Thought of The Day October 2022

Thought of The Day October 2022

Be inspired by our thought of the day for your month of October 2022! Read our current Thought of The Day.  You may also enjoy our Quote of The Day.

And if for special occasions in October, then consider these thoughts for the special day:

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 Birthday Quotes  |Birthday Poems  |Happy Birthday Wishes   | Happy Birthday Sister  |Happy Birthday Friend

Thought for the Day: October 31, 2022
Discipline is often regarded as a punishment or restriction, a limitation to the fullness of life, but ironically, discipline is the ultimate freedom. Arthur Cleveland Coxe, Halloween: A Romaunt
Tis the night—the night, Of the grave’s delight, And the warlocks are at their play; Ye think that without, The wild winds shout, But no, it is they—it is they!”
Arthur Cleveland Coxe, Halloween: A Romaunt
Halloween Quotes

Thought for the Day: October 30, 2022
God's Word brings me light on a foggy day, it brings me hope when I become discouraged, and it helps me not to make a mountain out of a molehill. His Word gives me the right perspective on life.
God’s Word brings me light on a foggy day, it brings me hope when I become discouraged, and it helps me not to make a mountain out of a molehill. His Word gives me the right perspective on life.
Emilie Barnes, Minute Meditations for Healing & Hope
God’s Word Quotes

Thought for the Day: October 29, 2022
Your eyes reflect your inner self to the world. Look deep into a person's eyes and you can see his or her natural radiance. Angela Jensen, ‎Lucy Beale, The Complete Idiot's Guide to Better Skin
Your eyes reflect your inner self to the world. Look deep into a person’s eyes and you can see his or her natural radiance.
Angela Jensen, ‎Lucy Beale, The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Better Skin
Eyes Quotes

Thought for the Day: October 28, 2022
Good deeds are the fruit of salvation, not the root of salvation. The righteous were not saved by their good works, but were saved for a life of good works.
Good deeds are the fruit of salvation, not the root of salvation. The righteous were not saved by their good works, but were saved for a life of good works.
Michael Youssef, Is the End Near?
Good Deeds Quotes

Thought for the Day: October 27, 2022
Just look beyond the clouds grey. For that silver lining,sunlight ray. Appearing at the edge of your crowded day. Before it does fade away. Summers In Laurel Canyon, Summers In Laurel Canyon
Just look beyond the clouds grey. For that silver lining,sunlight ray. Appearing at the edge of your crowded day. Before it does fade away.
Summers In Laurel Canyon, Summers In Laurel Canyon
Cloud Quotes

Thought of the Day: October 26, 2022
Remember to look at each struggle or challenge as a test that is vital to our growth, healing, restoration and transformation process. Nicole Miller, The Butterfly Effect: Transforming One Person at a Time, Vol. I
Remember to look at each struggle or challenge as a test that is vital to our growth, healing, restoration and transformation process.
Nicole Miller, The Butterfly Effect: Transforming One Person at a Time, Vol. I
Transformation Quotes

Thought for the Day: October 25, 2022
When you have a dream, sometimes not knowing which way to go, When reality hits, follow your heart, you'll know which way to go.
When you have a dream, sometimes not knowing which way to go, When reality hits, follow your heart, you’ll know which way to go.
Curtis F Waters, Jr, My Feelings
Follow Your Heart Quotes

Thought for the Day: October 24, 2022
Discipline is often regarded as a punishment or restriction, a limitation to the fullness of life, but ironically, discipline is the ultimate freedom. Ankita Arora, The SMART Balance
Discipline is often regarded as a punishment or restriction, a limitation to the fullness of life, but ironically, discipline is the ultimate freedom.
Ankita Arora, The SMART Balance
Discipline Quotes

Thought for the Day: October 23, 2022
Mental clarity can only be achieved when we are calm and emotionally balanced. Meditation is the best method to stay balanced.
Mental clarity can only be achieved when we are calm and emotionally balanced. Meditation is the best method to stay balanced.
Ingrid Wild, Balanced Parents Create Global Peace
Clarity Quotes

Thought for the Day: October 22, 2022
An obstacle is just a temporary road block. You can either go over it, around it, under it or my favorite, through it. The size of a man is determined by the size of the obstacles he overcomes. Sean Terry, The Ultimate Real Estate Investing Blueprint
An obstacle is just a temporary road block. You can either go over it, around it, under it or my favorite, through it. The size of a man is determined by the size of the obstacles he overcomes.
Sean Terry, The Ultimate Real Estate Investing Blueprint
Obstacle Quotes

Thought for the Day: October 21, 2022
Rather than being dragged along helplessly by society's momentum, we take a moment to slow down. We put on the brakes to stand back from the madding and maddened crowd to contemplate vistas we didn't know existed. Derek Sharpe, Zen Money
Rather than being dragged along helplessly by society’s momentum, we take a moment to slow down. We put on the brakes to stand back from the madding and maddened crowd to contemplate vistas we didn’t know existed.
Derek Sharpe, Zen Money
Slow Down Quotes

Thought for the Day: October 20, 2022
Through hardship we find our purpose.
Through hardship we find our purpose.
Apostle Steve Lyston, Prayer Works!
Hardship Quotes

Thought for the Day: October 19, 2022
Now is your time to seize the day. Now is your time to chase rainbows and make wonderful things happen for yourself and others. Visualize the invisible. Believe the incredible. Now is your time to attempt the impossible.
Now is your time to seize the day. Now is your time to chase rainbows and make wonderful things happen for yourself and others. Visualize the invisible. Believe the incredible. Now is your time to attempt the impossible.
Shawn Anderson, Amicus 101
Better Off Alone Quotes

Thought for the Day: October 18, 2022
There is power within us. Find that power, use that power, and never give up. Make a difference in someone's life, and in return, your life will be enriched. Live life, respect life, and life will be good to you. Poems for Any Song Bird to Sing - Page ix
There is power within us. Find that power, use that power, and never give up. Make a difference in someone’s life, and in return, your life will be enriched. Live life, respect life, and life will be good to you.
Unknown Author
Better Off Alone Quotes

Thought for the Day: October 17, 2022
I'm a simple man wanting to live a simple life. I've always desired to put time into people and relationships rather than things. Money tends to complicate life. I'd rather leave that problem to others.
I’m a simple man wanting to live a simple life. I’ve always desired to put time into people and relationships rather than things. Money tends to complicate life. I’d rather leave that problem to others.
J.D Phillip, Holy Matrimony
Simple Life Quotes

Thought for the Day: October 16, 2022
Would you rather be the champion of your own life—or just a participant? You can be the change you desire in your own life—you simply need to start making decisions that invite joy, prosperity, and peace to you. Marjolyn Noble, ‎Leon Steed, Eeez Meditation for Beginners: Empowerment with Eeez
Would you rather be the champion of your own life—or just a participant? You can be the change you desire in your own life—you simply need to start making decisions that invite joy, prosperity, and peace to you.
Marjolyn Noble, ‎Leon Steed, Eeez Meditation for Beginners: Empowerment with Eeez
Champion Quotes

Thought for the Day: October 15, 2022
 Ambition is the power that allows us to go forward when things look the darkest. By Leonard M. Rubino, Success & Happiness One Day at a Time; an instructional manual for your life
Ambition is the power that allows us to go forward when things look the darkest.
By Leonard M. Rubino, Success & Happiness One Day at a Time; an instructional manual for your life
Seize The Day Quotes

Thought for the Day: October 14, 2022
But Good Deeds are like the Sun, so powerful, so bright, that even one with his eyes shut can feel its light. Sukh Lal Dhani, Value Education: Based On All The Religions Of The World
But Good Deeds are like the Sun, so powerful, so bright, that even one with his eyes shut can feel its light.
Sukh Lal Dhani, Value Education: Based On All The Religions Of The World
Good Deed Quotes

Thought of the Day: October 13, 2022
Remember that the past is not your future. Tomorrow is another day with new opportunities. Beforward, rather than backward looking. If you choose to drive your car while looking into your rear view mirror, you are inevitably going to crash.
Remember that the past is not your future. Tomorrow is another day with new opportunities. Beforward, rather than backward looking. If you choose to drive your car while looking into your rear view mirror, you are inevitably going to crash.
Mark Alexander Palmer, The 10 Deadly Sins of Antipreneurship
Past Quotes

Thought of the Day: October 12, 2022
When we believe in others and encourage them to believe in themselves, we hand them the key to their own power. We help them stretch their thinking, envision success, and open the door to their true potential. Words are contagious.
When we believe in others and encourage them to believe in themselves, we hand them the key to their own power. We help them stretch their thinking, envision success, and open the door to their true potential. Words are contagious.
Great Igwe, Walking Tall in Tough Times
Helping Others Quotes

Thought of the Day: October 11, 2022
If we practice self-love, we will never be dependent on somebody else for our happiness. Instead, we will feel empowered. No, self-embracement is not being selfish, it's just putting yourself first and not being too tough on yourself.
If we practice self-love, we will never be dependent on somebody else for our happiness. Instead, we will feel empowered. No, self-embracement is not being selfish, it’s just putting yourself first and not being too tough on yourself.
Anshu Malika Roja Selvamani, Shifting Perception
Put Yourself First Quotes

Thought of the Day: October 10, 2022
Are you having fun? Living in your essence is fun, where you can embrace the aws and awless, the spectrum of imperfection. When you get past the fear and orbit your mind to try your best and have fun, that is freedom.
Are you having fun? Living in your essence is fun, where you can embrace the aws and awless, the spectrum of imperfection. When you get past the fear and orbit your mind to try your best and have fun, that is freedom.
Nicole Tetreault, Insight Into a Bright Mind
Try Your Best Quotes

Thought of the Day: October 9, 2022
Remember, work is not about where we go; it is about what we accomplish.
Remember, work is not about where we go; it is about what we accomplish.
Diane Stegmeier, Innovations in Office Design
Motivational Quotes For Work

Thought of the Day: October 8, 2022
Without loyalty there can be no love. Without loyalty there can be no family. Without loyalty there can be no friendship. Without loyalty there can be no commitment to community or country. And without those things, there can be no society. Eric Felton
Without loyalty there can be no love. Without loyalty there can be no family. Without loyalty there can be no friendship. Without loyalty there can be no commitment to community or country. And without those things, there can be no society.
Eric Felton
Loyalty Quotes

Thought of the Day: October 7, 2022
Honesty sets us free to be who God created us to be. We need to be always true to ourselves-our higher selves! Rowena Holloway, Pray It Forward
Honesty sets us free to be who God created us to be. We need to be always true to ourselves-our higher selves!
Rowena Holloway, Pray It Forward
Honesty Quotes

Thought of the Day: October 6, 2022
Finding inner peace is about having self-acceptance. It comes through acceptance and being happy with ourselves. We shouldn't have to prove ourselves to every person we come into contact with.
Finding inner peace is about having self-acceptance. It comes through acceptance and being happy with ourselves. We shouldn’t have to prove ourselves to every person we come into contact with.
Ilana Estelle, Spirituality, Healing and Me
Inner Peace Quotes

Thought of the Day: October 5, 2022
Every relationship needs wise communication as it is the cornerstone of a good relationship. Rajiv Chelladurai, Wisdom Workout: Exercise Your Mind!
Every relationship needs wise communication as it is the cornerstone of a good relationship.
Rajiv Chelladurai, Wisdom Workout: Exercise Your Mind!
Relationship Quotes

Thought for the Day: October 4, 2022
If you ask me, you're better off being alone for a while. Once you truly control your own life, dependent on only you, once you are truly happy with who you are and where you are going, to find the purest joy in who you are. Daniel William Gunning, MUSICAroLina
If you ask me, you’re better off being alone for a while. Once you truly control your own life, dependent on only you, once you are truly happy with who you are and where you are going, to find the purest joy in who you are.
Daniel William Gunning, MUSICAroLina
Better Off Alone Quotes

Thought for the Day: October 3, 2022
Self-confidence is the difference between feeling unstoppable and feeling scared.
Self-confidence is the difference between feeling unstoppable and feeling scared.
Dr. Suresh Makvana, ‎Dr. Ankit Patel
Confidence Quotes

Thought for the Day: October 2, 2022
 Know your worth. Sing in the rain. Be creative. Make love. Enjoy the moments. Love deeply. Forgive quickly. Let go. Grow. Evolve. Be real. Take chances. Live your life your way. Kelley Webb, Whispers from the Angels
Know your worth. Sing in the rain. Be creative. Make love. Enjoy the moments. Love deeply. Forgive quickly. Let go. Grow. Evolve. Be real. Take chances. Live your life your way.
Kelley Webb, Whispers from the Angels
Know Your Worth Quotes

Thought for the Day: October 1, 2022
Turning back to replenish, while still moving forward is the constant motion of life. This is the essence of moderation.
Turning back to replenish, while stilng forward is the constant motion of life. This is the essence of moderation.
Kari Hohne, The Essential I Ching
Moving Forward Quotes

Quotes for Each Day of Your Week:
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We hope our thought for the day has given you positive thoughts to think about and to reflect upon. The thought for the day is updated each and every day, visit us for a new thought each day! You may also want to read previous thoughts – Thought for the Day Archive

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