34 Kind Heart Quotes Inspirational Words of Wisdom

34 Kind Heart Quotes

Be inspired by our collection of kind heart quotes. Having a kind heart will get you far in life, that’s a given, but sometimes it can be easier said than done. Sometimes when you feel that you have been wronged in some way it can be very difficult to reciprocate with kindness, but believe me when I say if you can muster the courage to put on a brave face and return with kind words, the chances are it is going to defuse the situation and play into your hand quite well.

When hostility is met with kindness it can really turn the tides, showing others love and opening your heart can lower the defenses of the opposing party and bring them down to a calmer level leaving them open to reason.

Kind-hearted people are always more sought after than people that do not care about others. You don’t see statues of the world’s most cold-hearted people erected, do you? I have always strongly believed that to make a name for yourself you need to start with others, show the world that even though there is plenty of bad out there, there is also huge amounts of good, and that good starts with you!

So my parting message is this. Start your day every day with the term how I can help people today? How can I show my significant other the kindness they deserve. How can I show my colleagues, (no matter how far down the ladder they are) that my heart is kind?

You can do it!

Page Contents:

Kind Heart Quotes 1 – 25

Published by: Ben Gillison

    A kind heart always leads to beautiful things. Kadek Yoga Pramartha, Diary of An Ordinary Contemplator

  1. A kind heart always leads to beautiful things.
    Kadek Yoga Pramartha, Diary of An Ordinary Contemplator
    Kindness Quotes
  2. Let your kind heart be the very thing others remember you by.
    Kylie Riordan, When Soul Is Life
    Remember Quotes
  3. A kind heart is also a generous heart.
    Albert Joseph Mary Shamon, Our Lady Says
    Generosity Quotes
  4. Being a boss lady with a kind heart is not easy, But a girl can do it.
    Harkirat Singh, Jyoti, Vinita, Lady Boss With A Kind Heart
    Strong Women
  5. Having a kind heart toward yourself lightens the pain of failures and faults, provides the space in which you can grow, and lays a good basis for loving relationships with others.
    Kathleen McDonald, Awakening the Kind Heart
    Failure Quotes
  6. With a kind heart, we don’t want to harm others. Ethical conduct flows naturally. With a kind heart, we don’t want to harm ourselves, and we disengage from self-sabotaging activities.
    Thubten Chodron, Awaken Every Day
  7. You will find that the most kind hearted people are kind to animals. He who treats his horses and cows with care and tenderness, will not neglect his wife and children.
    Oliver Angell, The Child’s Fourth Book
    Animal Quotes
  8. Protect and cocoon the love and kind heart that you hold within you.
    Elizabeth Villani, Love
    Love Quotes
  9. What matter most is your kind heart you’re always giving but want nothing in return. You are a true angel from god.
    Kimberly Lane, Emotions
    Giving Quotes
  10. I have a good mind, a kind heart, and a gentle spirit. Nicholas Mag, 1700 Mental Triggers to Love

  11. I have a good mind, a kind heart, and a gentle spirit.
    Nicholas Mag, 1700 Mental Triggers to Love
  12. Even before we met, before I heard your solemn voice, before I caught a glimpse of your honest eyes and knew your kind heart, I knew it was you.
    Sandy Appleyard, Would You Still Love Me?
  13. A kind heart loves those to whom it does good, and the love it bestows is above every other of its gifts.
    Reverend J. Guibert, On the Exceeding Worth of Kindness
  14. A loving heart is a kind heart. Love is kind.
    Albert J. Shamon, Our Lady Says
    Daily Inspiration
  15. If you live with a kind heart toward others and not yet to yourself, the journey of self-love awaits and looks forward to your company.
    Bronnie Ware, Your Year for Change
    Love Yourself
  16. Your kind heart, deeply imprinted in my heart; How can your sincere love not make me drunk?
    Fan HuaLuoXue, Romantic Love Letter
  17. The most important thing in life is to have a kind heart, for if the heart be kind the actions will be good, but if the heart be bad the actions will be bad.
    C. R. Stewart, The Law of Love
  18. I love her for her brilliant mind and kind heart.
    Susanna Ives, Wicked, My Love
    Love Quotes For Her
  19. Forgiveness is of a kind heart against all obstacles that are placed before you, leaving you whole and united with a peace mission in your own heart and soul.
    Halina B. Slowik, Journey of Freedom from Illness and Disease
  20. The world that we live in is a harsh one and bad things are always going to happen, but do not let the world take away your genuine and kind heart.
    Dorothy Anne Field, Finding Yourself In Between Falling In Love
    Positive Attitude
  21.  A kind heart is the essential cause of happiness. Being kind to others is the nicest thing we can do for ourselves. Thubten Chodron, Open Heart, Clear Mind

  22. A kind heart is the essential cause of happiness. Being kind to others is the nicest thing we can do for ourselves.
    Thubten Chodron, Open Heart, Clear Mind
  23. Being kind‐hearted is more than being nice or friendly. It is giving selflessly, acting with generosity and experiencing great joy in the happiness of others.
    Dr. Robert Kiltz, The Art of Living With Intent
  24. In the practice of healing, a kind heart is as valuable as medical training, because it is the source of happiness for both oneself and others.
    Exploring Issues of Care, Dying and the End of Life
  25. To develop a kind heart is to invoke our humanness, that ability we all have to envision and share deeply in the reality and existence of others.
    Solala Towler, The Tao of Intimacy and Ecstasy
  26. To have a sweet temper and loving disposition and a kind heart is worth more than tons of gold.
    Robert C. Worstell, This Peace is For You
  27. A kind heart is the framework of the world’s good
    Richard, ‎Michael Kellogg, ‎Richard Kellogg, A Family’S Gift
    Inspirational Sayings
  28. A kind motivation or a kind heart is an extremely valuable quality.
    The Dalai Lama, ‎Kamalashila, Stages of Meditation
  29. A kind heart is a fountain of gladness, making everything in its vicinity freshen into smiles.
    Louise B. Moll, Cryptogram-a-day Book
  30. A kind Heart is a greater blessing to its possessor, than it can be to any other person who may receive benefit from it.
    Samuel Richardson, A Collection of the Moral and Instructive Sentiments
  31. I can tell you that being next to a kind heart is a warm feeling. As your heart becomes kind, your words become kind as well. As your words become kind, your spouse’s heart—and yours—will be impacted to become more kind.
    Douglas Weiss, The 7 Love Agreements
  32. Wise leaders know that having a kind heart is essential, especially when leading a group of people and doing tough things. 
David R. Shostak PMP, Project Management in the Real World

  33. Wise leaders know that having a kind heart is essential, especially when leading a group of people and doing tough things.
    David R. Shostak PMP, Project Management in the Real World
  34. The man who has a kind heart will have a kind tongue. It will be the rule of his life to speak kind words.
    James Henry Potts, Our Thrones and Crowns and how to Reach Them
    Acts of Kindness
  35. A man with a kind heart will go extra mile for his family. He would deny himself the excesses of life to make his wife and family comfortable.
    Sonny J. Akpan, Bringing Back Glamour into Marriage
  36. Anyone who is true to himself and has a kind heart will receive an appropriate return.
    Mun Kin Chok, Chinese Leadership Wisdom from the Book of Change
    Inspirational Thoughts
  37. A kind heart will lead to kind actions. Despise not the good-will of the meanest, for the time may come when it may be of the greatest service to you.
    Cornelius Van Santvoord, ‎Tayler Lewis, Memoirs of Eliphalet Nott

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