HOLY One above.
DWR, Journey Within Thee: A Living Testimony
Quote of the Day: Thursday, December 23, 2021
We often only realize how strong we are when being strong is our only option.
Cheryl Rickman,The Little Book of Resilience
Being Strong Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
Sometimes we have to be strong, and brave enough to learn about our fears, why they’re there, and why they scare us.
Dorothy Roberts, Riverwood
We walk the line when we walk in faith; sometimes we have to be strong enough to step out or speak out in faith, and sometimes we have to be strong enough to remain quiet.
Kristin Armstrong, Heart of My Heart
Quote of the Day: Wednesday, December 22 , 2021
Sunsets are proof that happy endings exist, but they’re also proof that there is still more to come.
“Abby Elise, The World is Ours”
Sunset Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
Sunsets remind me to reset my heart and mind at the end of each day.
“Chris Himing Photography, Angels Australia”
The bad times that we go through will give us the equal good times as well. The worst thunderstorms gives the stunning shines. After every sunset there comes a sunrise.
Shifa Siddiqui and Iram Khan, Lamhay
Quote of the Day: Tuesday, December 21, 2021
You need to remove all doubt, because a mind of doubt will make you stand still, but a mind of faith will move you to the next dimension.
Tina Pitamber, God, Is That You?: Hearing from God
Doubt Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
Never doubt your ability to do anything. Instead, just declare your desire; focus on what you want instead of what you do not want.
Randall Chesnutt, Open Your Mind and Let Doubt Out
Appreciate others like a positive human will, but never stop working hard, never doubt your own abilities, never try to be unfair to defeat your competitors, and always maintain honor and integrity.
Rajan Thapaliya, 100% Life-Promise yourself, your life will never be the same
Quote of the Day: Monday, December 20, 2021
When you forgive you are unbound and free to move into the next season of your life. Forgiveness releases you.
Jackie M. Johnson, When Love Ends and the Ice Cream Carton is Empty
Forgiveness Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
When you forgive you allow more peace, love, joy and other sources of positive energy into your life. You clear out the bad energy and replace it with the good.
Jon Gordon, Energy Addict
Real forgiveness brings inner freedom and peace. When you refuse to forgive, you put yourself in a very unpleasant situation. You become a prisoner of your ownconscience; you hurt your emotions and eventually, you lose your peace of mind.”
Bishop Bonnie Etta, Stress Free Life
Quote of the Day: Sunday, December 19, 2021
Life has enough problems without wasting time on things you could do nothing about.
Jim West
Wasting Time Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
So, never waste your time on such thoughts, as they will waste your whole day. The best attitude is—forget what has gone or passed.
Dr. Harikrishna Devsare, Dare to Dream Dare to Excel
It’s just one life you have been gifted think about all memories you can gain, never waste your time on a person who brings you suffering and pain.
Kamlesh Nair, Feelings and Thoughts
Quote of the Day: Saturday, December 18, 2021
The idea of a simple life has found an echo in the sensible minds of all times.
Janardan Pandey, New Age Travelers
Simple Life Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
To me, the simple life is beautiful, artistic, and esthetically satisfying. It produces the maximum effect with a minimum of means.
Eknath Easwaran, Your Life Is Your Message
The simple life is something more and more of us aspire to.
Wayne Chan, The Problem with Being Perfect
Quote of the Day: Friday, December 17, 2021
Jealousy is nothing but the foolish child of pride.
Larry Chang , Wisdom for the Soul
Jealousy Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
Jealousy can be a valuable signal that we have some soul searching to do.
Eve Rickert, Franklin Veaux , Polyamory and Jealousy: A More Than Two Essentials Guide
Jealousy is the worst enemy of love and is a destructive force by nature.
Dr. Gene Orlowsky, The Principles of Inner Success
Quote of the Day: Thursday, December 16, 2021
As soon as our lies catch up to us, our lies make us pay, make us accountable for our wrong or our wrongdoings.
Vi Khi Nao, Swimming with Dead Stars
Lies Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
Lies make us nervous, they are seeds which cannot take root, cannot get a solid foothold in the soil of life no matter how large the tree grows.
William J. Pardue, Visionary Perspectives Reincarnated
One lie can turn into two and then spiral way out of control.
Abbey Land, B&H Kids Editorial Staff, 100 Galactic Devotions
Quote of the Day: Wednesday, December 15 , 2021
We should always be thankful for our fulfillments as well as their setbacks.
Sakina Masani, Alka Tandon & Ankita Hundeka, Garden of Thoughts
Thankful Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
We should always be thankful for the small things as well as for the big, and always praising God even in the midst of whatever battle we are fighting.
“Patricia A. Smith , Will Thou Be Made Whole?”
Every morning when you wake up, be thankful for a new day.
Sandra Graves, Seven Days of Self-Love
Quote of the Day: Tuesday, December 14, 2021
A life without humor is like a life without legs. You are haunted by a sense of incompleteness, and you cannot go where your friends go.
Elwyn Brooks White, A Subtreasury of American Humor – Page xx
Humor Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
Let humor be your companion throughout the day. Learn to laugh freely and at yourself. It helps chase away disappointments instantly.
Rakhi Kapoor, Decimus
Good humor helps us to take ourselves less seriously and casts a brighter light on the darker days of woe.
Gary G. Kindley, Growing Older Without Fear
Quote of the Day: Monday, December 13, 2021
The tear is Salvation. It cleans your Soul from deep inside.
S. Shanmugavalli
Tears Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
Let tears be the water which nourishes the seed of education.
Walter Robert Holmes, Jaffna, Sri Lanka 1980
Tears are the summer showers of the soul.
Joseph S. Pagano, Amy E. Richter, A Man, A Woman, A Word of Love
Quote of the Day: Sunday, December 12, 2021
Let no one injure another. Let courtesy be the first word from your lips. Let harmony be the seeing from your eye. Make of each gesture an olive branch. Let the fig tree cast its bounty, and in its shadow share the fruit of the vine.
James Maltese, Christ Voice Bible
Harmony Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
If we wish to be strong in mind and body and do the best possible work, harmony is absolutely necessary and we must be in the best possible condition to make real the ideal.
Dr. Robert C. Worstell, editor, Christian D. Larson, Ideal Made Real – Secrets to the Law of Attraction
Thus harmony is not something given from outside; rather harmony is an activity of the soul.
H.F. Cohen, Quantifying Music
Quote of the Day: Saturday, December 11, 2020
Love brings life. Wisdom brings light and Truth brings freeness.
Taneisha Clarke, The Life and Times of Zebulon
Love And Life Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
Sometimes love is a focused opportunity for growth and to see a bigger picture.
Tina Louise Spalding , Love and a Map to the Unaltered Soul
Sometimes love is the essence and the spirit is the attribute, such that the spirit will subsist through it.
Joseph E. B. Lumbard, Ahmad al-Ghazali, Remembrance, and the Metaphysics of Love
Quote of the Day: Friday, December 10, 2021
True abundance is the ability to stand still in the midst of any storm, as well as any calm.
Jarrad Hewett, The Answer Is Energy
Abundance Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
Abundance is the ability to create what you need to make your life flow easily.
Levanah Shell Bdolak, The Five Basic Truths
We can have abundance only to the extent that we find the means to share it.
R.Frank Robinson, Living Simply Abundant
Quote of the Day: Thursday, December 9, 2021
Every sunrise is unique. Every morning holds within it the promise of recovery.
Bruce F. Singer, Black Duck Moments Every Day
Sunrise Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
Some embrace every sunrise with smile, while some others turn away from every hope. Say no and you’ll also be refused; open your arms and you’ll be embraced.
Zhu Yongxin, Analects of the New Education of China
It’s a new dawn of glorious sun rise, bright rays piercing through darkness to spread light.
Ruhi, Shades of Love
Quote of the Day: Wednesday, December 8 , 2021
For perfection to exist imperfection needs to flourish.
Kylie Riordan , When Soul Is Life
Not Perfect Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
Life is not perfect but it is everlasting and ever-changing.
Cilka Zagar, Your Feet Take You to Where Your Heart Is
Since nobody’s perfect, I think there is plenty of room for improvement, as well as deep understanding and appreciation for the great things we already have and need to keep.
Richard Glukstad, nobody’s Perfect!
Quote of the Day: Tuesday, December 7, 2021
We need diversity not only to perpetuate life but also to thrive and to enrich our lives together.
David M. Rhoads, The Challenge of Diversity
Diversity Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
Unity without diversity suffocates. It is nice when diversity and unity are harmonized and embrace one another. There is enough liberty for diversity when unity and hope reign.
Theodros A. Teklu, Ethnic Diversity, National Unity
We are a diverse people and our diversity is what makes us strong.
Jeffrey Alan Hall, An Awakening Within
Quote of the Day: Monday, December 6, 2021
Negative people always grumble and criticize but, positive people always think for the solution of the problems.
Virender Mehta, The Handbook of Powerful Memory
Negative People Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
Positive people always believe in a better future, while negative people always fear the worst.
Moroka Modiba, Think Yourself Rich
Negative people are angry people, and angry people always look backward. Excited people always look forward. We all want to do something great with our lives. There are seeds of greatness in all of us.
Bob Wosczyk, Who Says the Fat Lady Has to Sing?
Quote of the Day: Sunday, December 5, 2021
You are driven to follow your dreams no matter what you have to endure, and that, my dear, is a priceless quality to have in your heart.
Michael Cooper, Words of Love, Life and Dreams Part II
Follow Your Dreams Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
Follow your dreams no matter what the outcome may be. Don’t let anything or anyone stay in the midst of your dreams.
Shoghig O. Fodoulian, Words to Live By
Follow your dreams no matter where they lead you.
Tamesha Curry, Deepest Inspirations Vol. 3
Quote of the Day: Saturday, December 4, 2021
Living in the forest is my happiness.
A Valentine Joseph, The Forest Is Our Home
Forest Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
The forest is a symbol of the connection between humans and all of nature.
Gale, Cengage Learning, A Study Guide for Susan Stewart’s “The Forest”
The forest is friendly but at the same time cruel. The forest is simple but complex.
Joe D. Dillsaver, The Old King Is Dead
Quote of the Day: Friday, December 3, 2021
To all who are grieving, remember the Rainbow Bridge.
AV Magazine 2014
Rainbow Bridge Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
Remember the rainbow bridge and look on all living things as your relations for that is how our world will survive.
Antoinette Sarcinella, Wolf and Owl Remember…
Bathe in the glory of the eternal star, and, when you are ready, gently return over the rainbow bridge, which has become the crystal stairway.
Claire Nahmad Author, Angel Healing
Quote of the Day: Thursday, December 2, 2021
Curiosity is what makes us try something until we can do it, or think about something until we understand it.
Scott Burnham, This Could…: How Two Words Can Increase Resourcefulness ..
Curiosity Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
The more curious you are, the bigger your world gets, and your knowledge of yourself, others and the world deepens.
Charlotte Style, Brilliant Positive Psychology ePub eBook:
The more you watch, the more curious you’ll become.
Dantalion Jones, Mind Control Language Patterns
Quote of the Day: Wednesday, December 1 , 2021
Ya see, money is only important if you don’t have it.
Kitty Kelley, Elizabeth Taylor
Money Quotes
Positive Quotes for the Day:
Who chases money will always be poorer in real terms than those who do what they like to do despite lesser financial gain.
Tony Crossley, Living the Thai Life…in Quotes
The secret to making money is to provide a solution to people’s problem.
Olusegun Festus Remilekun, UNLOCK YOUR TALENT FOR WEALTH
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