33 Past Quotes, Inspirational Words of Wisdom

33 Past Quotes

Here we have a collection of Past quotes that we hope will help to open your mind, inspire or motivate you. Sourced from a variety of wise authors, these quotes may give you the clarity you are seeking, to enable you to let go of traumatic past experiences. The past tense as we know is used to describe something that has already happened. Sometimes you will look back at the past with regret, pain, anger, or perhaps guilt. I’m not saying you should take these emotions, lock them up and throw away the key but rather deal with them head-on then find a way to move forward. This is the healthy thing to do.Of course, we have experiences in the past which we love to reflect upon, happy memories of places or people. These are the experiences in which we should hang on to, the memories that make us smile!

    A well-loved past enriches the world around us. David Lowenthal, The Past is a Foreign Country

  1. A well-loved past enriches the world around us.
    David Lowenthal, The Past is a Foreign Country
    Love and Life Quotes
  2. We are mindful as we acknowledge our past as an inevitable and subtle stowaway in our lives.
    David Richo, When the Past Is Present
    Acknowledgement Quotes
  3. After you learn from your past, let go of it.
    Juli J. McFarland, The Past, Present, and Future You
    Letting Go Quotes
  4. The past is passed. You wouldn’t drive with most or all of your focus on the rearview mirror (at least not for long!) — so why do it in life?
    Elaine Harrison, Today Is the Day You Change Your Life
    Focus Quotes
  5. The past exists so you may make your future brighter. Vincent Carotenuto, Reaching the Pinnacle of Your Emotions

  6. The past exists so you may make your future brighter.
    Vincent Carotenuto, Reaching the Pinnacle of Your Emotions
    Future Quotes
  7. We have no control over our past or the future. But, we have total control over the present moment.
    Angela Peris, Loving Your Heart
    Control Quotes
  8. Learn from your past mistakes as well as your triumphs.
    Betty Jane Rapin, Make the Divine Connection for a Spiritualized consciousness
    Mistake Quotes
  9. The wisest judgments take into account all your errors, all the mistakes of the past, and everything you have learned from them.
    Gerard I. Nierenberg, Earn from Your Mistakes
    Wise Quotes
  10. By understanding your past and being aware of your present, you can build a future that has meaning for you.
    David W. Johnson, Human Relations and Your Career
    Understanding Qutoes
  11. The past should never be discounted as a shameful memory, or something so easily forgotten.
Lisa Olivares Young, Walking with God Is a Divine Journey

  12. The past should never be discounted as a shameful memory, or something so easily forgotten.
    Lisa Olivares Young, Walking with God Is a Divine Journey
    Memory Quotes
  13. Understanding your past is only useful for understanding why you are the way you are right now. But once that’s done, it’s time to LOOK FORWARD to the FUTURE.
    Salay Kekula, Secrets to Reaching Your Destiny
    Looking Forward
  14. By faith you must learn from your past, build upon your past, and do better than you did in the past.
    Jerry Falwell, Building Dynamic Faith
  15. Forgiveness is the ointment needed to heal the wound; the scar might remain, but the pain is gone. You are truly free when your past no longer has an effect on you.
    Lynn Earl Kirkland, Know Your Enemy and His Tactics
  16. You do not have to reflect on your past to make it through another day. You only have to continue to wake up. However, to positively CHANGE tomorrow, or to make an improvement, you must reflect on your past.
    Unknown author, Flying Safety
  17. The feeling of past time is a present feeling. William James, Psychology

  18. The feeling of past time is a present feeling.
    William James, Psychology
  19. Successful grieving over past events leads to acceptance of what happened and recovery.
    Roy Krawitz, ‎Wendy Jackson, Borderline Personality Disorder
  20. The past does not define the limits of the future – only the conditions for its change.
    International Journal of Women’s Studies change
  21. We must accept the past for what it is – the past.
    Gerry Reid, ASK for Success!
  22. Be compassionate with yourself and let go of judgment about past choices.
    Lauren E. Sullivan, Give Wings to Your Dreams
  23. Everyone walks on the earth, but there are those who walk like slaves, with no freedom at all. They are sucked in by the future or by the past, and they are not capable of dwelling in the here and now, where life is available.
Ross Thompson, Wounded Wisdom

  24. Everyone walks on the earth, but there are those who walk like slaves, with no freedom at all. They are sucked in by the future or by the past, and they are not capable of dwelling in the here and now, where life is available.
    Ross Thompson, Wounded Wisdom
  25. My past still structures my present being and my future possibilities, regardless of whether I regret lost opportunities or feel privileged because it has taken me to an excellent position from which I can venture further into the future.
    Jan Baars, Aging and the Art of Living
  26. Inspire yourself with inspiration to let go of the past, inspire yourself with inspiration to move forward from what you’ve once had.
    Black Barbie, Inspire 2B Inspired
    Moving Forward
  27. The best worth of the past is to inspire and guide fresh fidelity. Let its failures warn and its successes encourage.
    Federic Dan Huntington, The Monthly Religious Magazine and Theological Review
  28. Let go of the past, but keep the good memories.
    Michelle McKinney Hammond, Get Over It and On with It: How to Get Up When Life Knocks you down
    Memory Quotes
  29. Learn from the past, but do not stay there.
    Izell Kirkpatrick, Accept Your Past, Embrace Your Present, Anticipate Your Future
    Learning Quotes
  30. You see, The Law of Attraction is a matter of focusing upon today and letting go of the past.
    J. M. Edwards, The Law of Attraction for Sales
    Law of Attraction
  31. Love your past for the lessons it has given you, but don’t hover there. Turn and greet your future by facing forward.
    Beverly M. Breakey, Choose Life!
  32. My hope comes in knowing that though the past cannot be erased, it can be dealt with, and lived with, and then left behind.
    Deborah Roberts, ‎Kay Scott
    Overcoming Obstacles
  33. If you live your life to the fullest each day, the past won’t matter, and the future will take care of itself.
    Judd Biasiotto, In Pursuit of Excellence and Self-Fulfillment
    Live Life
  34. Prying into the past won’t get us anywhere. The problem lies in the future, or to be more accurate, in the present.
    Mitsubishi Keizai Kenkyūjo, MERI’s Monthly Circular
  35. The past does not define you, those who have hurt you do not define you, and your circumstances do not define who you are.
    Dr. Don Woodard, Restored
    Be Yourself
  36. I know it’s time for me to let go of the past bitterness and hurt and to never look back.
    Sharon Elaine Green, Hanging on by the Strength of My Tears
  37. It is vain to wander among the ashes and wrecks of past failure. Unknown Author, The Religious Magazine and Monthly Review

  38. It is vain to wander among the ashes and wrecks of past failure.
    Unknown Author, The Religious Magazine and Monthly Review

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