Closure Quotes to Help You Find Resolution
Be inspired by our collection of Closure Quotes. Closure is a process that everyone must come to terms with at some point in their lives. You could need closure in so many different areas, It could be a harsh break up from a long-term relationship/marriage, or you could have lost a close loved one; it could even be from losing your job. My point is understanding the causes of why you need closure is essential. Finding out why things didn’t work out is the difference between improving and becoming stagnant. Nothing and no one can stop you from achieving the closure you need to finish the previous chapter of your life. It can be done through soul searching and mindfulness. It just takes time.
The one exception to this rule is the grief of a loved one passing away. It would be fantastic if there were a magic button we could press to remove the pain and suffering caused by death but, unfortunately, the only way to heal is to keep going. Time is the best healer, it may sound corny, but it’s very accurate.
Page Contents:
Closure after Losing a Loved One
Closure Before Starting A New Chapter In Life
Published by: Ben Gillison
- Once we have achieved inner balance, we don’t need closure from an outside source. We find closure in the perfection of the Soul and in the balanced state of mind we have when we are fully connected with our True Self.
Cassandra Blizzard, The Empowered Life + Part 2
Balance Quotes - People don’t like things dangling indefinitely; they want closure. This sense of psychological completeness is calming to one’s spirit and psyche.
Douglas Hughes, Purging the Grief
Keep Calm Quotes - Sometimes you do need closure in your life to get a clear sense at the end and to know about why it started and why it ended. Closure happens right after, when you accept that letting go and moving on is more important than dwelling on your past and wondering how it would have worked out
Rutuja Naik, Give faith a chance
Acceptance Quotes - But I still need closure, The hold my past has on me Is a great weight on my shoulder.
Tiffany Miles, Life Happens
Past Quotes - Suffice it to say that at some point we need closure. Life goes on for most, but some folks become bitter and continually live in the past.
Wade Powers, The Covenant Divorce Recovery Leader’s Handbook
Letting Go Quotes - Reality is we need closure, for every situation, why this person is toxic, why this object is useless, what am I doing wrong?
Himanshi Chawla, Yashashvi Arora, You & Me
Narcissist Quotes - If we had our way, we’d square everything off in life perfectly, like reading the final pages of a book and putting it back on the bookshelf before we start a new one. If only life was that neat and tidy.
Lisa Messenger, Break-ups & Breakthroughs
Books - Closure is brilliant in books and movies as a way to wrap things up in a satisfactory manner, but real life is rarely so simple.
Mandi Em, Witchcraft Therapy
Life is Short - The principle of closure is seeking a release from tension. The more that tension builds, the more we desire to find a resolution. The greater the tension, the greater the pleasure in finding closure…
Aaron L. Ashford, Closure
Desire Quotes - The problem is that there is more enthusiasm for finding closure than for finding meaning.
Pauline Boss, AARP Loving Someone Who Has Dementia
Meaning of Life - Finding closure opens the door for us to see the new path we will take on our journey of life and living.
Debbie Ziemann, Journey to New Beginnings:
Enjoy the Journey - Whatever the endings, closure does not foreclose awareness but instead opens it—to suffering, to acceptance, to reconstruction, but always to the story of what was, is, and might be.
Jody Lyneé Madeira, Killing McVeigh
Wisdom - The quest for closure is a journey of introspection, utterance, response, further introspection, further utterance, further response—an endlessly unfolding human text.
Gooding, Kayla Blaze
Journey - Moving on is all about deciding that whatever your future holds is far more important than anything you are holding onto in your past.
Naureen Youssef, Bits & Pieces
Decision - People tell me I should be finding “closure” in my grief, but that’s a misconception. My love and grief will never end. I will never fully close the door on my loss.
Alan D. Wolfelt, 365 Days of Understanding Your Grief
Grief - Not being capable of mending differences or finding closure with a loved one will stay and eat at you forever.
Patricia Laurel, Mandarin Mannequins of Chinatown
Pain - Finding closure can be one of the most important challenges in dealing with grief. For some, there is no closure.
Uma Girish, Understanding Death
Challenge - The concept of closure is built on two discredited myths—that grief has a timetable, and that we can somehow move beyond our grief by letting go or detaching from the person we loved.
Kenneth J. Doka, Grief Is a Journey
Wisdom - Grief cannot be forced or pushed or closed off from our minds. There is no magic formula for working through grief. The fact of the matter is that grief must be expressed and dealt with.
Gerald Miller, Pastoral Counseling
Quotes to Live By - If you were the one left hanging and clueless after the breakup, then you need to find closure first.
RD king, Ex Attraction Secrets
Relationship - How do we honor the unfolding and closing of the relationship? Boundaries must be clear, preparations for breaks in the schedule (vacations, etc.) must be thoughtful, and lots of time should be left for closure. Grief work takes time.
Kenneth J. Doka, Living With Grief
Honor - I find that talks of closure and apologies must be made and agreed upon before starting fresh, or resentment may be underlying in the relationship.
Aesha Waks, Swipe
Sorry - With time, patience and work you can reach a better place: A place of healing, happiness and closure.
Michael Louis Eads, A Man’s Feelings
Healing - The only way you feel you will ever get closure is to talk with your ex and understand how and why this happened.
Atlantic Publishing Group Inc, Every Young Adult’s Break-Up Survival Guide
Understanding - The closure I placed on this chapter of my life, in the beginning wasn’t easy because we still had a lot of healing to do. But as we all know, living life is like writing a book.
Carrie Bertrand, Awareness
New Chapter - Whatever the thread, there comes a time when you have to face it head on and close that chapter of your life so that you can heal and move on to the success you are entitled to.
Brigid Curran, Transform your Psyche
Success - If a person tells you that it’s over close that chapter of your life and move on. It’s not meant for them to continue on that journey with you. Don’t keep a person around to make them happy or because you feel like you owe them something instead do what makes you happy.
Shalona L. Amos, Diary of a Sex Addict
Choose to Be Happy - Close that chapter of your life, and get on with your wonderful future.
Jan Jovaag Ansorge, When You Are Facing a Divorce
Future - It’s time to close that chapter of your life and move on. You did the best you could. You could have done worse. You didn’t. For that, you can be grateful, giving yourself some credit for what you did right and what you did well in a difficult period of your life.
Hamilton Beazley, No Regrets
Wasting Time - Not every problem has a happy ending, but it should have an ending.
Hidden Secrets
Problem Quotes - You have to accept that some chapters in our lives have to close without closure.
Ashleigh K Guice, How to X Your Ex
One line Quotes On Life
Closure Quotes
Closure after Losing a Loved One
Losing a loved one is possibly the hardest thing any of us will ever have to endure. I have lost 3 close family members in my lifetime and each one of them tore me apart, the idea of closure on their deaths is not comforting to me as it almost feels like a disrespect to them in some way. My grief is for life, but it is true what they say, it does get easier in time. If you have lost someone recently my heart goes out to you, death affects us all in different ways and I hope that you can find some sort of calm in wake of the storm.
Closure After a Break-Up
Withstanding the emotional trauma from a breakup is brutal, you will get through it though, even if right now it doesn’t feel like it. Unfortunately, when going through a breakup it can feel exactly like the feelings of a loved one passing away. You grieve in the same way, sometimes for life. The closure is essential for your recovery and finding out what went wrong, and understanding it will help you in a big way. If your ex won’t tell you why, then there is a good chance he/she is trying to protect your feelings, even if they may not be doing it in the right way. Respect is key here from both sides.
Closure Before Starting A New Chapter In Life
A fresh start in life is exactly what we all dream about at some point in our lives. It doesn’t solve everything but it can certainly lift your mood and give you countless new opportunities. Not many people actually have the guts to uplift and leave including me, even though I have thought about it so many times! So if you are about to do it then I send you good luck tidings on your journey!
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