Simplicity Quotes
Let these simplicity quotes remind you of the beauty of the simple things and how we, ourselves, sometimes complicate our own lives by to much stuff. Living a life of simplicity is one without complications.
We sometimes get so caught up with all that is in our lives we don’t see nor do we appreciate the simple things life has to offer. Catherine Pulsifer
Appreciation |
Consider the benefits of owning fewer possessions: less to clean, less debt, less to organize, less stress, more money and energy. K. Collins, Quit Talking, Start Doing!
Words of Encouragement |
Living lightly is not just about the stuff we accumulate, and it’s not just for people in the second half of life. It’s about an attitude of living with fewer burdens and encumbrances, whether you’re twenty-one or sixty-five. Susan V. Vogt, Blessed by Less: Clearing Your Life of Clutter by Living Lightly
Attitude |
Jesus modeled a very simple life. You don’t see him collecting things. He spent his time and energy on relationships – because he knew they were more important than all the stuff in the world. Rick Warren
Inspirational Quotes |
I feel rich because I have enough. Your enough will be different from my enough, which will be different from that guy over there’s enough. But the less you need, the sooner you will feel rich. Anita Dhake, Operation Enough!: How to Retire Remarkably Early
Retirement |
Hard work, nothing to divert my thought, clear air and simple food made my life very pleasant. Thomas Edison
Work |
People who decide to live a simple life reduce their material possessions and overall consumption and become satisfied with the things that they need and not with what they want.Ryan Cooper, Simplicity: The Art Of Simplicity Guide!
Quotes about Overcoming |
It is time to stop responding to every new message or other demands on your time and those who want your immediate attention. This technique applies to work, at home, time already set aside to exercise or whatever. Your need is to approach a higher level of simplicity, not a more complicated routine. Byron Pulsifer, No Social Media
Home |
Happiness consists not in having much, but in being content with little. Marguerite Gardiner, Countess of Blessington, Irish Novelist
Irish Quotes and Sayings |
By eliminating these distractions and simplifying our lives, we are able to think more clearly, be less stressed, and have more time to focus on the things that really matter to us,such as spending time with our loved ones, creativity, dreams, health, travel, and giving back. Pia Edberg, The Cozy Life: Rediscover the Joy of the Simple Things Through the Danish Concept of Hygge
Dreams |
Within six months, we had gotten rid of 50 percent of our belongings. We quickly began seeing the benefits of minimalism and developing a philosophy for how simpler, more purposeful living is something everyone can benefit from. Joshua Becker, The More of Less: Finding the Life You Want Under Everything You Own
Purpose |
One of the biggest accelerators to change is simplicity. Dr. Henry Cloud
Change |
Beneath the simplicity lies a deep and profound message. Complexity is often necessary, but unnecessary complexity complicates our lives. Dan Ward, The Simplicity Cycle: A Field Guide to Making Things Better Without Making Them Worse
Inspirational Sayings |
Another common misconception is that simple living involves depriving oneself of the material benefits of modern life. Deprivation is not a part of the true meaning of simplicity. Voluntary is a key element of the philosophy of simple living. Living without adequate food, shelter, clothing, and medical care is not simple living. Nor is it voluntary simplicity; it is involuntary poverty. Linda Breen Pierce, Choosing Simplicity: Real People Finding Peace and Fulfillment in a Complex World
Encouraging |
Everything you buy or own might not necessarily bring you value or meaning to your life. In fact, they might come in your way and distract you from the bigger picture. You will find that simplicity is always better than complexity. Summer Andrews, Minimalist Living: A Guide to Being Happy With Less Stuff and More Fulfillment
Quotes about Being Happy |
You have to want to look for simplicity. You have to be motivated to design simplicity. Edward de Bono, Simplicity
Quotes about Life |
Simplicity is that middle ground, the quiet path of moderation in all things. Cary David Richards, The Joy of less Book 1
Balance |
It is not a simple process to simplify your life. It is a journey and often a journey of many years. Julianne Neilson, Declutter You
Time |
Voluntary simplicity means going fewer places in one day rather than more, seeing less so I can see more, doing less so I can do more, acquiring less so I can have more. John Kabat-Zinn
Less Is Much Better |
To find the universal elements enough; to find the air and the water exhilarating; to be refreshed by a morning walk or an evening saunter… to be thrilled by the stars at night; to be elated over a bird’s nest or a wildflower in spring – these are some of the rewards of the simple life. John Burroughs
Wise |
It’s never good to make a simple thing into complicated. Ly Nguyen, Time Management: 80/20-in-80/20
Good |
Simplicity of living is no longer a personal issue; it is a theme and concern woven into our lives at every scale. Sixth, over the decades, simplicity is increasingly being defined by what it is for (connecting with and caring for life) instead of what it is against (destructive consumerism). In the 1980s, simplicity was seen primarily as “downshifting,” or pulling back from the rat race of consumer society. Several decades later, there is a growing recognition of simplicity as “upshifting” or moving beyond the rat race to the human race. Increasingly, the mainstream media and society are recognizing how people’s search for happiness is taking them beyond consumerism to a more balanced and integrated approach to living. Duane Elgin, Voluntary Simplicity Second Revised Edition: Toward a Way of Life That Is Outwardly Simple, Inwardly Rich
Inspirational Thoughts |
It is a characteristic of military problems that they yield to nothing but harsh reality; things must be reduced to elemental simplicity and answers must be clear, almost obvious. Dwight Eisenhower, Crusade in Europe
Wise |
As you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will be simpler; solitude will not be solitude, poverty will not be poverty, nor weakness weakness. Henry David Thoreau
Famous Quotes |
Precisely the least, the softest, lightest, a lizard’s rustling, a breath, a flash, a moment – a little makes the way of the best happiness. Frederich Nietzsche
Happiness |
We struggle with the complexities and avoid the simplicities. Norman Vincent Peale
Norman Vincent Peale Quotes |
Simplicity avoids the superficial, penetrates the complex, goes to the heart of the problem and pinpoints the key factors. Wilfred Peterson
Wilfred Peterson Quotes
Simplifying your life may not be as simple as it sounds but you will be able to simplify your life when you get clear and focus on what is most important to you. Donald Allen, The Art Of Goal Setting For Beginners
Focus |
When you add things into your life that you intrinsically enjoy and take out things that you intrinsically dislike, you wind up liking your life a lot more. This sounds simple on the surface, but simplicity doesn’t always make things easy. Alison Cardy, Career Grease
Joy |
Simplifying one’s life can also lead to a more contented existence. Glen Mizrahi, Simplicity: 1,000 Ways To Reduce Stress and Simplify Your Life Starting Today
Stress |
Until we have begun to go without them, we fail to realize how unnecessary many things are. We’ve been using them not because we needed them but because we had them. Seneca
Seneca Quotes |
Simplicity is a quality that not only evokes passionate loyalty for a product design, but also has become a key strategic tool for businesses to confront their own intrinsic complexities. John Maeda, The Laws of Simplicity
Passion |
The simplicity of life will make your life richer and fuller than trying to fit more in and having more. Just focus on what is important in your life. Kathy Stanton, Simple Living And Loving It
Motivation |
Popular songs, that stem from popular sayings, that are as old as the world, are effective thanks to their simplicity and their truth. Gianni Ferrario, Adolfo Panfili, Laugh Love Live
Music |
What we discovered was, sometimes, the answer to something complex is simplicity. Melissa Dayton, Crushed:When Parenting is Hard
Questioning |
Attainment doesn’t mean simplicity or ease in accomplishment, but means we go after that objective with not only a mind and a will to achieve, but also the determination to follow the actions through necessary to make it happen. Michael Lombardi, The 5 AM Club: The Joy On The Other Side Of Morning
Accomplishment |
Simplicity is a golden rule in many fields. If companies “reap what they sow,” then simple in means simple out, and a process that produces simple is simple throughout. ClydeBank Business; Benjamin Sweeney, Lean Six Sigma: QuickStart Guide
Knowledge |
Keep it Simple – Simplicity is best. If it can be misunderstood, it will be misunderstood. Christian Motley, Leadership Philosophies From Unsung Leaders
Leadership |
Many people who suffer from heightened stress and anxiety have seen a dramatic improvement by cutting back and simplifying their lives. Brian Night, Simplicity: How To Live With Less, Downsize, And Get More Fulfillment From Life
Positive |
When you begin to pursue simplicity and make different decisions than you used to make, people will inevitably take notice. Mike Burns, Simpler: Declutter Your Life and Focus on What’s Most Important
Decision |
Simplicity is about deciding what’s important to you and focusing on that before anything else. Chelsea Walters, Simplicity: Start Living with Less, Get More Done, and Live a Fulfilled Life Today
Determination |
Simplicity is such an underrated virtue; when something seems too simple, people assume it’s wrong. When someone desires a simple life, people look down on him and label him ‘mediocre’ or ‘lazy’. The word simplicity has so much negativity wrapped around it that people run towards the opposite: extravagant. Ryan Williams, Simplicity: How to Declutter, Get More Done, and Live a More Meaningful Life
Positive Attitude |
The problem with stuff is, the more you have, the more it takes to take care of it all – the more you have to clean it, the more you have to protect it, the more you have to insure it, and the more you have to repair it. Rick Warren
Problem |
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