Top 10 Quotes for the New Year -Start Your Year with a Positive Thought

Top 10 Quotes for the New Year

Catherine Pulsifer, ©2005

I was recently asked what my favorite top 10 inspirational quotes for the New Year were. I really had to give it some thought as there are so many that have helped me over the years. Finally, after much thought, I picked the ones that are my favorite. The point about quotations is that depending on your circumstances, and where you are in life, you will find your favorites will change with time and with your current situation. May these favorite new year quotes be ones that you share with others. We also have new year wishes or a specific new year poem that you can share with others.

I picked these top 10 thinking about my children. If I had to suggest only ten that would influence their life; these are the top 10 I would choose:

  1. “Every problem has a gift for you in its hands.”
    Richard Bach
    How many times have we faced a challenge and we can only see the problem. We don’t look for the gift. We need to change our focus from the problem to the gift. Next time you are faced with a problem, stop and see if you can find the gift. It is amazing what you may find when you really stop and look. It requires a change in attitude, one where rather than focusing on the problem you focus on finding the benefit. At times this is difficult to do, but the solution and the benefit are always there. We can be miserable and let the issue stops us or we can move forward with determination.

  2. “What I do today is important because I am exchanging a day of my life for it.”
    Author Unknown
    Life goes by quickly. And it seems the older we get the quicker life goes by. Don’t waste your days as once the day is gone you will never get it back. Use your time wisely. Just like you spend your money wisely, spend your time in the same manner. You exchange your money for goods or services, think of your days in the same way. Let this quote be one that stays with you as we start a new year, exchange each day of your year for something that you consider important?

  3. “Do or do not, there is no try.”
    When we use the word try we are not fully committing we are only trying. My kids have heard me use this saying many times over. When you ask someone to do something or someone tells you that they are going to “try” then you should remind them of this saying. You see, the word try is actually sending a message to the brain, “well, maybe I could do it.” The response of, “yes I will do it” sends an entirely different message; a message of determination and commitment. So in this coming year, don’t try, just do it!

  4. “Try to do unto others as you would have them do to you, and do not be discouraged if they fail sometimes. It is much better that they should fail than you should.”
    Charles Dickens
    True words of wisdom from Mr. Dickens! When you apply these words to when dealing with other people in your life what a difference it could make. And, in life there are always times when people let us down, or disappoint us, but rather than getting angry or mad, think about how much better it is that they did this rather than you. A golden rule of a success is to treat people like you want to be treated.

  5. “90% of what you worry about never happens, so why waste your time and energy on worrying.”
    Catherine Pulsifer
    So many people waste their time and energy on worrying. If there is something you can do – do it, otherwise, there is no sense worrying. What does worrying add to anyone’s life? Nothing. It solves nothing, it doesn’t make you feel better, it offers no comfort. It truly is a waste of time. If you can fix what you are worrying about then do it, and if you can’t then let it go. Put your energy into something more positive.

  6. “The most wasted of all days is one without laugher.”
    e.e. cummings
    When I first heard this quote I could truly relate to it. It was during a time where I was faced with some issues and I felt very stressed. The people around me at that time were anything but funny. And, I realized that I had to implement this saying in my life. So I watch some 30 minute sitcoms that were funny and found myself laughing and oh, it felt so good. Laughter is good for the soul. It releases stress and makes you feel better. Do this every day for your health. It helps you and you may also find it will help those around you. Never let a day of this new year go by without some laughter in it. Find a reason, do it!

  7. “Cherish life’s simple pleasures.”
    Author Unknown
    It is not the biggest or most expensive things in life that are important. The simple things could be playing with a child, walking in the forest, watching the sunrise, laughing with friends, helping someone, to name only a few. You will find that it is those simple things that will mean the most as you look back over your life. If we had more simplicity in our lives we would be more relaxed. The things we take for granted are often the simple pleasures and when we lose those things we then understand how important they are to us. “Cherish”, such an awesome word, but one that we should remember in our life.

  8. “Life is not measured by the breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath.”
    Author Unknown
    Wise words to always remember as we begin this year. The times in our life that take our breath away are the moments we will always cherish. They are the memories that we have years after the events happen. We can be busy everyday but if we never stop and take the time to smell the roses, or never stop and enjoy the moment we are missing out. If we are continually thinking about tomorrow we miss today. Live each day taking in the moments.

  9. “The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude . . . I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it.”
    Charles Swindoll
    Your attitude will determine your success in life. Keep it positive! When you look at successful people you will see that even faced with failure and challenges, they get back up and go again. They learn, they reassess and they demonstrate determination. No matter what happens in life how you respond to it will determine your happiness and success. There are many things in life that we have no control over, but we always have control over our own attitude. We make a choice every day how we will react to any given situation we find ourselves in. We can demonstrate a positive attitude or a negative one. The choice is ours.

  10. “I’d rather regret the things that I have done than the things that I have not done.”
    Lucille Ball
  11. Words from this famous actress that we all need to remember. Don’t be someone who ends up with regrets because you didn’t follow your dreams. Take that chance, take that risk it will be a memory that will be with you for your life. Every successful person in life takes a risk, there are no guaranteed successes, but if you have a plan, you have determination, and you are willing to work then chances are you are moving towards success. And, even if you are not successful or it doesn’t work out you will learn something, which is never a waste of time! Don’t be one of those people who at year’s end stops and wonders I wonder what would have happened if. . . .

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