Wisdom To Wellness, Inspirational Words of Wisdom

Wisdom To Wellness

Healing Your Emotional Sufferings so Physical Healing Can Follow
By Maureen Minnehan Jones
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Over the years, I have read hundreds of self-help books. Each one of these books certainly had sound advice and many had practical exercises to follow in order to help change or alter one’s life. I also have been a counselor in an employee assistance program and have witnessed first hand the issues and challenges of clients.

But, I wish I had had the opportunity then to have in my possession Maureen Jones’ book, ‘Wisdom to Wellness’ because it represents a work that transcends most healing practices today, and one of the resources that I would have used on a constant basis.

What Maureen Jones has written and practiced is all about a method that takes emotional injuries of the past and brings them to the forefront in order to cast them out of the body and thusly their ill effects on one’s health. In essence, the emotional components that underlie symptoms, a condition, or a disease can be released out of the body.

She has artfully explained how many diseases have their roots within the emotional psychic of the individual and unless dealt with can cause illnesses that are only masked by modern medicine. At the heart of what she calls the Modus Operandi Technique lies the concept of accepting ourselves and instilling self-love for us. As Maureen Jones’ explains, “The most powerful force in life is love…When you’ve mastered loving yourself, you have an excellent chance of healing on every level.”

Inspirational Quotes from the book:

“If we don’t have self-love, we are missing the biggest component of a healthy body. Self-love is its concrete foundation.”

“The medications we take may clear up symptoms, but rarely do people address the underlying cause of illness.”

“The energy of feeling happy is more powerful than food or drugs.”

“The wonderful thing is that once we experience self-love at the core of our being, we can compassionately look inside ourselves and take personal responsibility for our illnesses without pushing any blame buttons.”

“At every moment of life, our bodies are becoming what we think about, which is largely determined by how we are programmed. But we can’t just think our way into healing – we must also feel our way into it. Thought has little power until we put emotion into it.”

“It’s my sincere belief that we came to this life school for experiences to further our soul consciousness through what I call soul discoveries. These discoveries help us accept help us accept total responsiblity for everything that happens to us”

“The most powerful force in life is love.”

When you’ve mastered loving yourself, you have an excellent chance of healing on every level.”

“How many of us treat ourselves as a treasure, as one of the most precious gems in the world?”

“We have the power to consciously choose to not hang on to negative emotions.”

“Try an experiment right now and say the words ‘I can’t’. Do you get a suffocating feeling in your throat, as I do? Now say the words, ‘I can’. Wow! That brings air into my lungs – I can take in a big breath and feel powerful.”

“To me, C – A – N stands for Create Another Norm – that is, to develop new beliefs and different rules to empower people rather than leave them feeling angry and resentful.”

Anger really means there’s a deep need inside that must be fulfilled.”

“Because the human brain recognizes no difference between an image of reality and a visualized image, we can change the cell programming to whatever we want by using focused energy.”

“Remember, the opposite of fear is love – the most powerful ‘drug’ available. Love never masks the soul discoveries we came to learn.”

As I previously mentioned, there are hundreds of self-help books available but you really owe it to yourself, or to your clients, if you are a social worker, or active professional counselor, to make this book a priority on your reading list. I am sure you will discover a resource that you would not only welcome but would use on a continuing basis.The book is available on Amazon – Wisdom to Wellness

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