29 Solitude Quotes
We hope you enjoy our collection of solitude quotes written by wise authors.
We live in a fast-paced, noisy world and sometimes forget to take time for ourselves to look within. Solitude is when we take time out and find a place that is away from the hustle-bustle of society. We use the solitary space to relax and gain insight which will in turn broaden our minds and help us to see life in a different light. Solitude is not loneliness, it is positive and constructive to our personalities and will help us to grow into better more stable beings. So take some essential time out to regain control of your hectic life!
- Solitude is the place where silence allows us to listen.
Greg Robinson, Mark Rose, Teams for a New Generation
Silence Quotes - Seek the quiet around you and then listen to the voice within.
unknown author, US Black Engineer & IT Summer 1988
Listening Quotes - You are no farther from solitude than your own heart. You cannot escape solitude’s workings in your life.
Sr Mary Paul Cutri OCD, Sounding Solitude
Open Minded Quotes - I love being alone. I love reading alone. I love thinking alone.
Zoe Sallis Author, Ten Eternal Questions
Reading Quotes - In solitude you will find yourselves, and the pure thoughts will be realized.
Brian Mellor, Joseph of Arimathea
Finding Yourself Quotes - Solitude is the audience-chamber for God.
Anne C. Lynch
God Quotes - Solitude is the want of the thinker, society the want of the heart.
Ludwig Feuerbach, The Essence of Christianity
Inspirational Thoughts - Solitude is as needful to the imagination as society is wholesome for the character
Character Quotes - If you go into the desert merely to get away from people you dislike, you will find neither peace nor solitude
Thomas Merton, New Seeds of Contemplation
Wise - Find your solitude—in solitude you find yourself.
Subrata Ranjan Chanda, Reinvention 2.0 Edition
Short - In solitude we find the most freedom.
William Paulsell, Taste and See
Short Inspirational - Solitude is a reminder of our innate virtues. Every closed door is a golden opportunity to reconnect with ourselves. And solitude is a gift.
Swati Sharma, The Secret Sauce Is YOU!-Being Your
Gift - Solitude is not foreign to anyone. It is a universal reality which permeates all of our experiences.
Sr. Mary Paul Cutri, OCD, Sounding Solitude
Experience - Solitude is the nurse of enthusiasm, and enthusiasm is the true parent of genius. In all ages solitude has been called for, has been flown to.
Genius - The catarct exults among the hills, and wears its crown of rainbows all alone.
Alexander Smith
Rainbow - Instead, solitude is the space where it is possible to discover the very essence of one’s own being, what is utterly original and uniquely woven into the fabric of one’s being.
Bernadette Flanagan, Beverly Lanzetta, Embracing Solitude
Learning - An affinity for solitude is comparable only to one’s affinity for certain other people. And yet one’s first experience of solitude, like one’s first experience of the other, is fraught with danger.
Unknown Author
Challenge - Solitude is that state in which the soul freely resigns itself to its own reflections.
Johann Georg Zimmermann, Solitude considered
Soul - In as much as solitude is attained through the awareness and acceptance of the unknown depths of the soul, we must now probe some of the experiences in and of these depths in order more fully explicate the difference between solitude and isolation.
M. Henry, The Intoxication of Power
Acceptance - Only in the deepest solitude is it possible to achieve the utter surrender required for creative work.
Writing Alone and with Others, Pat Schneider
Creativity - Devotion is the life of the soul, and solitude is the life of devotion
The Wesleyan methodist association magazine
Life - To live alone, a man must be either a beast or a god. (Aristotle)
Philip Koch, Solitude
Alone - In solitude there grows whatever one brings to it, the inner beast as well.
Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra
Growth - All other virtues must be practiced together with others, but the wise man is more independent than others and can therefore carry out his work alone.
Lars Svendsen, A Philosophy of Loneliness
Wisdom - True solitude is a way of being that needs to be cultivated. You cannot switch it on or off at will. Solitude is an art.
Stephen Batchelor, The Art of Solitude
Art - Oh solitude! You my home solitude! How blissfully and tenderly your voice speaks to me!
Robert J. Coplan, Julie C. Bowker, The Handbook of Solitude
Poems - Not loneliness, not isolation— rather, it is a defining moment, a mysterious invitation into depths, beyond horizons I do not yet know.
Jeremy Hall, Silence, Solitude, Simplicity
Understanding - If you stop and take a few moments of silence and solitude each day, you can build wisdom into your life that will emanate into the way you think, feel, and act.
Jane Dobisz, One Hundred Days of Solitude
Feeling - Thinking in solitude is about coming to know oneself, which is the condition for knowing how to live with others.
Agata Stachowicz Stanusch, Wolfgang Amann, Fostering Sustainability
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