Thought for the Day Archive – Inspirational Words of Wisdom

Thought for the Day Archive

We have been publishing an inspirational thought of the day since 2016. Here find the archives of these thoughts. We hope these words of wisdom provide you with encouragement and inspiration! Below each month you will find a sample that is contained in that month.


Be encouraged and inspired in 2023 with our thought of the day.

Thought of the Day January 2023
When we learn to take responsibility for our behavior, we find it easier to take responsibility for our happpiness.
Hampton, Terry, Ninety-Nine Ways to be Happier Every Day

Be careful what you tolerate, you are teaching people how to trat you.
Sophia A. Nelson, The Woman Code


Be encouraged and inspired in 2022 with our thought of the day.

Thought of the Day December 2022
To be bold is to be fearless and confident and maybe even a little insane.
Chelsea Cameron

A strong women is one who knows she is and who loves herself.
Karen Clark-Green

Thought of the Day November 2022
Whatever may be the challenge, keep your head up and be determined to succeed in your new venture.
Jake Findi, You Are Either a Dreamer or a Millionaire

Placing our very life and happiness in another through love is the greatest gift one can give, for it is the gift of oneself.
Austin P. Tourney, Short Stakes

Thought of the Day October 2022
Your eyes reflect your inner self to the world. Look deep into a person’s eyes and you can see his or her natural radiance.
Lucy Beale, The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Better Skin

Discipline is often regarded as a punishment or restriction, a limitation to the fullness of life, but ironically, discipline is the ultimate freedom.
Ankita Arora, The SMART Balance

Thought of the Day September 2022
Nobody is perfect. Life’s not easy, there will always be obstacles on the road to your dream or purpose. Remember, your attitude and drive to overcome them will always triumph.
Pamela Dyson Pierre, Trust in Yourself

Only he who has seen better days and lives to see better days again knows their full value.
Mark Twain, The Complete Works of Mark Twain (Illustrated Edition)

Thought of the Day August 2022
Learn when it’s time to walk away. A wise mentor once told me, “You’re never going to be everything to everyone, so don’t kill yourself trying.
Jen Schwanke, You’re the Principal!

Meeting an old friend Is like reading your own autobiography. Finding a new friend Is like composing music.
Chogyam Trungpa, The Collected Works of Chögyam Trungpa1

Thought of the Day July 2022
Be different and learn to stand up for your beliefs, even if you are standing alone.
LaWanda Lewis Burrell, Stand Up, Speak Up, Because Your Time’s Up

Inner peace brings awareness, awareness brings love, and love brings inner peace.
Margaret Ann Lembo, Chakra Awakening

Thought of the Day June 2022
The simple life is about equality, taking only your share, and sharing with others.
Charlotte Condia, George Fox’s Catechism for Children

Never let yourself be lost in the crowd or buried in oblivion. Stand out! Make yourself a magnet of attention by appearing larger, more colourful, more mysterious than the bland masses.
Matt Fuller, Be True to Yourself

Thought of the Day May 2022
When we share, love, cooperate and give, empathy is at work. When empathy is absent, there is no intimacy and relationships break down. Violence, abuse, discrimination and selfishness become all too common when empathy goes missing.
David Howe, Empathy

We must remain faithful in our actions even, if we have lost our voices. If you can’t speak or you’re not being heard, then let your actions do the talking.
Various, Submissions to the Dean: Gardner C. Taylor

Thought of the Day April 2022
After all, being lost can be the beginning of a new adventure.
Stanley Zheng, On Snowy Days

For in the awful blackness that they bring, True friends shine out like stars in winter nights, And make the very darkness beautiful.
Robert Beverly Hale, Elsie, and Other Poems

Thought of the Day March 2022
Some things in life you just have to accept gracefully.
Jerald W. Berry, Twelve Days in May

Are you a survivor or a victim? Are you lost or are you saved? So much hinges on your answer.
Leonaura Rhodes, Beyond Soccer Mom

Thought of the Day February 2022
Justice will flow like a stream. There will no longer be fear among people and nations. Peace will prevail!
Mary Gloria C. Njoku, ‎Christian C. Anieke, Stories of Peace Volume II

Fight for your relationship, not against each other.
Chad Robichaux, ‎Adam Davis, Fight for Us

Thought of the Day January 2022
We all live a unique life that incorporates our own free will — the will to make of it what we choose.
Jason Hughes, One Man’s Love Story – A Near-Death Experience

Perseverance is an essential enabler of motivation and staying focused is a hallmark of a winner.
Charles Carradine, Building Wealth and Eliminating Debt


Be encouraged and inspired in 2021 with our thought of the day.

Thought of the Day December 2021
I believe if we reach a point that we can get tired enough of ups and downs in our life that we can decide to change. The only person we have the power to change is ourselves, we can not change other people.
Janet Mary Crunican, The Fight of Our Mind

Do not let grief be the only map you carry, lest you lose your way back to happiness.
Tracy Guzeman, The Gravity of Birds: A Novel 1

Thought of the Day November 2021
LIFE is too short. Count your blessings not your woes. Though sometimes, woes turn to be blessing and can even be a solution to woes itself. Such is a twist of LIFE. Enjoy it. It is called the circle of LIFE. LIFE is too short.
L.S. Manuel, Life is too short

It’s time to stop worrying about things out of your control—that usually leads to failure.
Alan Brizee, The Path to Excellence

Thought of the Day October 2021
In love with him, my soul lives the subtlest of passion. Live like a gypsy- each day a different house each night under the stars.

Walking in mindfulness brings us peace and joy, and makes our life real. Why rush? Our final destination will only be the cemetery.
Thich Nhat Hanh, Happiness

Thought of the Day September 2021
Holding an open mind ready to explore new ideas, ready to learn new things makes us more able to move with change, and one thing does really seem to be true, that is – that life is change.
Connie Tyler, Dancing the Deep Hum, One Woman’s Ideas about How to Live in

The way we support each other, the way we show our love to each other throughout the day, it’s the little things that keep us going strong.
Dr. Larry Katz, The Joy Pyramid

Thought of the Day August 2021
The cure to stress is to clear our minds and get fully absorbed in whatever we’re doing in the moment.
Jack Pransky, Healthy Thinking

Be a diamond if you will, be a rose amongst thorns if you will, be a beast amongst queens if you will, be different and weird if you will.
Thulas, You Only Live Once: Just do it

Thought of the Day July 2021
Never quit on yourself. Never quit on your dream! Dedication, commitment and following through are the three greatest assets to achieving your goals.
Jerry Gladstone, The Common Thread of Overcoming Adversity and Living Your Dreams

When you are organized you are asserting yourself against life, instead of letting life attack you!
Joshua David Stone, How to Release Fear-Based Thinking and Feeling

Thought of the Day June 2021
Setting clear goals and conforming to tight deadlines provide the necessary discipline and focus to turn ideas into action and dreams into reality.
Michael Leboeuf, Fast Forward

Living a meaningful, happy life is about creating, sharing, and capturing memories earned through experiences that span the spectrum of life’s opportunities.
John Christianson, The Wealth Creator’s Playbook

Thought of the Day May 2021
It takes bravery to confront the barriers—real and imagined—that keep you from loving and letting yourself be loved.
Ellen Sue Stern, Reflections for Newlyweds

The fundamental doubt is doubting yourself. Believing your doubts is one of the most insidious mind tricks that your ego can play on you.
Marcela Gutiérrez Bravo, Habit Stacking and some Tips to Improve Your Mind

Thought of the Day April 2021
When you are self-aware you are focused and attentive to what is happening in your world, and you see events and people accurately with clear perception.
Doyle Doyle, Being You: How to Live Authentically

The roof of your positive life is like an umbrella—protecting you from the rain but not obscuring where you are going.
Maureen Hagan, Goodlife Fitness

Thought of the Day March 2021
Without values, life becomes a series of meaningless events, and death a shattering experience.
Dr. M. Soundararajan, Values of College Students with Reference to Some Selected Variables

Understanding who you are and why you are here will give you the tools to live your best life every day.
Sarah Megan Spencer, Vibrational Alignment

Thought of the Day Febuary 2021
Sometimes we must strive just to live another day. Sometimes when you least expect it, your dream will be there.
Lena Garcia, Inspirational Words

The secret to living a happy and creative life is to be always prepared to take life’s little lemons and turn them into soul-refreshing lemonade.
David Baird, Make Lemonade Out of Lemons

Thought of the Day January 2021
No circumstance we go through will ever be easy and the storms of life can be fierce, during these seasons in our lives but we must remember that God is there for us.
Diane K Hiltz Chamberlain, A Morning Thought Devotional.

Taking back control, takes so much genuine effort and hardwork to make sure you find yourself and accept yourself for who you are, who you were and who you are going to become!
Valentino X. Se-lah, Ra – Life Affirmations.


Be encouraged and inspired in 2020 with our thought of the day.

Thought of the Day December 2020
For the important thing about a train of thought is its conclusion.
William James, The prinicples of philosophy.

Besides, with love one can live even without happiness. Even in sorrow life is sweet; life is sweet, however one lives.
Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Notes from Underground.

Thought of the Day November 2020
A survivor is someone who looks at the situation, no matter how dark it is, and is determined not to let this reality wreck their life.
Carol O’Hanlon, The Knockout Punch

The trick is to discover when you are not aware; to see clearly you are not clear.
Joel Kramer, Passionate Mind

Thought of the Day October 2020
The mind can be quite a drama machine, but we don’t have to buy into any of it.
Shawn T. Smith, The Tactical Guide To Women

Cooking to me is much more than a profession. It’s the way I show my love, respect, and appreciation for the people in my life.
Bobby Flay, Fearless Flavours

Thought of the Day September 2020
Vulnerability. It is one of the most undervalued and misunderstood of all human qualities.
Patrick Lencioni, Getting Naked.

Know what it is that you want to create with a woman, and commit to that path.
Bruce Bryan’s, How To Be A Better Boyfriend

Thought of the Day August 2020
The key to our identity, and ultimately our happiness, cannot be found in what we own.
Rich Roll, Finding Ultra

Reflecting yourself is the journey leading to a meaningful life. We didn’t ask to be here, but we are.
Michael P. McNally

Thought of the Day July 2020
Stay in the moment and cherish each one.
Gary Sturgis, Finding Your Way From Grief To Healing

Why is it that outsiders always have insight But insiders rarely have outsight?
Karla McLaren The Language Of Emotion

Thought of the Day June 2020
We are a species for whom meaningful connections to others are essential for our health and happiness.
Timothy Keiningham, Why loyalty matters.

We can change our behaviour even if we struggle to change our thoughts and emotions.
Dr Harry Barry, Anxiety And Panic

Thought of the Day May 2020
When the mind rests and the observing aspect becomes primary, the individual has great clarity.
Richard. L Haight, Inspirience

Wisdom will call us to express really living in increasingly vital, compassionate, and creative ways.
Bonnie Myotai Treace, Wake up

Thought of the Day April 2020
Fabrication is like a bad habit that feels good, easy to pick up, hard to quit.
Shonda Rhimes, A year of yes

You can realize your full possibilities, but to dominate and achieve you must have high aims, ideals and ambitions — all linked to an iron will.
Wallace D. Wattles The Prosperity Bible.

Thought of the Day March 2020
Life’s too short folks. We all need a reminder that positive attitudes get positive results so follow the simple advice, be your best self and stand tall.
Diana Higman, Medallist at World Transplant Games

Doing things for others makes the world a nice place to be. Helping is an act of kindness; it’s something you can see.
Michael Gordon, You are Kind.

Thought of the Day Febuary 2020
Is it time to let your inner sunshine out to play today?
Clare Josa, The Little Book of Daily Sunshine.

Hope means hoping even when things seem hopeless.
Richard Daly, God’s Little Book of Hope.

Thought of the Day January 2020
The optimism of the human heart, along with a good map and some solid skills, will let you build your thriving stepfamily – one step at a time.
Karen Bonnell, Patricia Papernow, The Stepfamily Handbook

Just like your body needs exercise, so does your brain! You’re never too old to grow and learn something new.Robyn L. Gobin


Sometimes a short quote or thought can give you the inspiration and encouragement you need to look at things in a different perspective. We offer cute but and meaningful thoughts to encourage you. You can read our current thought of the day or you can browse our archives.

Thought of the Day December 2019
I’ll smile for today. I won’t cry over yesterday’s mistakes and I won’t fret over the uncertainty of tomorrow. I’ll smile because I’ve made it this far. Will you smile with me?
Jem Downing; Jacob Moneaux, Journey: Musings

We get Happiness through the love of others and a sense of community.
Will Bowen

Thought of the Day November 2019
What is the good in life without understanding that each person has a contribution to make.
B. C. Artworst

Set your house in perfect order before you criticise the world.
Jordan B. Peterson, 12 Rules for Life

Thought of the Day October 2019
Whether you’re an optimist or a pessimist may not affect the outcome. It’s just that the optimist has a better time in life.
James Borg, Mind Power

Don’t let your mind become conditioned for mediocrity.
Joel Osteen , Next Level Thinking

Thought of the Day September 2019
Before preparing to improve the world, first look around your own home three times.
Chinese Proverb

Success gives you the motivation to work more.
Sherlie, 10 Tips to Help You achieve Your Success

Thought for the Day August 2019
What you cannot do because it looks difficult, becomes easy when it is broken into pieces.
Israelmore Ayivor, Believe and Achieve

Each day that God gives us is definitely a gift, and we have an opportunity to value it.
Joyce Meyer, Seize the Day

Thought for the Day July 2019
We live in deeds, not years; in thoughts not breaths, in feelings not in figures on a dial.
Russell Gerald Johnston, Random Wisdom

Only you can master your mind, which is what it takes to live a bold life filled with accomplishments most people consider beyond their capability.
David Goggins, Can’t Hurt Me

Thought for the Day June 2019
Failures leave scars on our personalities that can affect the rest of our lives if we let them to.
M Bennett, 70 Encouraging Devotions and Reflections

When you use your own gifts and talents to make someone else’s life better, you become more aware that you’re able to improve your own life as well.
AJ Winters, The Motivation Switch

Thought for the Day May 2019
If you are currently struggling with self-doubt, know that success and great things will only come your way if you start believing in yourself. Aidin Safavi

Habits of thinking need not be forever. One of the most significant findings in psychology in the last twenty years is that individuals can choose the way they think. Martin E.P. Seligman, Learned Optimism

Thought for the Day April 2019
Accepting yourself means that you accept all your habits, your weaknesses, your dreams or lack of them, and your beliefs.
Shana Jahsinta Walters, Fall In Love With Yourself

When there is a start to be made, don’t step over! Start where you are.
Edgar Cayce

Thought for the Day March 2019
Those who accomplish great things pay attention to little ones. African Proverb

Sometimes in life, you have to do a few things that are absolutely off beat. You have to walk down an obscure path in order to find success. K.A. DeWolf, Make Money Live Happy

Thought for the Day February 2019
Loving someone and having them love you back is the most precious thing in the world. Nicholas Sparks

Challenges are our biggest teachers. Nothing teaches us more in life than challenges. Brenda Nathan

Thought for the Day January 2019
The more I help others to succeed, the more I succeed. Ray Kroc

Do not allow negative thoughts to enter your mind for they are the weeds that strangle confidence. Bruce Lee


Our hope is that you find words of encouragement that inspire you to be the best that you can be!What follows are inspirational words of wisdom that are encouraging from famous people, and from people of all walks of life.

Thought for the Day Nov Dec 2018
There is nothing magical about the flip of the calendar, but it represents a clean break, a new hope, and a blank canvas. Jason Soroski

Christmas is doing a little something extra for someone. Charles Schulz

Thought for the Day Sept Oct 2018
I am grateful for what I am and have. My thanksgiving is perpetual. Henry David Thoreau

Surrounding yourself with the right, positive energy is the key to success. Strive to spend time with people who empower you and motivate you to reach bigger and bigger goals. Martin Meadows

Thought for the Day July August 2018
Live like you golf. Don’t forget to follow through. Author Unknown

It is no fun to fail, but you must pick yourself you and get back in the race. The only way you can grow is to challenge yourself beyond your present circumstances. Les Brown

Thought for the Day May June 2018
God gave you a gift of 86,400 seconds today. Have you used one to say “thank you”? William Arthur Ward

It doesn’t matter which side of the fence you get off on sometimes. What matters most is getting off! You cannot make progress without making decisions. Jim Rohn

Thought for the Day March April 2018
Positive thinking does not mean that there are zero problems, but it means that you can cope and recover more easily, while at the same time you are able to look at a brighter side of any situation. John Franz

Never give in, never! Be it concerning large things or small things, never, never, never! Winston Churchill

Thought for the Day January February 2018
It is not what you say, or wish, or hope or intend, it is only what you do that counts. Brian Tracy

If you don’t like something change it. Don’t complain because you don’t have. Enjoy what you’ve got. H. Stanley Judd


A great way to start your day is by reading something inspirational or motivational. You may also enjoy our quote of the day, which is daily inspiration for each and every day. These inspirational thoughts can change your thinking, focus your mind on positive aspects of life, and they can be shared to brighten someone else’s day!

Thought for the Day November December 2017
Wherever there is a human being, there is a chance for a kindness. Seenca

In any project, the important factor is your belief. Without belief there can be no successful outcome. William James

Thought for the Day September October 2017
Knowing your life purpose is the first step toward living a truly conscious life. A life purpose provides us with a clear goal, a set finish line that you truly want to reach. Simon Foster

When you encounter various trials, big or small, be full of joy. They’re opportunities to learn patience. Scott Curran

Thought for the Day August July 2017
When teaching, light a fire, don’t fill a bucket. Dan Snow

How you see yourself will determine how others will see you. Casey Treat

Thought for the Day June May 2017
A handful of patience is worth more than a bushel of brains. Dutch Proverb

Let not the sun go down upon your anger. Anger must be limited and confined, both in race and in time. Francis Bacon

Thought for the Day March April 2017
Nothing can be accomplished without the hope of accomplishment. Jennifer Arnold

Adversity restores your humility. It hones your objectivity, and it makes you more resilient. Simon Wright

Thought for the Day Jan Feb 2017
If you make a mistake, no matter what, correct your error and keep moving forward. Alex Altman

Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy. Dale Carnegie


You make the decision to have a good day, it is always your choice. Let these inspirational thoughts give you positive words to consider as you go about your day!We feed our bodies with healthy food, we need to also feed our minds with healthy thoughts.

Thought for the Day Nov Dec 2016
Open your heart during Christmas and be one with God. God will bless you. M. Lawrence

Changes will occur anyway, with or without us. Constantly and persistently. Helena Angel

Thought for the Day Oct 2016
Love yourself. This is not about being self-centered; this tip has something about appreciating your worth and what you can do. Mick McPherson

Commit to your goals – Once you have set your goals, you have to fully commit yourself towards achieving it. Mia Conrad

Thought for the Day Sept 2016
Your time is limited; so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Lavanya Jayakumar

There is no revenge so complete as forgiveness. Josh Billings

Thought for the Day Page 2
Short articles written to give you an inspirational and positive thought.

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