106 Monday Quotes to Start Your Week on a Positive Note

106 Monday Quotes

Happy Monday! Start your work week on a positive note by reading these Monday quotes.

Look forward to Mondays with enthusiasm and motivation! The start of a week should be a good motivator to live each day to the fullest. Start Mondays with the thought that something great is going to happen today!

Share these quotes with a work colleague to inspire and encourage them this Monday.Many people groan when they think of Mondays, but Mondays should be the day to look forward with anticipation and enthusiasm for all that the coming work week will bring.

And if you need a smile this Monday, scroll down and read our Funny Monday Quotes!

Page Contents:

Motivational Quotes for Monday Morning

Inspirational Quotes for Work on Monday

Positive Quotes For Monday

Staying Focused on Mondays

Funny Monday Quotes

Published by:Catherine Pulsifer and Ben Gillison

    Motivational Quotes for Monday Morning

    Motivational Quotes for Monday Morning
 Motivation is going to get you through this Monday and here’s the kicker, it can be found in every aspect of your life. Raining outside? Great, time to start singing. Sun is shining and you want to be down the park or beach? Don’t we all, but think of how nice that tropical beach is going to be when you have made your fortune.

    Let me tell you, hard work is going to get you to the places you want to beMonday is the start of your progression ladder. Work hard and make yourself proud!

    Monday Quotes,You'll find that implementing small changes can have a significant impact on your life. Remember -  little  hinges swing on big doors. S. J. Scott, Habit Stacking

  1. You’ll find that implementing small changes can have a significant impact on your life. Remember – little hinges swing on big doors.
    S. J. Scott, Habit Stacking
    Life Quotes
  2.  Monday Quotes, Life is an adventure; we get out of it what we put into it. Richard Daly,  God's Little Book of Hope

  3. Life is an adventure; we get out of it what we put into it.
    Richard Daly, God’s Little Book of Hope
  4.  Monday quotes, But where most people jump ship, only the truly motivated and the truly 
committed push forward towards one clear destination through even
 the hardest of times. Andrew Alexander,   Deconstructing Motivation

  5. But where most people jump ship, only the truly motivated and the truly committed push forward towards one clear destination through even the hardest of times.
    Andrew Alexander, Deconstructing Motivation
    Monday is a good day to stay committed and motivated!
  6. Every day is different, and some days are better than others, 
but no matter how challenging the day, I get up and live it. Muhammad Ali

  7. Every day is different, and some days are better than others, but no matter how challenging the day, I get up and live it.
    Muhammad Ali
    Let this Monday be a great day for You!
    Live Life  
  8. Perseverance is failing 19 times and succeeding the 20th. Julie Andrews

  9. Perseverance is failing 19 times and succeeding the 20th.
    Julie Andrews
    It’s Monday, and no matter what happens this week remember this quote and persevere, you will succeed!
  10. Never wait for tomorrow, what if tomorrow never comes?
    Elvis Presley
  11. The challenge of every Monday is to maintain the same vitality
 in each and every day of the week. Byron Pulsifer

  12. The challenge of every Monday is to maintain the same vitality in each and every day of the week.
    Byron Pulsifer
  13. What starts on Monday should carry through to Friday; that is, enthusiasm.
 Byron Pulsifer

  14. What starts on Monday should carry through to Friday; that is, enthusiasm. Have a great week!
  15. Monday Quotes I said that the issue is not Monday. The issue is action without motivation. Denny Dey, Harnessing Motivation

  16. I said that the issue is not Monday. The issue is action without motivation.
    Denny Dey, Harnessing Motivation
  17. It's time to readjust your mind, Monday mornings no longer have to be a dreaded moment in your life. Funk� Baffour, Good Monday Morning

  18. It’s time to read just your mind, Monday mornings no longer have to be a dreaded moment in your life.
    Funk� Baffour, Good Monday Morning
    Life Changing
  19. Monday is a good day to have a great day! It's all in your attitude.

  20. Monday is a good day to have a great day! It’s all in your attitude.
    Good Day Quotes
  21. New beginnings are available to all of us over fifty times a year; they are called Mondays. Byron Pulsifer

  22. New beginnings are available to all of us over fifty times a year; they are called Mondays.
    New Beginning
  23. Monday is the day to unleash the stamina built up after a relaxing weekend.
  24. You master Monday! You start winning the day! You start winning the week! Then the month! Then the year!
    Eric Thomas
  25. It’s Monday, be awesome today!
  26. Monday is a clean slate day.

  27. The start of your week – Monday is a clean slate day. A day to start afresh with the vigor, optimism, and enthusiasm transferred from a weekend of battery charging.
  28. There is always a miracle at the dawn of Monday; I'm alive. Byron Pulsifer

  29. There is always a miracle at the dawn of Monday; I’m alive.
  30. Life is for the living, and there’s a large difference between living and merely existing. When you can seize your potential and truly feel as if you are doing your best in this life, you are living.
    Patrick King
    Life Poems
  31. One ought, every day at least, to hear a little song, read a good poem, see a fine picture, and, if it were possible, to speak a few reasonable words.
    Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
    Motivational Quotes
  32. Monday, the start of a new week, with brand-new opportunities to enjoy all that life has to offer.
    Audrey Carlan, Lotus House Series Anthology Books
    Enjoy The Moment
  33. Monday would be the start of a whole new chapter in our lives.
    Rob French, Ethan and Troy
    New Chapter
  34. Use the weekend for your regeneration and recovery in order to start the new week strengthened and motivated.
    Andrea Tschirf, ‎Markus Riedenauer, Time Management and Self-Organisation in Academia
  35. You cannot keep determined people from success. If you place stumbling blocks in their way, they will use them for stepping-stones and climb to new heights.
    Mary Kay Ash
  36. Inspirational Quotes for Work on Monday

    Inspirational Quotes for Work on Monday
    Inspiration is lurking everywhere, you just need to know where to look! It’s time to look at work as an opportunity and not a burden. Mondays can be difficult especially if you feel your job is not fulfilling, but maybe this job is a test that you need to pass with flying colors, look at it as a stepping stone to your dream job.

    Work is what you make it, and pays the bills but you know what? It might just pay for your country estate one day!

    So keep yourself motivated and make that money!

  37. Whether you come from a council estate or a country estate, your success will be determined by your own confidence and fortitude.
    Michelle Obama
  38. A failure in planning is a plan for failure.

  39. A failure in planning is a plan for failure.
    Evil Plans – Star War Quotes
  40. Prepare while others are daydreaming. William Arthur Ward

  41. Prepare while others are daydreaming.
    William Arthur Ward
  42. Only a desperate mind, or an open one, has that small window of opportunity to plant new seeds of thoughts.”
Dash Trembley

  43. Only a desperate mind, or an open one, has that small window of opportunity to plant new seeds of thoughts.
    Dash Trembley, I AM Unconditional Love
    Open Minded
  44.  Monday Quotes,There are only two options regarding commitment. You're either IN or your OUT. There is no such thing as life in-between. Pat Riley, Basketball Coach and Player

  45. There are only two options regarding commitment. You’re either IN or your OUT. There is no such thing as life in-between.
    Pat Riley, Basketball Coach and Player

    There are no traffic jams along the extra mile. 
Roger Staubach

  46. There are no traffic jams along the extra mile.
    Roger Staubach
    Funny Good Morning Quotes
  47. You can go to work each day and just punch in on the clock and dread being there and do as little as possible. Or you can show up with enthusiasm and give it your best, knowing that you’re makingthe world a better place.
    Joel Osteen, Daily Readings
    Best Quotes
  48. I believe the first step in any success-sports, work, a service group, whatever-is showing up.
 David DeNotaris

  49. I believe the first step in any success-sports, work, a service group, whatever-is showing up.
    David DeNotaris
  50. Problems teach us life lessons that smooth sailing days don't.
  Calvin K. Lee

  51. Problems teach us life lessons that smooth sailing days don’t.
    Calvin K. Lee, Words of Wisdom, Encouragement, and Inspiration
    Life Lessons
  52. Negative beliefs are the cracks in character that need to be mended if any kind of long-term success is to be achieved.
    Scott Allan

  53. If you are an influencer, even on the smallest of scales, you are a leader and I would encourage you to value your role and use it to bless those who look to you for leadership.
    John Stange
  54. Monday is the start of a brand-new week, and the troubles that happened the week before are in the past. As the saying goes, focus on today, for yesterday is gone and tomorrow may never come.
    Daisy Sutherland, Letting Go of Supermom
  55. It’s a new day, a new week, and a new opportunity for a new you.
    Samuel Fatoki, Be Strengthened With All Might
    New Start 
  56. The good news is that you can have everything you want in life, you can be anything you want to be, you can do everything you want to do, and there is only one condition: you must make a solid commitment to yourself to change your thoughts, the way you think about everything.
    Thomas W. Foster, Your Mind Power Unleashed
    Inspirational Thoughts 
  57. Whatever you do, never stop learning. Creativity, knowledge and productivity are bound together.
    Richard Carroll
  58. Turn each Monday into the same attitude of the day before
 leaving on vacation and you have the recipe for phenomenal productivity.
   Byron Pulsifer

  59. Turn each Monday into the same attitude of the day before leaving on vacation and you have the recipe for phenomenal productivity.
  60. Determination is nothing without dedication and hard work.
    Eshraq Jiad
  61. You can always tell who the most satisfied employees are because they are the very people who express joy and expectation on Monday mornings.
  62. Mediocre outputs may mean downfall to the business since the customers always want the best products and services.
    Philip Vang
    Customer Service
  63. Do not be like those people who keep making excuses and pointing fingers. You have to learn how to change your perspective and adapt to different situations.
    Ryanne Knight
  64. Don’t look at Monday morning just as the day that you must go back to work, be thankful that you have a job to go to, so you can provide for yourself and just be thankful that God chose to wake you up!
    Jameon Ferguson, Monday Inspiration

    People want to be heard and want to be loved. That attitude of 
acceptance and support inspires them to be the best they can be. Bobby Genovese

  65. People want to be heard and want to be loved. That attitude of acceptance and support inspires them to be the best they can be.
    Bobby Genovese
    Inspirational Quotes

    Positive Quotes For Monday

    Positive Quotes For Monday
    Positivity is the name of the game! With a positive attitude, you can really start the week in style! Whatever your week has in store, give it one hundred percent. Show your boss why you have been hired, and not the sea of applicants that also applied for the position.

    By the end of this week, the boss will be practically begging to give you that promotion or bonus! This is the first day of the rest of your life, time to make it count!

    Wisdom is the daughter of experience. Leonardo da Vinci

  66. Wisdom is the daughter of experience.
    Leonardo da Vinci
  67. If you have the right mind-set, you can be just as happy on Monday 
as you are on Friday.  Joel Osteen

  68. If you have the right mind-set, you can be just as happy on Monday as you are on Friday.
    Joel Osteen, Every Day a Friday
  69. You never know where a positive attitude will take you when it comes to working with people.
    Matthew Oleniuk
    Positive Attitude
  70. Be kind, friendly, and respectful even if people are not nice to you. 
 Ellen DeGeneres

  71. Be nice to everyone, even though you don’t want to and you may not like certain people. Be kind, friendly, and respectful even if people are not nice to you.
    Ellen DeGeneres, The Funny Thing Is…
    Be Kind
  72. See yourself as being successful with every interaction that you will participate in, as it will give you the courage to push through with it. Never visualize failure!
    Mia Conrad
  73. Take a new look at your present ‘impossible.’ Consider positive ways to handle it.
    Norman Vincent Peale
    Positive Quotes

     Monday Quotes, I firmly believe that respect is a lot more important, and a lot greater,
 than popularity. Julius Erving

  74. I firmly believe that respect is a lot more important, and a lot greater, than popularity.
    Julius Erving
  75. Each day can count if we learn to live it on purpose rather than passively drifting through the day, allowing the wind of circumstances and distractions to make our choices for us.
Joyce Meyer

  76. Each day can count if we learn to live it “on purpose” rather than passively drifting through the day, allowing the wind of circumstances and distractions to make our choices for us.
    Joyce Meyer, Seize the Day
  77. Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy.
    Dale Carnegie
  78. If you want to know what a man’s like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals.
    J.K. Rowling
  79. Use your imagination to live like a king or a queen. Without an imagination and a positive attitude, you are very poor indeed. With both, there are no limits to the possibilities.
    Barbara “Cutie” Cooper, ‎Chinta Cooper, Fall in Love for Life
  80. When your inner voice tells you it’s Monday morning and you hate your job, turn that into a positive affirmation instead. Tell yourself it’s the beginning of a bright new week and you’re going to make a real difference in your job role.
    Alex Uwajeh, The Power of Positive Affirmations
  81. Today, as you sit here, inventing and creating the week that is ahead of you, you can decide right now that this will be the best week you’ve ever experienced in your life.
    Shirley L. Geer, The Source Is with You
    Positive Thinking
  82. Any of us who have ever been thirsty for encouragement should appreciate the value in offering uplifting words to the people in our lives. Sometimes a person just needs a little inspiration or a different thought to get them propelled in the right direction.
    Tondeleya Allen
    Words of Encouragement
  83. Life can seem short or life can seem long, 
depending on how you live it.  Paulo Coelho

  84. Life can seem short or life can seem long, depending on how you live it.
    Paulo Coelho
    Short Quotes
  85. Being brutally honest with yourself is the best gift you can give yourself. It lets you find things out about yourself you never knew, and things you may discover make you feel good about who you are as a person. Always take time out to look inward.
    Christopher Epstein
  86. The ever dominate and persistent strength of a magnet is my personal desire each Monday morning.
  87. Steve Jobs once said this to the graduating class of Stanford during his speech, “for the past 33 years I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?’ And whenever the answer has been ‘No’ for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.”
    Sandeep Sharma
    Quotes about Change
  88. The essential lesson I’ve learned in life is to just be yourself. Treasure the magnificent being that you are and recognize first and foremost you’re not here as a human being only. You’re a spiritual being having a human experience.
    Wayne Dyer
    Be Yourself
  89. Staying Focused on Mondays

    Staying Focused on Mondays
    Mondays can sometimes seem daunting, A long week of work is ahead of you, but rather than hanging on for the weekend why not make the most of it?

    Think of this as your chance for a promotion, It’s time to show your metal. Stay focused, knuckle down and show the world what you are truly capable of achieving!

    Once the choice is made, do not look back, do not second-guess your decisions. 
 Muhammad Ali

  90. Once the choice is made, do not look back, do not second-guess your decisions.
    Muhammad Ali
  91. Monday Quotes, For me, accountability has its foundations in the past
 but the emphasis is on the future: 
Doing what you said you 
would do within the time frame you agreed to do it. Greg Bustin,  Accountability

  92. For me, accountability has its foundations in the past but the emphasis is on the future: Doing what you said you would do within the time frame you agreed to do it.
    Greg Bustin, Accountability


  93. It's not about ideas. It's about making ideas happen.
 Scott Belsky

  94. It’s not about ideas. It’s about making ideas happen.
    Scott Belsky
  95. Your past can ruin your future, if you allow it.  Yoda  Don't let things that have  happened
 in your past ruin your Monday!

  96. Your past can ruin your future, if you allow it.
  97. Monday Quotes, You are rewarded in this world based on the value that you give to it. Jamie Alderton,  Meltdown

  98. You are rewarded in this world based on the value that you give to it.
    Jamie Alderton, Meltdown
    Monday Motivation Quotes
  99. The past, good or bad, has already happened; there is nothing you can do to change it.
    Frances Trussell, You Are Not Your Thoughts
    Moving Forward
  100. Many people won’t hustle because they’re afraid of failure, but the only way you truly fail is if you choose to stay on the sidelines.
    Mike Schmitz, Thou Shalt Hustle
  101. try harder, dream bigger, do better
 A good thought to start your Monday!

  102. The right people encourage you: To try harder, dream bigger, do better. They bring out the most incredible parts of yourself and make you want to fight harder than ever before.
    Heidi Priebe, This Is Me Letting You Go
    Dream Big  
  103. All you need is passion. If you have a passion for something, you’ll create the talent.
  104. To be able to ask a question clearly is two-thirds of the way to getting it answered. John Ruskin

  105. To be able to ask a question clearly is two-thirds of the way to getting it answered.
    John Ruskin
  106. If you’ve ever felt tempted or succumbed to the temptation to give up in an area of your life, you’ve been bullied by regret.
    Kendra Tillman, You Are Stronger Than You Think
  107. Don’t let there be any mountains to high to climb. Go to the top don’t be deterred, just keep your focus. Don’t let there be any rivers too wide to cross. Wade if you must, but keep your focus.
    Evelyn B, Inspiration
  108. Don’t over stress that it’s a Monday, rather think it’s a great day to start a crisp week.
    Samreen Kausar, CITY BEAT
    Over Stressed 
  109. Your ability to harness your focus and maximize your efforts by putting all of your energy into one direction at a time can make you greatly successful in life, family and business.
    Parker Coward, The Blue Print To Success
  110. If you make a mistake, no matter what, correct your error and keep moving forward.
    Alex Altman
  111. The minds of successful people are well organized and have the ability to focus. If you want to make the most out of your life, developing this kind of mind is essential.
    John Morgan
  112. Why are goals so important? They are the very reason that we are given Mondays in order to move closer to where and what we want to accomplish for the week.
  113. If something were to happen to you tomorrow, what would people remember? Would they remember the hours you worked? Would they remember the material things you own?
    Catherine Pulsifer

    You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream. Les Brown

  114. You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.
    Les Brown
  115. I want Monday back so I can regain the time I lost working on low priorities instead of utilizing my time effectively and efficiently to move the yardsticks of life forward.
  116. A humble person is more concerned about what is right than about being right …
    Stephen Covey
    Famous Quotes
  117. Happy Monday Quotes

    happy monday quotes
    Mondays have a bad rep – that much is true. But why not start your day with a new attitude? An attitude of a modern-day warrior, the attitude of a champion. Tell yourself this every morning before work, not just Mondays.

    This day is my challenge and I will smash it!

    Monday Quotes, Mondays don't have to be terrible; make them magical instead! Kate Hudson, Pretty Fun

  118. Mondays don’t have to be terrible; make them magical instead!
    Kate Hudson, Pretty Fun
    Short Inspirational Quotes
  119. Believe you can and you're halfway there. Theodore Roosevelt

  120. Believe you can and you’re halfway there.
    Theodore Roosevelt
    Believe In Yourself
  121. In our modern world we simply cannot achieve any success or happiness without taking other people into account.
    Les Giblin, How to Have Confidence and Power in Dealing With People
  122. As we start each day, it is up to each of us to choose joy and happiness to encompass our entire day.
    Kathy Henn, Daily Inspiration
    New Day
  123. Monday is like the rising sun. It's time to shine brightly...
  Byron Pulsifer

  124. Monday is like the rising sun. It’s time to shine brightly; to help others overcome their problems; and to honestly encourage others to be more than they think they are.
  125. Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets. 
  Author Unknown

  126. Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets. So love the people who treat you right, forget about the ones who don’t and believe that everything happens for a reason.
    Author Unknown
  127. What I have discovered is that in order to flourish in business or in life, you not only need prosperity, you also need peace.
    Marlene Chism
  128. A good exercise for the heart is bending down and helping someone to get up.
    Helping Others
  129. The benefits of humor are extraordinary. Mary Kay Morrison

  130. The benefits of humor are extraordinary. When there is a fusion of enthusiasm, energy, joy, and hope, a peak experience emerges that most of us identify as a sense of humor.
    Mary Kay Morrison
  131. May you be blessed by having beloved friends to walk alongside you on the road.
  Joanne Kaattari

  132. May you be blessed by having beloved friends to walk alongside you on the road.
    Joanne Kaattari, Sister Soups
  133. Often we forget the importance of kindness and it’s time to bring this back into your life because that leads to moments when you appreciate life more than you can ever imagine.
    Nathan Smart
  134. Maybe it’s good to keep a record of what I accomplished on Monday and use its successes as my launching pad for the rest of the week.
  135. Funny Monday Quotes

    If you need a smile this Monday then read these funny quotes. Mondays can sometimes feel so draggy, however, smiling and laughing can change your attitude!

    Wishing you a Happy Monday full of smiles and laughter! Share these with someone who needs a smile this Monday!

  136. The best way to appreciate your job is to imagine yourself without one.
    Oscar Wilde
    Funny Work Quotes
  137. I have decided to cast my vote for any political candidate whose platform adds Monday to the weekend.
  138. Life is like a ten-speed bike. Most of us have gears we never use.
    Charles M. Schulz
    Funny Quotes about Life
  139. The sun shines everywhere, not just at the beach. Brande Roderick

  140. The sun shines everywhere, not just at the beach.
    Brande Roderick
  141. Luck is the idol of the idle.
    Funny Proverbs
  142. Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid
    Albert Einstein
    Quotes That Make You Smile
  143. Better to lose count while naming your blessings than to lose your blessings to counting your troubles.
    Maltbie D. Babcock
  144. You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. 
 Wayne Gretzky

  145. You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.
    Wayne Gretzky
    Taking Risks
  146. If Mondays were like Sundays nothing would ever get done.
    Catherine Pulsifer

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We hope these Monday quotes have inspired and motivated you to be the best you can be this day.

Don’t let Mondays be a moan and a groan, look forward to the beginning of the week and keep moving towards the goals you have set to achieve the life you desire.

Mondays could be considered a new beginning, the day to start the week with a positive outlook and a determined mind. Happy Monday to You!

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